The Squid's Ear Magazine

Frey, Jurg / Quatuor Bozzini / Konus Quartett : Continuite, Fragilite, Resonance (elsewhere)

Continuity, Fragility, Resonance is an extended compositions by Jürg Frey orchestrated for an octet of a string quartet and a saxophone quartet, here recorded after the 2021 premier of the work in a 2022 3-day recording session in Bern, Switzlerland in the presence of the composer at the Auditorium of Zentrum Paul Klee; gorgeous and delicate.

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Jurg Frey-composer

Clemens Merkel-violin

Alissa Cheung-violin

Stephanie Bozzini-viola

Isabelle Bozzini-cello

Fabio Oehrli-soprano saxophone

Jonas Tschanz-alto saxophone

Christian Kobi-tenor saxophone

Stefan Rolli-baritone saxophone

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Label: elsewhere
Catalog ID: elsewhere 026
Squidco Product Code: 33356

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2023
Country: USA
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold
Recorded at Auditorium Zentrum Paul Klee, in Bern, Switzerland, on August 9th, 10th and 11th, 2021, by Fabio Oehrli and Urs Haller.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"Continuité, fragilité, résonance is a 51-minute piece written by Jürg Frey in 2020-2021 for octet: string and saxophone quartets.

The Montréal-based Quatuor Bozzini and the Bern-based Konus Quartett premiered the piece in September 2021, and later recorded it for this album with the presence of the composer, during a three-day recording session in August 2022 at the Auditorium of Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern, Switzerland. Both quartets have premiered other works of Frey's in the past and have a deep understanding of the composer, performing his pieces masterfully with their mature and sensitive musicianship."-elsewhere

"In movement, music has an energy that moves forward, in stillness, music sinks into the vertical depth of the moment.

Music thrives on this dynamic contrast, and the special moments of stillness in a composition have fascinated and touched composers time and again throughout the centuries.

Music can also have its starting point in silence, yes, even more, this silence can be the foundation of an entire composition. In this sense, the new piece will work with sound movements and stillness, but always develop these phenomena out of silence and lead them back into silence, thus creating its own acoustic reality of concentration and deepening."-Jürg Frey

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The Squid's Ear!

Artist Biographies

"Jürg Frey was born in 1953 in Aarau, Switzerland. Following his musical education at the Concervatoire de Musique de Genève, he turned to a career as a clarinetist, but his activities as composer soon came to the foreground. Frey developed his own language as a composer and sound artist with the creation of wide, quiet sound spaces. His work is marked by an elementary non-extravagence of sound, a sensibilty for the qualities of the material, and precision of compositional approach. His compositions sometimes bypass instrumentation and duration altogether and touch on aspects of sound art. He has worked with compositional series, as well as with language and text. Some of these activities appear in small editions or as artist's books as individual items and small editions (Edition Howeg, Zurich; weiss kunstbewegung, Berlin; complice, Berlin). His music and recordings are published by Edition Wandelweiser. Frey has been invited to workshops as visiting composer and for composer portraits at the Universität der Künste Berlin, the Universität Dortmund and several times at Northwestern University and CalArts. Some of the other places his work has developed are the concerts at the Kunstraum Düsseldorf, the Wandelweiser-in-Residence-Veranstaltungen in Vienna, the Ny music concerts in Boras (Sweden), the cooperation with Cologne pianist John McAlpine, the Bozzini Quartet (Montréal), QO-2 (Bruxelles), Die Maulwerker, incidental music, as well as the regular stays in Berlin (where during the last years many of his compositions were premiered). Frey is a member of the Wandelweiser Komponisten Ensemble which has presented concerts for more than 15 years in Europe, North America and Japan. Frey also organizes the concert series moments musicaux aarau as a forum for contemporary music."

-Other Minds (

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"Clemens Merkel's unconventional sound defines a new sensibility in contemporary music, through its intimate purity of tone, its settled understanding of microtonal or unconventional harmonic language, and its unhurried sensitivity. He is well known for innovative interpretations of Bach and John Cage, and is sought after by composers worldwide as an inspiration for new repertoire. His diverse collaborators range from the Wandelweiser collective to Montréal's Musique Actuelle community, and from emerging experimentalists to today's most revered composers.

