The Squid's Ear Magazine

Turba, Ruben / Minami Saeki: The Gift (Edition Wandelweiser Records)

Thirteen realizations of sound artist Rubén Turba and violist Minami Saeki's concept for two musicians or more, where each performer chooses five sounds as a "gift" to one of the others, played up to three times during the realization before moving to the next sound; these recordings were made independently in Tokyo & Madrid and then combined without editing.

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Ruben Turba-amplified surfaces, electronics, recordings

Minami Saeki-voice, viola, objects

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UPC: 4011778039730

Label: Edition Wandelweiser Records
Catalog ID: EWR 2305
Squidco Product Code: 34528

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2023
Country: Germany
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold 3 Panels
Recorded in Madrid, Spain, and Tokyo, Japan, in June, 2020, to May 2021.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

Each musician should think about the other (or one of the others, if you are more tan two) and choose five sounds. These sounds - mainly simple, mainly short - should be chosen having the other musician in mind: As warm, gentle gifts for him or her. Each sound may be played once, twice or, at most, three times. After moving to another sound, the musicians shouldn't go back and repeat any previous sound. The sounds may be played anytime within the duration of the piece.

Each musician may organize the placement of the sounds previously (fixed in time as a result of a chance operation, his/her intuition, etc.) or just while performing. The musicians may or may not listen to each other while performing. Both ways a new gift will appear.

When the piece is performed by more than two musicians, you should agree that all the musicians will receive their own gifts."-rubén turba

"between june 2020 and may 2021 we did these realizations of the gift. We recorded our own parts of the piece (minami in tokyo, rubén in madrid) without previously listening to each other's recordings. Then the recordings were just put together without any modification or editing. The only prior agreement was to set the duration of each realization around five minutes."-minami & rubén

Artist Biographies

"He began his musical practice in 2006 by participating in the production in Madrid of a house full of music, by John Cage. In 2011 he helped found the Madam collective from where he has collaborated with musicians from the Wandelweiser collective (Antoine Beuger, Radu Malfatti, Michael Pisaro) as well as with other musicians from that environment (Taku Sugimoto, Minami Saeki, Johnny Chang, Diatribes, etc.) , publishing with the madam collective two albums on edition wandelweiser records (sometimes, by Michael Pisaro, 2017 and ... of being numerous, by Antoine Beuger, 2019). Collaborator in various specialized media (ground gold, ars sonido of rne-classical), finds in collective improvisation certain ways of understanding composition, the relationships between music and scene and, ultimately, in musical praxis as expression political and community its main objects of interest."

-Proyector (Translated by Google) (

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"Minami Saeki was born in born in Nagasaki and is a film actress, singer, and dancer. She studied classical ballet, contemporary dance, classical singing and has has acted in films inlcuding "Village on the Village" (Yukihiro Kurokawa) and "Natsu no Musumetachi-Himegoto" (Teiichi Hori). Saeki is active as a singer and has performed with Taku Sugimoto, Junichiro Tanaka, Wakana Ikeda, Masafumi Ezaki, Takashi Masubuchi, Manfred Werder, Stefan Thut in the fields of both pop and experimental music."

-Pavilion (

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Track Listing:

1. The Gift. Realization 1 5:32

2. The Gift. Realization 2 5:27

3. The Gift. Realization 3 5:13

4. The Gift. Realization 4 4:52

5. The Gift. Realization 5 4:42

6. The Gift. Realization 6 6:02

7. The Gift. Realization 7 6:00

8. The Gift. Realization 8 5:22

9. The Gift. Realization 9 5:55

10. The Gift. Realization 10 5:49

11. The Gift. Realization 11 6:23

12. The Gift. Realization 12 5:37

13. The Gift. Realization 13 8:10

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Compositional Forms
Organized Sound and Sample Based Music
Improvised Music
Electroacoustic Composition
Duo Recordings
European Improvisation, Composition and Experimental Forms
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