The Squid's Ear Magazine
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Rowland's Evil Jazz Trio (Galewicz / Sandstad Dalen / Nordberg Funderud): Death Machine
Rowland's Evil Jazz Trio (Galewicz / Sandstad Dalen / Nordberg Funderud):
Death Machine

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

In Stock

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The Norwegian guitar trio led by Roland Galewicz on drums, Henrik Sandstad Dalen on double bass, and Havard Nordberg Funderud on guitar, free improvisers with a dark intent captured live at Kafe Haerverk, in Oslo in 2018 as they perform Galewicz's rhythm-heavy three part "Death Machine Suite", Funderud's spacious "Nice Things" and Dalen's searing "Holmenkollekspressen".

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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