The Squid's Ear Magazine

Variable Geometry Orchestra: Ma'adim Vallis [2 CDS] (Creative Sources)

Two mesmerizing, diverse, and incredibly sophisticated large scale conductions led by Ernesto Rodrigues and an ensemble of more than 30 performers on reeds, guitars, strings, electronics, pianos, voice, megaphone, brass, drums and percussion, rich yet restrained with moments of mystery and excitement, in two complete concerts from Lisbon in 2017 & 2018.

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Ernesto Rodrigues-valiha, brazilian rabeca, conduction

Guilherme Rodrigues-cello

Ricardo Jacinto-cello

Miguel Mira-cello

Guillaume Gargaud-acoustic guitar

Miguel Almeida-classical guitar

Gianna de Toni-ukulele

Hernani Faustino-double bass

Adriano Orru-double bass

Joao Madeira-double bass

Fernando Sousa-electric guitar

Paulo Leal Duarte-electric guitar

Abdul Moimeme-prepared electric guitar, objects

Miguel Cabral-violaika

Karoline Leblanc-piano

Maria Radich-voice

Tiago Varela-melodica

Silvia Corda-melodica

Manuel Guimaraes-melodica

Carlos Santos-electronics

Carla Santana-electronics

Andre Hencleeday-megaphone

Armando Pereira-accordion

Paulo Chagas-flute, oboe

Luiz Rocha-clarinet

Bruno Parrinha-bass clarinet

Nuno Torres-alto saxophone

Jose Lencastre-alto saxophone

Etienne Brunet-alto saxophone

Paulo Galao-tenor saxophone

Luis Guerreiro-trumpet

Fernando Simoes-trombone

Eduardo Chagas-trombone

Monsieur Trinite-objects

Vasco Trilla-drums

Pedro Santo-drums

Joao Valinho-drums

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UPC: 5609063404944

Label: Creative Sources
Catalog ID: cs494
Squidco Product Code: 25504

Format: 2 CDs
Condition: New
Released: 2018
Country: Portugal
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold
CD I Recorded live at O'Culto da Ajuda, Lisbon, Portugal, on November 25th, 2017, by Miguel Azguime and Carlos Santos.

CD II Recorded live at Damas, in Lisbon, Portugal, on January 5th, 2018, by Carlos Santos.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

Two mesmerizing, diverse, and incredibly sophisticated large scale conductions led by Ernesto Rodrigues and an ensemble of more than 30 performers on reeds, guitars, strings, electronics, pianos, voice, megaphone, brass, drums and percussion, rich yet restrained with moments of mystery and excitement, in two complete concerts from Lisbon in 2017 & 2018. Unlike many of the large ensembles on the label, these performances range from the most subtle of moments to active and energetic playing, typically resolving back to spacious or near-silent moments. The diversity is engaging, and each twist and turn in the music is unanticipated, as Rodrigues brings sections together in both seamless and whimsical ways. The players represent some of the most accomplished in the Lisbon and European scenes, most experienced with Rodrigues' approach, bringing extended and unusual techniques to their playing and exhibiting great patience and restraint when needed. These two performances are real accomplishments, a culmination of the direction the label and its performers have taken over the last 15 years. Recommended.

Artist Biographies

"He has been playing the violin for 30 years and in that time has played all genres of music ranging from contemporary music to free jazz and improvised music, live and in the studio.

His main interest shifted towards contemporary improvised and composed music.

The relationship with his instruments is focused in sonic and textural elements.

Electronic music was an early influence on his approach to violin playing, which challenges traditional romantic concepts of the violin/viola through use of preparations and micro tuning.

Active in different settings on the Portuguese scene for free improvised music, both as a collaborator and in leading his own groups.

Music for Dance, Cinema, Video and Performance.

Has created the record label Creative Sources Recordings in 1999, which mainly concentrates on releasing experimental and electro-acoustic music."

-Creative Sources (

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"Was born 1988 in Lisboa, Portugal and started playing cello and trumpet at Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa at the age of 7. In 1999 joined Conservatório Nacional de Música de Lisboa to study classical and music theory and in the current year recorded his first album - Multiples - with Ernesto Rodrigues and José Oliveira out on Creative Sources Recordings.

Apart from work in music ensembles ranging for contemporary classical to free improvisation, also works with live music poetry, theatre and film-music. After lengthy residency in Lisboa, (1988-2016) moved to Berlin and has been active as composer and improviser in the scene.

Worked with some international and renewed artists like Ernesto Rodrigues, Jean-luc Guionnet, Margarida Garcia, Manuel Mota, Alfredo Costa Monteiro, Sei Miguel, Tim Goldie, Jeffrey Morgan, Oren Marshall, Gerhard Uebele, Klaus Kurvers, Gabriel Paiuk, Nicolas Field, Jaime Fennelly, Blaise Siwula, Will Guthrie, Pawel Grabowski, Michael Thieke, Wade Matthews, Leonel Kaplan, Diego Chamy, Gabriel Paiuk, Barry Weisblat, Joe Giardullo, Jassem Hindi, Tisha Mukarji, Masahiko Okura, Taku Unami, Toshihiro Koike, Sharif Sehnaoui, Christine Abdelnour, Alexandre Bellenger, Carlos Zingaro, Romaric Sobac, Nuno Rebelo, Nuno Torres, Naoto Yamagashi, Heddy Boubaker, Gerhard Uebele, Guillermo Torres, Tomas Gris, Carlos Santos, Bruno Parrinha, Miguel Leiria Pereira, Miguel Ivo Cruz, Alberto Cirera, Nuno Morão, Mark Sanders, Dennis Gonzaléz, Alípio Carvalho Neto, Raymond Macdonald, Neil Davidson, David Stachenas, Lisa Ullén, D'incise, Cyril Bondy, Miguel Mira, Rodrigo Amado, Abdul Moimême, Monsieur Trinité, João Madeira, Álvaro Rosso, Gil Gonçalves, Marian Yanchyk, Filipe Passos, Rodrigo Pinheiro, Christian Wolfarth, Thanos Chrysakis, Bechir Saade, Kurt Liedwart, Miguel A. Garcia, Ilia Belorukov, Andrew Lafkas, Gao Jiafeng, Eric Wong, Johan Moir, Casey Moir, Magda Mayas, Matthias Muller, Alexander Frangenheim ...

