The Squid's Ear Magazine

IKB : Dracaena Draco [2 CDs] (Creative Sources)

Two CDs representing two extended improvisations of the IKB Ensemble with slightly different personnel, with each ensemble slowly unfolding an amazingly textured work of acoustics and electronics with strong intent and incredible technique, balanced by close listening and attention to detail; an excellent 21st century improvisation orchestra captured live.

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Ernesto Rodrigues-harp, viola

Guilherme Rodrigues-cello

Miguel Mira-doublebass

Bruno Parrinha-alto clarinet

Nuno Torres-alto saxophone

Rogerio Silva-trumpet

Eduardo Chagas-trombone

Abdul Moimeme-electric guitar

Armando Pereira-accordion

Ricardo Guerreiro-electronics

Carlos Santos-electronics

Paulo Raposo-radio

Joao Silva-Tibetan chimes, Tibetan bell, seng gong

Nuno Morao-percussion

Monsieur Trinite-percussion

Jose Oliveira-percussion

Christian Wolfarth-cymbals

Rodrigo Pinheiro-church organ

Marian Yanchyk-violin

Jose Oliveira-acoustic guitar

Maria Radich-voice

Paulo Curado-flute

Yaw Tembe-trumpet

Eduardo Chagas-trombone

Gil Goncalves-tuba, flugabone

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UPC: 5609063402940

Label: Creative Sources
Catalog ID: cs294
Squidco Product Code: 21574

Format: 2 CDs
Condition: New
Released: 2014
Country: Portugal
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold
2012 recorded live at St. Georges Church, Lisbon, October 13th, 2012.

2014 recorded live at St. Georges Church during the "Creative_Fest#8" Festival, Lisbon, November 9th, 2014, by Carlos Santos and Nuno Morao.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"I finally managed to listen to the missing item of a sort of trilogy/tetralogy that IKB Ensemble, a copious ensemble of improvisers grouped by Ernesto Rodrigues, performed between 2012 and 2014. This one, named after the so-called dragon-tree (many of you maybe saw them in the Canary Islands), includes two sessions held in the same place - St.George's Church in Lisbon, the only Anglican one in the Portuguese capital city - in two different moments.

Each CD includes the recording of those improv sessions - the first occurring on 13th October 2012, the second on 9th November 2014 -, performed by slightly different musicians. As for the releases I already introduced signed by IKB ("Monochrome Bleu Sans Titre" and "Rhinoceros"), it's better to highlight the fact that the number of involved musicians could be a somehow misleading piece of information, as their sound is other than a bulky instrumental condensate.

The line-up somehow affects the sound of each session, as you'll notice the one recorded in 2014 tend to be more electroacoustic (featuring in details and in no particular order: Maria Radich's voice, Armando Pereira on accordion, Paulo Curado on flute, Eduardo Chagas on trombone, Yaw Tembe on trumpet, Nuno Torres on alto saxophone, Guilherme Rodrigues on cello, Bruno Parrinha on alto clarinet, Rodrigo Pinheiro on organ, Ernesto Rodrigues on viola, Miguel Mira on double bass, Jose Oliveira on acoustic guitar, Nuno Morao on percussions, Gil Goncalves on tuba and flugabone, Carlos Santos manoeuvring a computer, Abdul Moimeme on electric guitar, Marian Yanchyk on violin and Joao Silva on a Feng Gong and Tibetan bells), while the blend of piercing pure radio frequencies and the dizzying dissonances of the session recorded in 2012 has a more "electronic" approach (there were more or less the same musicians involved in that session, but there were also Paulo Raposo on radio-driven electronics, Christian Wolfarth on cymbals, a wider set of percussions and percussionists, Ricardo Guerreiro siding Carlos Santos on computers and Ernesto Rodrigues performed on harp instead of viola).

There could be some analogy with the mentioned tree: both the session seems to proceed very slowly (just like the growth of a Dracaena Draco or only drago -!-), the instrumental elements appears to group in a seemingly nervous tangle (close to the intricate web of lower branches of that tree) and the general atmosphere of the sessions evokes something in between mysterious and sinister (many alchemists and magicians looked for that tree, whose red sticky resin was so red and dense that was apparently referred as "the blood of a dragon"!).'-Vito Camarretta, Chain DLK

Get additional information at Chain D.L.K.

