The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Filip, Klaus / Dafne Vicente-Sandoval: Remoto
Filip, Klaus / Dafne Vicente-Sandoval:

(Potlatch -- France )

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The minimalist duo of Klaus Fili performing on sinus-waves and Dafne Vicente-Sandoval on bassoon, performed deconstructively and amplified with miniature microphones, in two extended recordings of introspective and austere dialog.

Ullmann, Jakob: fremde zeit addendum [3 CDs]
Ullmann, Jakob:
fremde zeit addendum [3 CDs]

(Edition Rz -- Germany )

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A 3 CD box with new recordings of composer Jakob Ullmann's works, recorded between 2008-2011, including "disappearing musics for six players (more or less)", "komposition fur streichquartett 2", &c.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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