Has performed and toured in all Europe. Released more than 30 albums of his own projects."

-Creative Sources (

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"Ricardo Jacinto / Lisbon (1975). Lives and works in Lisbon and Belfast. Working as an artist and musician mainly focusing on the relation of sound and space. Currently pursuing a PHD at the Sonic Arts Research Center / Belfast. Graduated in Architecture at the University of Lisbon-Faculty of Architecture, and Sculpture and Advanced Visual Arts at Ar.Co / Lisbon. Graduate courses at the School of Visual Arts, New York. Musical studies at the Hot Clube de Portugal and Academia de Amadores de Música / Lisbon. Since 1998 has presented his work in individual and group exhibitions, concerts and performances, in Portugal and abroad. Has collaborated extensively with other artists, musicians, architects and performers. Founder of OSSO - Cultural Association

Presented is installation work in several contemporary art venues in Portugal and across Europe: Projet Room CCB_Lisboa, Círculo de Belas Artes em Madrid, MUDAM_Luxemburgo, Centro Cultural Gulbenkian_Paris, Manifesta 08_European Bienal de Arte Contemporânea de Itália, Loraine Frac- Metz, OK CENTRE_Linz_Austria, CHIADO 8_Culturgest_Lisbon, Casa da Música / Porto e Bienal de Arquitetura de Veneza de 2006.

As a cellist has mainly worked in the field of free improvised music playing in several formations and with different musicans: Nuno Torres, Rodrigo Pinheiro, David Maranha, Hernani Faustino, Ernesto Rodrigues, Luis Lopes, Ricardo Guerreiro, C Spencer Yeh, Shiori Usui, Manuel Mota, Pedro Rebelo, Franziska Schroeder, Simon Rose, Paul Stapletton, Jean Luc-Guionnet, Gabriel Ferrandini, Orquestra de geometria variável, PinkDraft, Cacto, FOIRMFADA, among others. Has played in different venues in Portugal and abroad: Fundação de Serralves / Porto, Palais Tokyo / Paris, SARC / Belfast, Festival VERBO / São Paulo, Festival Temps d' Images_Lisbon, Festival Rescaldo_Lisbon, Festival BigBang_CCB_Lisbon, Culturgest_Porto e Lisboa, ZDB / Lisboa, Dança Base_Edimbrugh, Kabinett 0047_Oslo, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / Paris, among others."

-Ricardo Jacinto Website (

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"Born in 1958, studying guitar at the Academy of Music Amateurs, in the 70s, with Prof. Nagy. In the late 70 studying bass at the Hot Club, in the early '80s, with Prof. Zé Eduardo.

"Intrigue and permanent and persistent unease with stringed instruments, jazz and improvisation itself. During the last forty years, in concert, in private or in the studio, I had the honor of having played and learned (chronologically) Nuno Grande, Armindo Neves, Emilio Robalo, Celso Carvalho, António Ferro, Arthur Costa, Ze Bitch John Vinegar, John Lucas, Francisco Medina, Abdul moimeme, Rashiim Ausar Sahu, Patrick Brennan, Rodrigo Amado, Scott Fields, Francisco Trindade, Ernesto Rodrigues, Harvey Sorgen and Joe Giardullo.

Today, honor me play (and perpetuate my restlessness) with Rodrigo Amado, Abdul moimeme, John Lucas, Joseph Bruno Parrinha, John Parrinha, João Pedro Viegas, Alipio Carvalho Neto, Gabriel Ferrandini, Ernesto Rodrigues, Armando Gonçalves Pereira, Hernani Faustino, Rodrigo Pinheiro, Zé Lencastre, Louis Desirat, Peter Castello Lopes, Luís Lopes, Luís Vicente, Philip Sousa, Pedro Roxo, Johannes Krieger, George Lamprey, Marcello Maggi, Paulo Curado, Diogo Leal, D' Incise, Virginia and Eduardo Chagas. With some of my friends. I share my musical day in broader bands or ensembles, with other I highlight specific musical encounters and they are my entire curriculum." "

-JACC Records (

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"Guillaume Gargaud (Born in France in 1979) is a composer and improvisational guitarist. He's already released about ten albums and composed many musics for contemporary dance. He lives in Le Havre in France where he also teaches music.

He started playing guitar when he was 15, after he was injured in a road accident and forced to stay home for a year. In 1997, in addition to his cabinetmaking studies where he practiced sculpture, marquetry, restoration of antique furniture and art drawing, he worked on his instrument on his own and performed in different bands. In 1999, after passing his exams he decided to dedicate himself to music and he entered the professional course of IIMA lead by Laurent Rousseau. He then studied composition, musical analysis, jazz, contemporary and improvised music. During his studies he experimented with multiple forms of music (free jazz, bebop...).