Artist Biographies

"He has been playing the violin for 30 years and in that time has played all genres of music ranging from contemporary music to free jazz and improvised music, live and in the studio.

His main interest shifted towards contemporary improvised and composed music.

The relationship with his instruments is focused in sonic and textural elements.

Electronic music was an early influence on his approach to violin playing, which challenges traditional romantic concepts of the violin/viola through use of preparations and micro tuning.

Active in different settings on the Portuguese scene for free improvised music, both as a collaborator and in leading his own groups.

Music for Dance, Cinema, Video and Performance.

Has created the record label Creative Sources Recordings in 1999, which mainly concentrates on releasing experimental and electro-acoustic music."

-Creative Sources (

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"Was born 1988 in Lisboa, Portugal and started playing cello and trumpet at Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa at the age of 7. In 1999 joined Conservatório Nacional de Música de Lisboa to study classical and music theory and in the current year recorded his first album - Multiples - with Ernesto Rodrigues and José Oliveira out on Creative Sources Recordings.

Apart from work in music ensembles ranging for contemporary classical to free improvisation, also works with live music poetry, theatre and film-music. After lengthy residency in Lisboa, (1988-2016) moved to Berlin and has been active as composer and improviser in the scene.

Worked with some international and renewed artists like Ernesto Rodrigues, Jean-luc Guionnet, Margarida Garcia, Manuel Mota, Alfredo Costa Monteiro, Sei Miguel, Tim Goldie, Jeffrey Morgan, Oren Marshall, Gerhard Uebele, Klaus Kurvers, Gabriel Paiuk, Nicolas Field, Jaime Fennelly, Blaise Siwula, Will Guthrie, Pawel Grabowski, Michael Thieke, Wade Matthews, Leonel Kaplan, Diego Chamy, Gabriel Paiuk, Barry Weisblat, Joe Giardullo, Jassem Hindi, Tisha Mukarji, Masahiko Okura, Taku Unami, Toshihiro Koike, Sharif Sehnaoui, Christine Abdelnour, Alexandre Bellenger, Carlos Zingaro, Romaric Sobac, Nuno Rebelo, Nuno Torres, Naoto Yamagashi, Heddy Boubaker, Gerhard Uebele, Guillermo Torres, Tomas Gris, Carlos Santos, Bruno Parrinha, Miguel Leiria Pereira, Miguel Ivo Cruz, Alberto Cirera, Nuno Morão, Mark Sanders, Dennis Gonzaléz, Alípio Carvalho Neto, Raymond Macdonald, Neil Davidson, David Stachenas, Lisa Ullén, D'incise, Cyril Bondy, Miguel Mira, Rodrigo Amado, Abdul Moimême, Monsieur Trinité, João Madeira, Álvaro Rosso, Gil Gonçalves, Marian Yanchyk, Filipe Passos, Rodrigo Pinheiro, Christian Wolfarth, Thanos Chrysakis, Bechir Saade, Kurt Liedwart, Miguel A. Garcia, Ilia Belorukov, Andrew Lafkas, Gao Jiafeng, Eric Wong, Johan Moir, Casey Moir, Magda Mayas, Matthias Muller, Alexander Frangenheim ...

Has performed and toured in all Europe. Released more than 30 albums of his own projects."

-Creative Sources (

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"Born in 1958, studying guitar at the Academy of Music Amateurs, in the 70s, with Prof. Nagy. In the late 70 studying bass at the Hot Club, in the early '80s, with Prof. Zé Eduardo.

"Intrigue and permanent and persistent unease with stringed instruments, jazz and improvisation itself. During the last forty years, in concert, in private or in the studio, I had the honor of having played and learned (chronologically) Nuno Grande, Armindo Neves, Emilio Robalo, Celso Carvalho, António Ferro, Arthur Costa, Ze Bitch John Vinegar, John Lucas, Francisco Medina, Abdul moimeme, Rashiim Ausar Sahu, Patrick Brennan, Rodrigo Amado, Scott Fields, Francisco Trindade, Ernesto Rodrigues, Harvey Sorgen and Joe Giardullo.