For over a decade, Merkel's unusual sound has fused with that of the Quatuor Bozzini, considered one of the world's leading string quartets. Together they have mentored an entire generation of creators through the Composer's Kitchen; have released numerous critically acclaimed albums on their collection qb label; undertake multiple tours annually to be featured at festivals worldwide; and maintain a profound impact on the music scene across Canada and Europe in particular. They nourish Montréal audiences with unusual self-produced events that bridge worlds and cross boundaries of style, generation and culture.

Following an early career in Europe, where he contributed to the continent's leading ensembles, Merkel has made Montréal his home since 2000. He supports and advocates for new music in Québec and in Canada, and is regularly sought after as speaker, curator and adviser. His presence is felt in academia as well, through articles written for the Revue Circuit, and through his teaching at Concordia University. He's a passionate chef and lives in Montréal's Portuguese neighborhood together with his wife Isabelle Bozzini and children Félix and Béatrice."

-Quatuor Bozzini website (

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" "... classical music without pretence... " is Alissa Cheung's approach to her multi-faceted career. A native of Edmonton (Alberta) violinist and composer, Ms Alissa Cheung (BSc '07, BMus '09, MM '13), is a tenured member of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (ESO) since 2010 and will move to Montréal in January 2015 to join the Bozzini Quartet.

She has been involved with the Alberta Baroque Ensemble, and has performed as a soloist and chamber musician in Canada, USA, Europe and Japan. Career highlights include performances at Carnegie Hall and Suntory Hall, and solos with the ESO and the Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Orchestra. Ms Cheung has been featured in Vue Weekly Magazine and Edmonton Sun, and was aired on CBC, CKUA, and WKPN Radio.

An adamant interpreter of new music, Alissa has performed numerous contemporary works and was an Artist in Residence at the Bang on a Can Summer Festival (2011), at the and at the Lucerne Festival Academy (2013).

As a composer, her works have been performed at the Tonus Vivus Festival of New Music (Edmonton), Jordan Hall (Boston), Morse Recital Hall (New Haven, CT), and the Conservatoire de musique de Montréal. Upcoming projects include a commission by the Arx Duo and the Bass Line Road Ensemble. Ms Cheung studied composition with Hannah Lash (Yale) and Piotr Grella-Mozejko (Edmonton).

In addition to private teaching, Ms Cheung has been Sessional Instructor at King's University College and faculty member of the Alberta College Conservatory of Music. Educational outreach initiatives include being a Teaching Artist with ESO's Adopt-a-Player Program and with the National Arts Centre's Music Alive Program.

Ms Cheung's principal violin teachers were Marian Moody, Ranald Shean, Broderyck Olson (Edmonton), Thomas Williams (McGill), and Ani Kavafian (Yale). Other influential coaches include Malcolm Lowe, Mark Fewer, Rafael Rosenfeld, Kyoko Hashimoto, and members of the former Tokyo, Juilliard and Concord string quartets."

-Quatuor Bozzini Website (

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"Stéphanie Bozzini. Born Montréal, Québec, 1974. Performer (viola)

Stéphanie Bozzini is a founding member of the Bozzini Quartet, a new music string quartet which performs regularly in major festivals throughout Canada, the United States, Europe and South America. Her curiosity and interest in a number of musical styles, from historically informed period instrument playing to contemporary improvisation, have led her to become a remarkably versatile musician.

Solo performances include Huddersfield (UK), Ostrava Days Festival (Czech Rep), NY MUSIK (Sweden), and REDCAT CalArts (Los Angeles). She is principal viola with Arion, and plays regularly with other baroque music groups including Tafelmusik, Theatre of Early Music and SMCQ. Stéphanie has been a long-time collaborator with contemporary ensembles Bradyworks and Kore, as well as Ensemble Lunaire (Zürich). Major orchestral engagements include the Tonhalle of Zurich and the Winterthurer Stadtorchester, and chamber orchestras such as I Musici and Les Violons du Roy. Other chamber music projects have led to performances at The Banff Centre for the Arts, the Tonhalle Zurich, and the Festival des Îles du Bic. Stéphanie Bozzini teaches viola at the Music Department, Concordia University in Montréal."