In 2003 , he became a permanent member of the artist collective Zwann eï . He composes for performances, installations, sound poetry and movies. He realises visual creations and integrates laptop ( Ableton, Max msp) in his sound research system which was until then made of pedals, analog effects and objects. His implication in the collective will give him the opportunity to discover a new vision of writing and of the interactive relationships connected to picture, body and to literature.

In 2007 he decided to stop his tours to devote himself to his solo music and to get more involved into teaching by creating some improvised music workshops. Many trips, projects, live performances and recording will follow. Work with Loïs Laplace (Cycling 74), Federico Barabino (Buenos aires), Yumi Fujitani (danse butô, Paris), Les Conserveries mémorielles (Québec), Marc Roques (Zooloop, Paris), Sequana Deux (Contemporary Art from Le Havre to Paris "ABRUIT"), Jannick Schou (Denmark), Raphaël Maze and Francois Lebègue ("Light Cone " experimental cinema Paris), Nozal cube (Le Havre), The Future Ethnic Comparative Research Lab. (Paris), La cité de la musique (Paris), Jean Luc Petit,(FR) Sandrine Lascaux (Lecturer, Le Havre University), JP.Gomez, JP Buisson (Le Havre) M.Thouseau and V.Sauve (Paris), Blaise Merino (London), Mangane (Senegal), P.Sigmoon (Cambodia), Jack Wright (US), Raymond Alan Kaczynski, Mike Majkowski,(Berlin), Zachary Darrup (US) .

In 2008, he released his first solo album "Le Lieu" produced by Dirty Demos (UK), then in 2009 two CDs "She" with Utech Records (USA) and "Here" with Kvist Records (USA). And in 2011" Lost Chords" with Dead pilot Records UK."

-Ztext Website (

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"Guitarist Miguel Almeida is also a researcher and educator, locate in the Lisbon area of Portugal. He is associated with Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Conservatório de Música de Sintra, and was educated at Universidade Nova de Lisboa."

-Linked In (

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Italian double bassist Gianna de Toni is a member of the Portuguese-based groups IKB and String Theory.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"After establishing his name during the Eighties as an electric bass guitarist in alternative rock bands, like the now legendary K4 Quadrado Azul, Hernani Faustino turned to avant-jazz and free improvised music and chose the double bass as his self-taught instrument. Two decades later of multiple interactions with Portuguese and international musicians, he's now considered one of the most intense and solid bassists in the Portuguese scene. The association he maintains with drummer Gabriel Ferrandini (RED trio, Nobuyasu Furuya Trio & Quintet, Rodrigo Amado Wire Quartet) has been pointed as a dynamic and powerful rhythm section. His visceral playing is well showed by the contortions of his face during a performance: he goes to the limits of pleasure and pain.

Music is his life: besides being a musician, he was one of the members of the label Clean Feed, considered one of the five more important on the planet in what regards jazz, and the Trem Azul Jazz Store, located in Lisbon. He also composed for theatre, produced radio programs, and wrote about music in a couple of magazines. A good part of his activity in photography is also music oriented: Faustino is one of the most accomplished stage photographers around. This says all about his passion and commitment.

Hernani Faustino's numerous meetings and collaborations with other improvisors is astonishing: John Butcher, Lotte Anker, Nate Wooley, Carlos "Zíngaro", Agustí Fernández, Sei Miguel, Rafael Toral, Jason Stein, Nuno Rebelo, Rodrigo Pinheiro, Gabriel Ferrandini, Pedro Sousa, Rodrigo Amado, Albert Cirera, Manuel Mota, Luís Lopes, Jon Irabagon, Taylor Ho Bynum, Gerard Lebik, Piotr Damasiewicz, Harris Eisenstadt, Neil Davidson, Heddy Boubaker, Gerard Lebik, Elliott Levin, Katsura Yamauchi, Mats Gustafsson, Chris Corsano, Nikolaus Gerszewski, Rob Mazurek, Reinhold Friedl, Ernesto Rodrigues, José Oliveira, Helena Espvall, Nuno Torres, Ricardo Jacinto, Blaise Siwula, Virginia Genta, Elliott Levin, Daniel Carter, Federico Ughi, Floros Floridis, Matt Bauder, Dennis González, Vítor Rua, and many more, covering a wide range from free bop to extreme experimentation, going through electroacoustic improv, reductionism and noise."

-Hernani Faustino Website, Rui Eduardo Paes (

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"Composer and double bass player Adriano Orrù was born in Nuoro, Italy in 1958 and now lives and works in Cagliari. He devotes his time to jazz, radical improvisation, chamber music. He also works as a music teacher.

Orrù has collaborated with artists such as Giancarlo Schiaffini, Paolo Fresu, Tony Oxley, Lenka Zupkova, AN MOKU, Vahid Jahandari, Paulo Chagas, Gianni Mimmo, Marco Colonna, Carlo Mascolo, Andrea Massaria, Mauro Sambo, Joao Pedro Viegas, Guy-Frank Pellerin, Maria Do Mar, Luiz Rocha, Samuel Hällkvist, François Choiselat, Stefan Schimdt, Mia Zabelka, Ettore Fioravanti, Roberto Cipelli, Marco Tamburini, Tino Tracanna, Maria Radich, Andy Gravish, Tim Hodkinson, Martin Mayes, Marcello Magliocchi, Victor Nubla, Simon Balestrazzi, Silvia Corda, Nicola Guazzaloca, Takatsuna Mukai, Henning Frimann, Renato Ciunfrini, Guro Skumsnes Moe, Håvard Skaset, Angelo Contini, G.P. Campus, Corrado Altieri, Billy Sechi, Monica Serra, Mauro Cossu, Clara Murtas, White Noise Generator, Stella Veloce, Sebastiano Meloni, Alessandro Garau, Stefano Figliola, Alessandro Olla, Paolo Angeli, Manuel Attanasio, Variable Geometry Orchestra, Moex Ensemble, Elia Casu, Mauro Usai, Paolo Sanna, Roberto Pellegrini, Enrica Spada, Carla Onni, Giacomo Calabrese, Sara Marasso, Mario Faticoni, Paula Gimeno, Yali Herbet, Raffaello Ugo, Tonino Casula.