Today, honor me play (and perpetuate my restlessness) with Rodrigo Amado, Abdul moimeme, John Lucas, Joseph Bruno Parrinha, John Parrinha, João Pedro Viegas, Alipio Carvalho Neto, Gabriel Ferrandini, Ernesto Rodrigues, Armando Gonçalves Pereira, Hernani Faustino, Rodrigo Pinheiro, Zé Lencastre, Louis Desirat, Peter Castello Lopes, Luís Lopes, Luís Vicente, Philip Sousa, Pedro Roxo, Johannes Krieger, George Lamprey, Marcello Maggi, Paulo Curado, Diogo Leal, D' Incise, Virginia and Eduardo Chagas. With some of my friends. I share my musical day in broader bands or ensembles, with other I highlight specific musical encounters and they are my entire curriculum." "

-JACC Records (

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"Bruno Parrinha - alto sax / soprano, Clarinet Sb / Alto, flute

Around the age of 10 began playing the clarinet. At 17 he bought a flute and entered the Academy of Music where he Amateurs solfeggio and instrument with Paulo Curado for two years . Later he was always playing clarinet and tenor saxophone ( self-taught ) and at age 21 he was invited to join the band Pop Radar Gaddafi with whom he recorded . Later he was cast of musicians on the play " Vieux Carré " in teatro da Graça playing tenor sax . Spent a year on the scene . At 87 he began to attend formations of Sei Miguel resulting in vinyl LP recorded at 88 " Songs love and against terrorism ." Since then he has dedicated his commitment to free improvisation and has participated in numerous trainings and concerts with illustrious musicians including Rodrigo Amado , Rodrigo Pinheiro , Miguel Mira , João Lucas , Paulo Curado , Ernesto Rodrigues , Guilherme Rodrigues , Ulrich Mitzlaff , Manuel Guimarães Cyril Bondi , " D' Incise ," Raphael Ortiz , Nicolaus Gerwinsky , Phill Niblock , Raymond McDonald , Victor Nubla , Nuno Rebelo , Marco Franco, Gabriel Ferrandini , Hernani Faustino , Luís Lopes , José Oliveira , Carlos Santos , Carlos " Zingaro " João Pedro Viegas , Victor Rua , Abdul " moimême " , Luís Vicente , João Lancaster , Luis Gil , Paulo Pimentel , Francisco Andrade , Albert Cicera and many others.

Presently a part of groups : ARGUE, IKB , VGO , Miguel Mira Quartet , Open Mind and Puma. "

-Bruno Parrinha MySpace Page (

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"Studied alto saxophone within a jazz tradition spectrum. His continuous solo experimental research explores a wide scope of sound material through the use of the extended technics. Participates in several ensembles of improvisational music, electro acoustics and reductionism. Collaborates with musicians such as, Ernesto Rodrigues, Ricardo Jacinto, Sei Miguel, Fala Mariam, João Castro Pinto, Rafael Toral, Manuel Mota, David Stackenäs, Travassos, Paulo Raposo, Carlos Santos, Shiori Usui, C. Spencer Yeh, Cyril Bondi and d'incise, and developed projects as CACTO and PinkDraft, In the recent years has been also collaborating in several different projects at the intersection of the performative areas of dance, theatre and the visual arts (PARQUE, Les Voisins, Eye Height, Adriana Sá, Beatriz Cantinho). Participates and curates experimental and community radio initiatives."

-Creative Sources (

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"Rogério Silva has been developing, since 1988, a creative career as a plastic artist. When the need arises to interconnect his aesthetic vision, developed through works of painting and drawing, with other forms of artistic exploration, he chooses music as an extension of his creative activity, initiating studies of trumpet.

His interest in improvised music gradually emerges through his relationship with the instrument, which is the starting point for the creation of new effects, textures and sound exploration of environments.

Rogério Silva explores the trumpet in its power and formal sound in a way between the free improvisation and the composition in real time. Its electro-acoustic proposal combines amplified trumpet with effects of pedals, microphone and recordings, creating environments of sound intensity but also of intimacy, using silence as a formal work presence.

