The Squid's Ear Magazine
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Bosshard, Patricia:
Onceim-CoO [Used Item]

(Potlatch -- France )

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Previously played Squidco store copy, used for cataloging and samples, in excellent condition.

"Patricia Bosshard's compositions performed by ONCEIM and string ensemble CoO Recorded on June 2018 at Saint-Merry church (Paris)To in...

Bosshard, Patricia: Onceim-CoO
Bosshard, Patricia:

(Potlatch -- France )

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Two major works of evolving acoustic soundscape from Swiss violinist & composer Patricia Bosshard realized by the 27-member Orchestra des Nouvelles Creations, which includes Bosshard, Stephane Rives, Bertrand Denzler, &c.; "Sillon" employs a percussive pulse over 27 independently transforming grooves; "Reflets" a harmonic composition for bowed strings, including three double basses.

Lingens, Hannes: Music For Strings
Lingens, Hannes:
Music For Strings

(Edition Wandelweiser Records -- Germany )

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Four compositions for strings from German composer Hannes Lingens, including the three-part "Triptych" work performed by the Ensemble CoÔ, a septet directed by bassist Félicie Bazelair that emphasizes bowed strings; and two solo works performed by Bazelair: "Methods and Materials" & "Solo for String Instruments" employing advanced approaches to the double bass.

Denzler, Bertrand : Arc
Denzler, Bertrand :

(Potlatch -- France )

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Created by Felicie Bazelaire, CoO is a string ensemble drawn from the French new music ensemble ONCEIM; CoO develops new repertoire for strings, collaborating with composers like Bertrand Denzler, who wrote this innovative composition "Arc" in two parts, a work applying unusual techniques to bowed strings, particularly lower bass tones, for fascinating results.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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