He has recorded for Splasc(h), Digitalis Purpurea, Comar23, TiConZero, Big Round Records, Setola di maiale, Magick With Tears, LaBèl, Pan y Rosas, Endtitles, Creative Sources, Boogie Post Recordings, Azoth.

Together with the pianist Silvia Corda, he co-wrote a performance for six musicians and a spoken voice entitled "Portrait in Three Colors" and dedicated to Charles Mingus. Orrù works with the Silvia Corda Trio on a regular basis, and several of his compositions can be heard on the trio's Impronte, a CD produced by Splasc(h) in 2001. In 2004, he established the composition and improvisation ensemble Impromptu featuring Giancarlo Schiaffini. In 2005, he published a live CD of the Impromptu quintet and the first recording in his own name: Solos and Duets, a work dedicated to double bass solos and duets with Giancarlo Schiaffini on trombone, Paolo Angeli on Sardinian prepared guitar, and Roberto Pellegrini on percussion. He has also worked with Moex, an ensemble focused on electric-acoustic experimentation. In 2010 Big Round Records has published a CD "Improvised pieces for trio" with Sebastiano Meloni on the piano and Tony Oxley on drums. A new CD titled "Untitled Soundscapes" performed by A Sphere Of Simple Green (Silvia Corda on prepared piano, Simon Balestrazzi on laptop and Adriano on the double bass) was released in 2011 by the label Magick with tears. A free downloadable EP, "Hèsperos", was released by LaBèl netlabel in 2011 as well, the work is a double-bass solo. In 2012 the label Setola di maiale released "Collettivo di resistenza culturale" a full improvised concert live recorded. In 2013 a new release together with Giancarlo Schiaffini a CD live recorded whose title is "Gramsci in concert", Adriano features also in two tracks of "Sunya" the first release by Takatsuna Mukai. Also in 2013 the label LaBèl releases "The Breath" a Cd dedicated to Steve Lacy by the Geometrie Variabili quartet. In March 2014 a new release for Pan y Rosas, the CD Palimpsest where adriano plays the electric bass in ten duets together with Mauro Sambo, Paulo Chagas and Silvia Corda. Two new releases appear in the late 2015: "Orrù Mar Rocha - Live at MIA 2015" for Endtitles, and "Stanze", by Palimpsest Trio (Chagas, Corda, Orrù) for Pan y Rosas. During 2017 two new CDs have been released: "For Massas" (Viegas, Pellerin, Corda, Orrù) for Pan y Rosas and "With an Oblique Glance" (Balestrazzi, Corda Orrù) for Azoth.

Reviews of his work have appeared in Down Beat, Il Manifesto, Musica Jazz, Cadence, Jazzit, Cuadernos de Jazz, All About Jazz, L'Unione Sarda, La Nuova Sardegna, Double Bassist, Jazzword, One Final Note, Flash Art, Jazz Portugal and on Radio 3 RAI.

He has performed at events such as Isole che parlano, Time in Jazz, Ai confini tra Sardegna e Jazz, Concerts of the Nuoro Jazz Seminary, Jazz d'autore, Cerisano Jazz, Varese in Jazz, Jazz in Sardinia, Veneto Jazz, San Teodoro Jazz, Sardegna Arte Fiera, Musica sulle Bocche, The Barcelona Lem Festival, Senni Jazz, Isole che parlano, The Signal Festival, Festival Spaziomusica, MIA Festival (Portugal), Creative Fest (Lisbon), Marathon Der HochKulturen (Zurich), Clockstop Fest (Noci), Contemporary Donori), Free Flow Fest (Irsina), Tempo al Tempo (Bruxelles), Autunno Danza (Cagliari), Istituto Italiano di Cultura Madrid, BCN Improfest (Barcelona)."

-Adriano Orru Website (

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Joao Madeira: "I was born in Lisboa and I've dedicated most of my energy to the doublebass since I was 12. When I went to study at the Conservatório de Lisboa my role model was doublebassist João Panta Nunes, and lately my studies were oriented by Jorge Lee, at Cascais. I have a degree in Musicology, investigation work on Fado's candidature to World Immaterial Heritage by UNESCO, and coordination of the Music Department at INATEL/FNAT. Since 1999 I have a strong activity (studio and performance) in several styles and genres, but improvised music and original composition (whatever the style...) are the places where my musical language riches its higher satisfaction and plenitude. In the recordings you are about to hear it's me who plays all the instruments. My passion is at the simple act of artistic creation. For me, music is all about musicians and genuine expression! It doesn't matter the genre neither the instrument per si. In theater I have collaborations (musician, composer, actor) with Companhia do Chapitô and Artistas Unidos, amongst others. I also love books (...) I've studied aesthetics and Portuguese literature since I remember, and love to read and write poetry."

-Reverb Nation (

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"Abdul Moimême was born in Lisbon, in 1959, moving at an early age to New Mexico and later to Dublin, Ireland. He began studying the guitar at the age of 11, studying under various private teachers, in Madrid, Spain.