He collaborates regularly with the IKB Ensemble, VGO Variable Geometry Orchestra and is a member of the Granular Collective."

-Rogerio Silva Website (translated by Google) (

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Eduardo Chagas currently lives in Lisboa, Portugal. He is a member of IKB, Variable Geometry Orchestra, performing free Improvisation, and electroacoustic-improv.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"Abdul Moimême was born in Lisbon, in 1959, moving at an early age to New Mexico and later to Dublin, Ireland. He began studying the guitar at the age of 11, studying under various private teachers, in Madrid, Spain.

In 1979 he moved to Boston to study architecture, finally completing his degree at the University of Lisbon.

In the 90's he began studying the tenor saxophone with Patrick Brennan. In this period he became actively involved with Lisbon's improvised and alternative rock scenes, performing frequently with the Variable Geometry Orchestra since it's creation in 2003, as well as with various other local projects.

His main musical partners are from Lisbon and Porto, but he has also performed in public concerts with such artists as Gale Brand, George Haslam, Jon Raskin, Ken Filiano, Patrick Brennan, Steve Adams, and Wade Matthews.

In 1999 he started writing about jazz in various Portuguese publications and is currently a permanent collaborator of magazine, and Publico newspaper, as a critic.

In 2006 he created Freemusic (, a space exclusively dedicated to the promotion of Portuguese improvised music."

-Creative Sources (

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Accordionist and toy pianist Armando Pereira is a member of IKB and , Variable Geometry Orchestra, recording with Ernesto Rodrigues, Guilherme Rodrigues, Gil Gonçalves, Nuno Torres, Abdul Moimême, Carlos Santos & and José Oliveira.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"Ricardo Guerreiro (Lisbon, 1975) is a composer who predominantly develops his activity in the field of computer music creation, mainly departing from his interest in the algorithmic description of sonic phenomenon and musical structuring. Over the last years he has been collaborating with different musicians in the composition of collaborative performance situations in diversified contexts. In the field of musicological research, he is interested in the fundamentally ontological character of Aesthetics, seen as a discipline that implies an evaluation of our approach to technique, i.e., how we relate to the means we have at our disposal, as well as the broad acting context, namely the cultural, social and physical spaces.

He holds a PhD in Music Informatics / Computer Music from the School of Arts of the Catholic University of Porto. Graduated in Composition by the Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa (2000) and in Electronic Music (2004) by the Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello di Venezia, Italy. In 2007, he obtained his degree in Musicology at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He attended several composition courses and seminars in Lisbon, Porto, Aveiro, Paris (IRCAM - '99), Darmstadt ('98 and 2000) and Venice, with names like Annette Vande Gorne, Chaya Czernowin, Curtis Roads, Emmanuel Nunes, François Bayle, Hans Zender, Helmut Lachenmann, Isabel Mundry, Julio Estrada, Mark André, Morton Subotnick and Salvatore Sciarrino, among others, as well as Giorgio Agamben's Aesthetics (2001) and Iconology (2004) semester seminars held at the Universities of Verona and Venice, respectively.

As a scholarship holder of the Italian Government he developed, between 2001 and 2002, a research project on the computer music in "Prometeo" by Luigi Nono, supervised by Prof. Alvise Vidolin and having as invited institutions the Center for Computational Sonology (CSC) of the University of Padua and the Luigi Nono Archive in Venice. Between 2004 and 2014 he created and directed the Laboratory of Sound and Composition for the course of Cinema / Motion Picture of Ar.Co (Center for Art and Visual Communication). He was professor (2010-2013) in the courses of Interactive Multimedia Production and Sound Design at the IPA (Instituto Politécnico de Estudos Autónomos). Since 2007, he has been collaborating as a trainer in both ETIC (Escola Técnica de Comunicação e Arte) and EPI (Escola Profissional de Imagem). Between January and October 2016 he was music informatics assistant at ADDAC System, a company that produces modular synthesizers."

-Centro de Estudos De Sociologia E Estetica (

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"Studied painting with António Sena (Ar.Co, 1988 -1992), worked in advertising for a period of time, but nowadays works as graphic designer in corporate identity, packaging, web and audio-video production.