-Quatuor Bozzini Website (

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"Isabelle Bozzini. Born Montréal, Québec, 1969. Performer (cello).

A passionate chamber player, cellist Isabelle Bozzini is dedicated to exploring two parallel worlds - new music of all kinds and music on period instruments. This endeavour continuously challenges her and nourishes her artistic aspirations.

She is a founding member of the Quatuor Bozzini which since its inception in 1999 has become one of Canada's leading string quartets on national and international scenes. Playing close to forty concerts per year, the Bozzinis produce their own concert series in Montréal including the Salon des compositeurs + Composer's Kitchen event. They tour several times per year in Europe, the US and Canada and have launched the label collection qb in the Fall of 2004 in collaboration with DAME. Isabelle Bozzini also works with Kore Ensemble, and various improvising artists such as Malcolm Goldstein, François Houle, Benoît Delbecq, Diane Labrosse and Jean Derome. Having collaborated for many years with Joël Thiffault and the Montréal Baroque Orchestra, Isabelle Bozzini now plays regularly with Ensemble Arion. She also plays with Idées Heureuses, Ensemble Caprice, the Studio de Musique Ancienne de Montréal, and French harpsichordist and conductor Hervé Niquet."

-Quatuor Bozzini Website (

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Fabio Oehrli is a Swiss saxophonist, a member of Konus Quartett.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"The Swiss saxophonist Jonas Tschanz takes on a broad musical repertoire. A particular interest is in contemporary music. As a passionate chamber musician, he performs internationally in various formations. He is a permanent member of the BlattWerk quintet, the SÆITENWIND trio, the Melisma saxophone quartet and the Konus quartet. His busy concert career has taken him through Europe, Asia and North America, where he has appeared at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, the National Center of Performing Arts Beijing and the Izumi Hall Osaka.

As a soloist he has performed with various orchestras, including the Camerata Schweiz and the Biel Solothurn Symphony Orchestra. He was also a guest at festivals such as the Bach Festival Dordrecht (NL), Davos Festival, Lucerne Festival and the Grieg Festival in Bergen (N). His performances have been recorded and broadcast by Dutch Radio4, Swiss SRF2 and ESPACE2. Jonas Tschanz is an accredited member of the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich and a regular guest with orchestras such as the Bern Symphony Orchestra, the Ensemble Phoenix and the Ensemble Proton. He has played under the direction of renowned conductors such as Sir Simon Rattle and Kent Nagano

He has received several awards for his solo and chamber music performances, including from the Marianne and Curt Dienemann Foundation, the ORPHEUS Swiss Chamber Music Competition and the Concours Nicati. He was also a scholarship holder from the Ernst Göhner Foundation and Migros Culture Percentage. In 2015 he was honored with the Culture Promotion Prize of the City of Thun. In addition, he is an ambassador for the instrument manufacturer Henri Selmer Paris.

Jonas Tschanz completed his instrumental studies with Christian Roellinger in Bern and with Arno Bornkamp in Amsterdam before obtaining a specialized master's degree in contemporary music from the Hochschule für Musik Basel with Marcus Weiss, Jürg Henneberger and Mike Svoboda."

-Jonas Tschanz Website (Translated by Google) (

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"Born in Berne (Switzerland). Studied classical music at the Hochschule für Musik in Basel with further studies undertook in Paris (Cité Internationale des Arts), Lucerne (postgraduate degree) and Zurich (Master of Music in Performance) in the fields of improvisation and contemporary composition. Numerous appearances at home and abroad, solo and together with various improvising music ensembles in Australia, USA, Japan, UK, Lybanon etc. 2004 Founder and artistic director of "zoom in", a festival for improvised music at Berne Minster. 2006 Co-founder of the new music label "CUBUS RECORDS". 2012/13 Artistic director of Szofa Budapst (supported by Pro Helvetia)"

-Christian Kobi Website (

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Stefan Rolli is a Swiss saxophonist, a member of Konus Quartett.

-Discogs (

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Track Listing:

1. Continuite, Fragilite, Resonance 51:08

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The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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