In 1979 he moved to Boston to study architecture, finally completing his degree at the University of Lisbon.

In the 90's he began studying the tenor saxophone with Patrick Brennan. In this period he became actively involved with Lisbon's improvised and alternative rock scenes, performing frequently with the Variable Geometry Orchestra since it's creation in 2003, as well as with various other local projects.

His main musical partners are from Lisbon and Porto, but he has also performed in public concerts with such artists as Gale Brand, George Haslam, Jon Raskin, Ken Filiano, Patrick Brennan, Steve Adams, and Wade Matthews.

In 1999 he started writing about jazz in various Portuguese publications and is currently a permanent collaborator of magazine, and Publico newspaper, as a critic.

In 2006 he created Freemusic (, a space exclusively dedicated to the promotion of Portuguese improvised music."

-Creative Sources (

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"Karoline Leblanc was born in 1975 in Rimouski, Quebec (Canada) and from the age of 5 she started to destroy her parents' piano. From 1983 to 1997 she studies violin, harpsichord, organ, Ondes Martenot, analysis and music theory at the Conservatories of Rimouski, Quebec and Montreal. She continues her canvas for two years at Concordia University in the advanced music performance program, and benefits from workshops with Ton Koopman, Arthur Haas, Bob Van Asperen, Hendrick Bouman, Jean-Patrice Brosse, Kenneth Gilbert, Pierre Hantai and Skip Sempe. In 1997, she wins the second prize, in duo with Olivier Fortin, at the international competition of the Festival Van Vlaanderen, Belgium. She has performed solo and in ensembles in places like the Massey Hall in Toronto, Salle Pierre-Mercure in Montreal and Provinciaal Hof in Bruggen. Captivated early on by contemporary classical music, she played many world premieres by Canadian composers. She received grants from the McAbbie foundation, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Beaulieu-Langis foundation and Festival du Comminges, that gave her the opportunity to deepen the early and the contemporary music repertoires. Since 1998, through intuiti personae sound meetings with improvisors, with traditional free jazz as starting point, she's searching for new reactions and expressions in open forms fully devoting herself to the unconstrained, favoring the piano as her main instrument but also developing her take on various electronic instruments and percussions."

-Atrito-Afeito (

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Vocalist Maria Radich is a member of the Portuguese bands: Ensemble MIA, ikb, Variable Geometry Orchestra

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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Tiago Varela is a Portuguese musician who plays melodica, and is a member of Equinox Quartet, Isotope Ensemble, Variable Geometry Orchestra.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"Silvia Corda is a pianist, a composer and a piano teacher. She is mainly interested in jazz, contemporary music, improvised music and also in multimedia projects involving performing arts, contemporary dance, video, cinema, theatre.

She is also a toy piano player performing compositions and improvisations by herself, John Cage, Matthew McConnell, Karlheinz Essl, Vanessa Lann.

She has collaborated with the ensemble "Impromptu" and also with Giancarlo Schiaffini, Paolo Fresu, Aki Kuroda, Phyllis Chen, Ettore Fioravanti, Frank Zabel, Gianni Mimmo, Marco Colonna, Tino Tracanna, Roberto Pellegrini, Victor Nubla, Maria do Mar, Luiz Rocha, Maria Radich, Andrea Massaria, Simone Balestrazzi, Paulo Chagas, Samuel Hällkvist, Carlo Mascolo, Marcello Magliocchi, Joao Pedro Viegas, Guy-Frank Pellerin, Stefan Schmidt, Mauro Sambo, Renato Ciunfrini, Guro Moe, Hovard Skaset, Takatsuna Mukai, Angelo Contini, Elia Casu, Paolo Sanna, Clara Murtas, Bruno Tommaso, Adele Madau, Adriano Orru, Alessandro Garau, Granular Ensemble, Orchestra Jazz della Sardegna, Moex Ensemble, Snake Platform, Variable Geometry Orchestra, Massimo Carboni, Monica Serra, Alessandra Giura Longo, Gabriele Amadori, Ilaria Zedda, Alessandra Casula, Carla Onni, Michela Murgia, Tonino Casula. She has recorded for Splasc(h), Digitalis Purpurea, Magick with tears, SdM, La Bèl, Pan y Rosas, Creative Sources, Azoth, Boogie Post Recordings.

She performed at "Time in Jazz", "Ai Confini tra Sardegna e Jazz", Radio3 RAI "Invenzioni a 2 Voci", "Concerti dei Seminari Nuoro Jazz", "Cerisano Jazz", "Varese in Jazz", "Jazz in Sardegna", "Veneto Jazz", "Musica sulle Bocche", "Barcelona Lem Festival", "Signal Festival - Teatri del Suono", "Altipiani" per "Foreste Aperte", "Forma e Poesia nel Jazz", "Vivere Jazz" per "Estate Fiesolana", "Stramb Fest", "Signal cantieri" "Festival Spaziomusica", MIA Festival (Portugal), Creative Fest (Lisboa), Marathon Der HochKulturen (Zurich), Clockstop Fest (Noci), "Contemporary" (Donori), Free Flow Fest (Irsina), Tempo al Tempo (Bruxelles), Istituto Italiano di Cultura (Madrid), BCN Improfest (Barcelona).