Started sound/music activities in 1989 when formed the VITRIOL project with Paulo Raposo, a laboratory for experimental sound actions, in a first stage with studio work followed in 1994 by live output, mainly live electronics, concrete music with a improvised or graphic score oriented approach. Uses the laptop with software written in MaxMsp, small resonant objects, microphones and piezo elements to produce a music that deals with space and its sound characteristics. Interests in "soundscape" and field recordings are a huge part of his work, for piece preparation or just for archival purposes, Always recording, events, spaces or music. Multi-channel acusmatic music and radio pieces.

Presents himself solo in site-specific audio-video works, or in duos with João Silva (video, sound, photography), "Inhabitaded Spaces" with Ricardo Guerreiro (computer, mics), "Venús Pistolletto" with Emídio Buchinho (elec. guitar, mics, objects) and trios with Ernesto Rodrigues (violin) and Guilherme Rodrigues (cello) or ZNGR electroacustic trio with Carlos "Zíngaro and Emídio Buchinho. Member of several formations, "(Des)Integração" laptop ensemble (2001-2003) or in more electroacoustic sets, uses live-electronics and sampling which is the case of "Suspensão" septep, VGO, variable geometry orchestra and specially a trio close related to the "near silence" aesthetics, with Ernesto Rodrigues (violin, harp) and Guilherme Rodrigues (cello) with already several CD releases, always with at least one international improviser guest. Presented his work in Portugal, Spain, France, UK and Germany. Worked with artists from several media: dance, performance and video. Music and sound design for video and animation. Video and sound editing for comercial projects. Played live or in recording projects throughout the years with a lot of musician and sound artists. His sound work is documented in several CD releases. Belongs to the Granular board of directors, a portuguese association for experimental art and does the image of Creative Sources label. Broadcasts "Boca Doce" show at Rádio Zero (web) and other special shows. Workshops and seminars in digital audio manipulation, Maxmsp programming and sound art practise."

-Creative Sources (

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"Paulo Raposo (b 1967) is a sound and media artist based in Lisbon, Portugal. Born in 1967, after studies of philosophy and cinema in Lisbon, he has been working in the medium of live electronic and computer sound, performing, recording and exhibiting works in France, Germany, UK, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Baltic States and United States. His work explores the inter-relationships and displacements between digital process and architectural spaces, using computer and custom-built software to create abstract and delicate soundscapes. Since the late nineties, he started also exploring intersections between sound and image, taking advantage of the digital medium real-time possibilities, both in solo performances and collaborative work. Raposo performed and colaborated with numerous artists, including Janek Schaefer, Jason Kahn, Kaffe Mathews, Marc Behrens, Jgrzinich, Zbigniew Karkowski, Matt Rogalski, Carlos Santos, Carlos Zíngaro, Christopher Murphy, Koji Asano, Sara Kolster, among others."

-Portuguese Music Research & Information Centre (

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João Silva is a Portuguese musician who performs on tibetan bell, seng gong, shruti box, &c.

-Squidco, Creative Sources 10/2/2024

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"Nuno Morão: Musician | Sound engineer, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

• Scratch Built Studio | CABO Studio; • The Selva; • Hamar Trio; • Joana Barra Vaz; • Ar.Co - Center for Art & Visual Communication; • ECOSAcademic education; • University of Évora

He was born in Lisbon in 1976. In 1983, he began his musical studies at the School of Music of Loures. He was later student at the Gregorian Institute of Lisbon, Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon, University of Aveiro, School of Music of Lisbon and University of Évora (where he is about to graduate in Jazz).

He studied composition, organ of tubes, piano, drums, varied percussion and a panoply of plastic instruments. In the company of several musicians and projects, he practices improvisation and exploratory music (PARK, PINKDRAFT, IKB Ensemble, VGO, Hamar Trio, The Selva).

