The Squid's Ear Magazine

La Casa, Eric

L'inspir du Rivage part 2&3 [VINYL 7-inch]

La Casa, Eric: L'inspir du Rivage part 2&3  [VINYL 7-inch] (Povertech / Joe Colley)

First stock of this 1999 7" from French sound artist Eric La Casa created as part of Joe Colley's "Explorer" series, the title translating to "the shore breathing" where each composition develops from field recordings of water, the first part more naturalist and adhering to the initial recordings, the second using sound processing to create something unique and mesmerizing.

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Eric La Casa-field recordings

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Label: Povertech / Joe Colley
Catalog ID: px003
Squidco Product Code: 28470

Format: 7" Record
Condition: New
Released: 1999
Country: USA
Packaging: 7" Record
Recorded in Rovinj, Istria-Croatia, in June, 1995, and April, 1997.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"I don't know if it is because I never stop keeping my ears open to what is welling out and humming through water in any landscape, but when Joe Colley proposed to me to take part in his series Explorer, water sprang to my mind at once. Here I have chosen the Adriatic sea, in Rovinj, Istria. Following my first trip in 1995, I was lucky enough to go back there and carry on with my recordings in 1997. Many days on end, I have let my ears, then a pair of microphones glide between and into the rocks of the old town and those along the shore. This meeting of the stone and water has fascinated me in the way that it was dilating the frontiers between the two components. Muffled water, as if heavier, penetrating stone, stone reduced to small pebbles singing the motion of the waves... So many plays on sounds between tough and flexible, liquid and solid... In the middle, this throbbing sea marking the breathing of the universe. All these aqueous or mineral substances hold a never ending dialogue with our own corporeity.

In "L'inspir du rivage part 2 (the shore breathing in part 2)" one is provided with a privileged listening point. It makes 9 acoustic statements converge, where time and space (or rhythm) set into perspective a listening area. Here reality unfolds unadulterated. And it is thus carrying in from the quasi "naturalistic" first version (part 1) made in 1996 for the CD "L'empreinte de l'ivresse" (Digital Narcis limited)

On the other hand, "L'inspir rivage part 3 (the shore breathing in part 3)" is a variation from some elements of part 2, having no regard for any logic about recordings, place, ... For it is just as much fascinating to go beyond the skin of this reality, taking only into account its inner morphology. One's own sensation is found again by penetrating this matter "physically" through sound processing, and no longer through the ear only. The listener is expected to enter this sensation, to have his ear turned upside down, diving inside, and his body vibrating with what this inner listening is giving him. Sound becomes breathing. Water, stone, man, every living materiality becomes part of this breathing, of this sound, from where anything is possible... "-Eric La Casa

Artist Biographies

"968: Born in Tours, France.
1987-91: Studied history of art (University of La Sorbonne, Paris).
1988: Starting sound experiments.

Since 1991: Sound artist.

(award: Festival "Soundscape before 2000")

- tape music composer
A research based on the landscape, its sound substances, its inner language, within a sensitive listening of the world.
[7 solo CDs, many CDs compilations : Japan, Germany, Taiwan, usa...]
+ Previous releases CD:
L'empreinte de l'ivresse (Digital Narcis Ltd, Japan), The Stone of the Threshold (The Ground Fault, Usa).
+ New CD (October 2000): Les Pierres du seuil part 4-7.

- "sound plastician"
(sound environments and installations: Clepsydre, Chute, mi-lieu...)
A research dedicated to the concept: the place - the sound/one place - one work.

- radio producer

(sound essays for the national radio program ACR-France Culture)
New work: Vent sur Ecoute (dedicated to the wind).
Work in progress: Ward Weis (a portrait of this sound artist).

Since 1996: Journalist for the french magazine of new musics: Revue et Corrigée.

Interviews with Pierre Marietan, Claude Schryer, Eric Cordier, Yann Paranthoën, Cédric Peyronnet, René Farabet, Slavek Kwi, Jocelyn Robert, Jean-Luc Guionnet,...
1989-1998: Director of La Légende des voix (label of experimental music).

10 releases (Arsenije Jovanovic, Jim O'Rourke, Syllyk, ...)"

-Kunstradio (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

Track Listing:


1. L'Inspir Du Rivage Part 2 7:03


1. L'Inspir Du Rivage Part 3 6:56

Related Categories of Interest:

Vinyl Recordings
7" New
Organized Sound and Sample Based Music
Electroacoustic Composition
Field Recordings
European Improvisation, Composition and Experimental Forms
Solo Artist Recordings

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Povertech / Joe Colley.

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