Recently she has performed "Portraits" a piano-solo concert series based on self-composed music, improvisation, contemporary music. Together with the choreographer and dancer Carla Onni she has created "Corpoforte" and subsequently "In un'aria diversa" dedicated to Hildegarde Von Bingen and featuring the flutist Alessandra Giura Longo. Together with Clara Murtas and Mario Faticoni she was involved in "Gramsci-Bartok dialogo in contrappunto". In 2011 she released the well reviewed CD "Untitled Soundscapes" together with "A Sphere Of Simple Green" (Silvia Corda on the prepared piano, Adriano Orru on the double-bass, Simon Balestrazzi on the laptop). A live-recorded CD, "Collettivo di resistenza culturale", was released in 2012 featuring also Angelo Contini on the trombone, Elia Casu on the guitar, Adriano Orru on the bass and Paolo Sanna on percussions. In August 2013 the Geometrie Variabili quartet releases a new CD named "The Breath". Also in 2013 she is finalist at the "Franz Liszt Prize" for pianists-composers in Bellagio. In October her piece "Tre ritratti del tempo" for toy piano and toy dulcimer is runner-up (2nd place) for UnCaged Toy Piano 2013 call for scores. In 2014 Silvia features in the Adriano Orru's release "Palimpsest". In December 2014 the american pianist Phyllis Chen performs Silvia's "Tre Ritratti del Tempo" at Baryshnikov Arts Center (BAC) in New York. Silvia Corda is present in three of the 2014 ranks of the referendum "Top Jazz" by Musica Jazz: Best Musician; Best Album (Adriano Orru's Palimpsest); Best Group (Geometrie Variabili). At the end of 2015 a new CD is issued through Pan y Rosas: "Stanze" by Palimpsest Trio (Paulo Chagas, Silvia Corda, Adriano Orrù). During 2017 two new CDs have been released: "For Massas" (Viegas, Pellerin, Corda, Orrù) for Pan y Rosas and "With an Oblique Glance" (Balestrazzi, Corda Orrù) for Azoth."

-Silvia Corda Website (

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Portuguese pianist Manuel Guimarães is a member of Variable Geometry Orchestra, and Vitor Rua & The Metaphysical Angels. He has also released a solo album on the Creative Sources imprint.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"Studied painting with António Sena (Ar.Co, 1988 -1992), worked in advertising for a period of time, but nowadays works as graphic designer in corporate identity, packaging, web and audio-video production.

Started sound/music activities in 1989 when formed the VITRIOL project with Paulo Raposo, a laboratory for experimental sound actions, in a first stage with studio work followed in 1994 by live output, mainly live electronics, concrete music with a improvised or graphic score oriented approach. Uses the laptop with software written in MaxMsp, small resonant objects, microphones and piezo elements to produce a music that deals with space and its sound characteristics. Interests in "soundscape" and field recordings are a huge part of his work, for piece preparation or just for archival purposes, Always recording, events, spaces or music. Multi-channel acusmatic music and radio pieces.

Presents himself solo in site-specific audio-video works, or in duos with João Silva (video, sound, photography), "Inhabitaded Spaces" with Ricardo Guerreiro (computer, mics), "Venús Pistolletto" with Emídio Buchinho (elec. guitar, mics, objects) and trios with Ernesto Rodrigues (violin) and Guilherme Rodrigues (cello) or ZNGR electroacustic trio with Carlos "Zíngaro and Emídio Buchinho. Member of several formations, "(Des)Integração" laptop ensemble (2001-2003) or in more electroacoustic sets, uses live-electronics and sampling which is the case of "Suspensão" septep, VGO, variable geometry orchestra and specially a trio close related to the "near silence" aesthetics, with Ernesto Rodrigues (violin, harp) and Guilherme Rodrigues (cello) with already several CD releases, always with at least one international improviser guest. Presented his work in Portugal, Spain, France, UK and Germany. Worked with artists from several media: dance, performance and video. Music and sound design for video and animation. Video and sound editing for comercial projects. Played live or in recording projects throughout the years with a lot of musician and sound artists. His sound work is documented in several CD releases. Belongs to the Granular board of directors, a portuguese association for experimental art and does the image of Creative Sources label. Broadcasts "Boca Doce" show at Rádio Zero (web) and other special shows. Workshops and seminars in digital audio manipulation, Maxmsp programming and sound art practise."

-Creative Sources (

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Carla Santana is a Portuguese electronic artist known for the bands Quarto com Luz, quatroconnection, Isotope Ensemble and Variable Geometry Orchestra.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"Andre Hencleeday is interested in detail and simplicity using improvisation, field recording, acousmatic and intuitive composition as main sonic languages. He is a member of Variable Geometry Orchestra, OWWK, &c."

- (Soundcloud)

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Accordionist and toy pianist Armando Pereira is a member of IKB and , Variable Geometry Orchestra, recording with Ernesto Rodrigues, Guilherme Rodrigues, Gil Gonçalves, Nuno Torres, Abdul Moimême, Carlos Santos & and José Oliveira.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"Portuguese-born Paulo Chagas is a wilfully eclectic musician, having devoted much of his career to experimentalism. Being by nature a maverick, he has committed his life to the research of new (or renewed) solutions and links between the sounds he explores. Paulo is a dedicated composer, multi-instrumentalist (woodwinds, electronics), teacher, writer and music promoter. He is actively involved with Zpoluras Archives, a music label committed to various branches of contemporary improvised music and to working in partnership with musicians from all parts of the world, and MIA (Encontro de Música Improvisada de Atouguia da Baleia), which plays an essential role within the Portuguese improvisation circuit.

