The Squid's Ear Magazine

Johansson, Karin / Finn Loxbo : Vent (Omlott)

Performing on prepared piano & accordion (Karin Johansson) and guitar & electronics (Fin Loxbo), this Swedish duo explore unhurried and varied soundscapes, their skill and discerning motion allowing individual sounds space for clear expression in virtual narratives, the album's tracks captured in a variety of locations including the resonance of an old water reservoir.

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Karin Johansson-piano, accordion

Finn Loxbo-guitar, electronics, voice

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Label: Omlott
Catalog ID: MLR022
Squidco Product Code: 34812

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2018
Country: Sweden
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold
All tracks recorded and mixed by Rasmus Persson on various locations in Gothenburg, Sweden.Track 01-04, 06 & 07 were recorded at Atalante, track 05 in the attic of Karin Johansson's house.Track 08 in the old water reservoir of Kulturtemplet, track 09 in Karin's apartment.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"in a rain forest of moments. the eye hears what the ear sees. through each moment of karin johansson's and finn loxbo's music runs the firm conviction that all points and layers of sound - in true democratic spirit, carry the same weight. or lightness. as precise as scattered bird calls may be crucial to the totality and the outcome of the drama as a whole, as cautiously do they take care of the phrased line by being extremely exact with the gaps and the charged rest, where that very thing appears in just the right moment. an archetypical weave of strings being pulled and plucked further into our audible and visible listening. as a natural relief, the metal tongues from the accordion emerge and end up in new weightless states together with electronics and space. to suddenly whirl on in a dance for prepared piano and guitar that later just disappears out in the impossible where everything before was possible for thirty-one minutes and one second."-Sten Sandell, Stockholm, May 2018

Also available as a Vinyl LP.

Artist Biographies

"Karin Johansson" pianist / composer / accordionist. Improvised music / experimental / jazz / music for theatre and contemporary dance."

-Soundcloud (

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"Finn Loxbo from Göteborg, Sweden is a guitarist and player of the musical saw, known as one of the two guitarists on Mats Gustafsson's Fire Orchestra's Ritual Incarnation, and also a member of Dog Life, Fire! Orchestra, and Strändernas Svall."

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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Track Listing:

1. Nook 2:43

2. Trace 2:54

3. Needs 2:02

4. Transit 3:52

5. Attic 3:31

6. Passage 3:49

7. Claim 2:58

8. Scoop 4:45

9. Gap 4:22

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Improvised Music
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Electro-Acoustic Improv
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Recordings Utilizing the Natural Resonance of a Space
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The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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