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Cappozzo, Cecile Quintet (Cappozzo / Cappozzo / Bellanger / Grente / Ziemniak): Hymne d'Automne
Cappozzo, Cecile Quintet (Cappozzo / Cappozzo / Bellanger / Grente / Ziemniak):
Hymne d'Automne

(Ayler -- France )

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The core trio of Cécile Cappozzo (piano), Patrice Grente (double bass) and Etienne Ziemniak (drums) release their second Ayler album, expanded to a quintet with Jean-Luc Cappozzo on trumpet and Guillaume Bellanger on saxophone, performing six works connected like a suite that flow beautifully through Cappozzo's warm compositions, including a piece dedicated to Carla Bley.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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