Paulo has a Classical Music background. He studied oboe, composition, acoustics and music history at the National Conservatory of Lisbon (1980-1985), where he joined Orchestra and Chamber Music groups. He has degrees in Special Education, Pedagogy of Music Education, and Music Therapy. He subsequently devoted himself to jazz, studying with saxophonists David Binney and Perico Sambeat. From his earliest years as a musician, Paulo has had a broad interest in all musical forms, from folk, pop and rock, through jazz, fusion, improvised music, and classical.

He has composed, performed and produced music for theater, film, and for educational purposes. He regularly performs and records with an ever-widening range of musicians and collectives, such as P.R.E.C., Variable Geometry Orchestra, Chagas Curado Viegas Wind Trio, Palimpsest Trio, Peixe Frito, Tania Giannouli, Fernando Guiomar and many others. He develops also a soloist career, having covered countries like France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Turkey, Brasil, both to play and to teach workshops and masterclasses.

Describing himself as a "music addict", Paulo is an avid performer, keen to experiment, record, perform, and to do whatever is necessary to further the cause of music. For him, music is an Art form that is intimately linked with the ongoing search for the meaning of life."

-Paulo Chagas Website (

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"Luiz Rocha: I play the clarinet and bass clarinet mostly in free improvisation, new music, contemporary, avant-garde infused, post-bla-bla-bla ensembles.

Brazilian, based in Barcelona, where I'm a close collaborator with Discordian Records.

Around four times a year I switch to Japanese mode and shoot loads of pictures. For me, photography is much less intimate a process than music; it's an external exploration.

Anyway, the process is alike for both: awareness, improvisation, technique; the act is driven by pure impulse and/or by observing and carefully composing."

-Luiz Rocha Website (

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"Bruno Parrinha - alto sax / soprano, Clarinet Sb / Alto, flute

Around the age of 10 began playing the clarinet. At 17 he bought a flute and entered the Academy of Music where he Amateurs solfeggio and instrument with Paulo Curado for two years . Later he was always playing clarinet and tenor saxophone ( self-taught ) and at age 21 he was invited to join the band Pop Radar Gaddafi with whom he recorded . Later he was cast of musicians on the play " Vieux Carré " in teatro da Graça playing tenor sax . Spent a year on the scene . At 87 he began to attend formations of Sei Miguel resulting in vinyl LP recorded at 88 " Songs love and against terrorism ." Since then he has dedicated his commitment to free improvisation and has participated in numerous trainings and concerts with illustrious musicians including Rodrigo Amado , Rodrigo Pinheiro , Miguel Mira , João Lucas , Paulo Curado , Ernesto Rodrigues , Guilherme Rodrigues , Ulrich Mitzlaff , Manuel Guimarães Cyril Bondi , " D' Incise ," Raphael Ortiz , Nicolaus Gerwinsky , Phill Niblock , Raymond McDonald , Victor Nubla , Nuno Rebelo , Marco Franco, Gabriel Ferrandini , Hernani Faustino , Luís Lopes , José Oliveira , Carlos Santos , Carlos " Zingaro " João Pedro Viegas , Victor Rua , Abdul " moimême " , Luís Vicente , João Lancaster , Luis Gil , Paulo Pimentel , Francisco Andrade , Albert Cicera and many others.

Presently a part of groups : ARGUE, IKB , VGO , Miguel Mira Quartet , Open Mind and Puma. "

-Bruno Parrinha MySpace Page (

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"Studied alto saxophone within a jazz tradition spectrum. His continuous solo experimental research explores a wide scope of sound material through the use of the extended technics. Participates in several ensembles of improvisational music, electro acoustics and reductionism. Collaborates with musicians such as, Ernesto Rodrigues, Ricardo Jacinto, Sei Miguel, Fala Mariam, João Castro Pinto, Rafael Toral, Manuel Mota, David Stackenäs, Travassos, Paulo Raposo, Carlos Santos, Shiori Usui, C. Spencer Yeh, Cyril Bondi and d'incise, and developed projects as CACTO and PinkDraft, In the recent years has been also collaborating in several different projects at the intersection of the performative areas of dance, theatre and the visual arts (PARQUE, Les Voisins, Eye Height, Adriana Sá, Beatriz Cantinho). Participates and curates experimental and community radio initiatives."

-Creative Sources (

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"José Lencastre, also known as Zé Lencastre, is a Lisbon, Portugal saxophonist, composer and arranger. He studied at the Hot Clube de Portugal, Chichester College of Arts(England), and Eastman Community Music School ( Rochester, NY). He Has played several festivals and venues in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Eslovakia, Hungary, Brasil, Morroco.

TSUKI - Looking For Principles In Others (2006)/// TSUKI - I Wish That Mountain Had An Eye (2007)///TSUKI - Sea Snail (2009) ///THE MOST WANTED- The Most Wanted EP (2008) ///CACIQUE97 - Colectânea Novos Talentos Fnac (2007) - EP (2007) - Cacique97 (2009) ///BA MBO - Colectânea Intolerant? Me? (2008) ///POTLATCH - Live at Fabrica (2009) ///THE GRASSPOPPERS - DUB INNA WEEK (2010)/// SOCIAL SMOKERS - MAGNETIC POETRY (2011)/// THE GRASSPOPPERS - LOVERS ROCK INNA WEEK (2011)/// COOLTOUR - COOLTOUR (2012)

He has also appeared as a guest musician recorded with Gnu, Gazua, Philharmonic Weed, Tiago Gomes&Tó Trips, Tércio Borges & os Democratas do Samba, André Sampaio e os Afromandiga, etc. He currently resides in Recife, PE - Brazil."

-Facebook (

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"Étienne Brunet is a musician, composer and improviser, born in Paris on January 2, 1954. He plays saxophone alto and soprano, bass clarinet , bagpipes, harmonicas and electronic instruments.

He took part in children's choir at the Opéra de Nice at the age of seven, then re-learned music as a self-taught musician as a teenager and took classes with Steve Lacy whose originality of musical thought will influence his entire career. He will do many jobs in addition to music (press modelist, book worker, saxophone tuner, operator on synthesizer writing for television channels). In 1979, he founded the trio Axolotl (not to be confused with other homonymous groups that came one or two decades later) with Marc Dufourd and Jacques Oger. In 1984 he founded the group Aller Simple Paris, with the accordionist Odile Lavault known as Gina Sbu, devoted to folk music arrangements from Eastern Europe. From 1987 he collaborated with the poet Julien Blaine . He performed with musicians such as Jac Berrocal , Anthony Coleman , Wayne Dockery , Jean-Jacques Birge , Jean-François Pauvros , Guillaume Loizillon, Erik Minkkinen, Jean-Jacques Avenel , Yasuaki Shimizu , Emiko Ota, and the Romanian drummer Cornelius Stroe; he writes various music and rides the Zig Rag Orchestra, then 3D Jazz and Ring Sax Modulator with Thierry Negro (bass) and Erick Borelva (drums). In 1995, he inaugurated a contract for several discs with the Saravah label of Pierre Barouh with a disc dedicated to Louis Jordan composed of exploded songs, La Légende du Franc Rock And Roll . In 1997 he recorded duets with Daunik Lazro , Daniel Mille , Thierry Madiot , Hubert Dupont , Camel Zekri and Fred van Hove, which were transformed into samples and mixed in the album B / Free / Bifteck . In 2007, he plays in duo with Diemo Schwarz (electronics). In recent years, it happens a little less, mainly solo, sometimes within the group of Senegalese grilet Djeour Cissokho.

He wrote numerous columns: Journal Web Intime from 1998 to 2001 (before fashion blogs ), then, from 2003 to 2007, Petite Fleur Electronique for Jazz Magazine devoted to the tune of time in music. His musical career is atypical. Initially impassioned by improvisation , he studied Indian music and electronic music which he mixes in a ferociously post - modern , jazz , funk , folk and free approach in the same composition."

-Wikipedia (Translated by Google) (ƒtienne_Brunet_(musicien))

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Paulo Galão is a Lisbon, Portugal based saxophonist known for the groups, Variable Geometry Orchestra, Vitor Rua & The Metaphysical Angels.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"Luís Guerreiro is a trumpeter, know for the groups Variable Geometry Orchestra, Estado Sónico, Audible Architecture, Extravagante Uxu Kalhus"

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"Fernando Simões is a trombonist based in Lisbon, Portugal, known for the groups Ensemble MIA, ikb, PREC, The Limbo Ensemble, Variable Geometry Orchestra."

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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Eduardo Chagas currently lives in Lisboa, Portugal. He is a member of IKB, Variable Geometry Orchestra, performing free Improvisation, and electroacoustic-improv.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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Monsieur Trinité is based in Lisboa, Portugal, and is a member of Equinox Quartet, IKB, Potlatch, and Variable Geometry Orchestra.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"Born in Barcelona, Vasco Trilla started playing drums at the age of nineteen. His first influences were progressive rock and metal, but gradually he developed an interest in a variety of different genres such as jazz, Indian music, African music, klezmer, free improvisation, etc.

Since then he has collaborated, toured and recorded with many different bands and projects such as Boi Akih (an ethno-jazz band from the Netherlands), Planeta Imaginario (progressive jazz-rock) October Equus (avant-rock), The Oddvisers (pop-avant), Fine! (indie pop-rock), Mundo Flotante (ethno-jazz-rock), Kaulakau/Cobla Sant Jordi (an ethno-jazz Catalan orchestra), Filthy Habits Ensemble (a jazz octet playing Zappa's and Stravinsky's repertoire), Cows On Trees (a jazz-improv quartet with Susana Santos Silva and Kaja Draksler), Balimonster (an impro-ethno duo with Angel Ontalva), Yedo Gibson-Vasco Trilla duo (an improv sax & drums duo), Outerzone (jazz-core), Reptilian Mambo (mambo free rock), Liba's Traum, etc.

In the last years he has been playing and experimenting on the free-improv scene, applying extended techniques to the kit and treating it as a textural-melodic instrument. Blowing, bowing, scratching, playing with hands and all kinds of objects, all is valid to expand the vocabulary of this innovative percussionist. He played with improvisers, such as: Lotte Anker, Marshall Allen, Yedo Gibson, Susana Santos Silva, Kaja Draksler, Jasper Stadhouders, Mikloaj Trzaska, Martin Kuchen, Richard Barrett, Jorma Tapio, Christher Bothen, Marc Stucki, Luc Ex. etc...

He has released around 30 CDs in labels such as Cuneiform Records (USA), Altrock Records (Italy), Leo Records (UK) Discordian Records (Barcelona, Spain), Audition Records (Mexico), El Negocito Records (Belgium), Jacc Records (Portugal), Fmr Records (UK)."

-Vasco Trilla Website (

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Pedro Santo is a Lisbon, Portugal based drummer known for the groups Ensemble MIA, Variable Geometry Orchestra.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"João Valinho is a percussionist and Visual Artist based in Lisbon, Portugal."

-Soundcloud (

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Track Listing:


1. Conduction #47 40:12


1. Conduction #48 37:44

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Creative Sources
Improvised Music
Free Improvisation
Electro-Acoustic Improv
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(Creative Sources)
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The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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