He works as a musician, composer and sound engineer (in theater, dance, performance, installation, cinema, web, audiobooks and new media), as well as operator, director, editor and sound mixer. In addition to the musical projects mentioned above, he is also an active member of Ensemble JER, Common Name, Nuno Sanches and co-editor of BOCA (audiobooks). He enjoys walking, collecting varied documentation and photographing the national railway. 40 years old. Born in Lisbon, where he lives and works as a musician, composer and sound designer (theater, performance, installation, cinema, web and new media), as well as a sound recordist, mixer, editor and director."

-Linked In (

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Monsieur Trinité is based in Lisboa, Portugal, and is a member of Equinox Quartet, IKB, Potlatch, and Variable Geometry Orchestra.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"Polivalent artist with conections to the Fluxus movement, José Oliveira is well known, besides music by his "mail art" creations, performance and poetry.

As an improvisor, his aproach to percussion is similar to Paul Lovens, Roger Turner, Lê Quan Ninh and Paul Lytton. He prefers a non conventional "set", where he uses instruments and objects as raw materials to create an improvised language rich in terms of timbre and textures. To this he adds sometimes inside piano manipulations and prepared guitar, in the same way as John Cage: the objects are placed on the strings or in between them in real-time performance, and not according to a previous plan.

He belonged to Sei Miguel collective between 1989 and 1996, played with Carlos Bechegas and Pedro Roxo and has a regular activity with Ernesto Rodrigues."

-Creative Sources (

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Born 1960 in Zürich/Switzerland.

1982-1986 studies with Bob Cunningham and Billy Brooks at the Swiss Jazz School in Bern.

1992-1996 studies with Pierre Favre at the Conservatorium in Luzern.

1995 studies in Composition with Siegfried Kutterer in Basel.

Workshops with George Lewis, Alexander von Schlippenbach, Jojo Mayer, Han Bennink and others.

Since the middle of the 80th's he's involved in many projects between Jazz, improvised and written New Music.

Since 1991 he played many solo concerts in all over Europe and Russia.

Regular works with dancers above all with Nina F. Schneider and her dance company. (1994-2002)

He works for theatre, film and video.Collaborations and concerts with

Al Maslakh Ensemble, Claus van Bebber, Burkhard Beins, Christian Buck, John Butcher, Gene Coleman, Bertrand Denzler, Jacques Demierre, Michel Doneda, Axel Dörner, John Edwards, Donat Fisch, Christoph Gallio, Mich Gerber, Malcolm Goldstein, Eugen Gomringer, Barry Guy, Charlotte Hug, Jason Kahn, Hans Koch, Jonas Kocher, Tomas Korber, Annette Krebs, Fine Kwiatkowski, Joke Lanz, Urs Leimgruber, London, Improvisers Orchestra, Paul Lovens, Werner Lüdi, Michael Lytle, Paul Lytton, Enrico Malatesta, Albert Mangelsdorff, Michael Moser, Norbert Möslang, Günter Müller, Lauren Newton, Andrea Neumann, Lucas Niggli, Evan Parker, Simon Picard, Lê Quan Ninh, Ignaz Schick, Alex von Schlippenbach, Irène Schweizer, Christine Sehnaoui, Günther Sommer, Jürg Solothurnmann, Michael Thieke, Michael Vorfeld, Phil Wachsman, Christian Weber, Michel Wintsch, Michael Zerang, Ingar Zach, Alfred Zimmerlin and many others.Labels

His work is released on labels like: for4ears, formed, HatOLOGY, Leo, Klangbad, Presto!?, Rossbin, mikroton, Monotype, Quakebasket, hiddenbell, Creative Sources, Origin, Percaso, Wandelweiser, Unit and others.Festivals

Christian Wolfarth has played at some festivals such as:Festival Total Meeting (F), Festival Densités (F), Les Arts à Gahard (F), Wien Modern (A), Ulrichsberger Kaleidophon (A), Festival Pulsi (I), LEM Festival (ES), Störung Festival (ES), At Harbour (CR), Percussion Festival (RU), Skanu Mezs (LET), Musica Genera (PL), Festival Blaue Fabrik (D), ZAM Labor (D), Klangbad Festival (D), Humanoise Congress (D), Festival Rue du Nord (CH), Festival de la Cité (CH), Festival Akouphène (CH), Festival Archipel, (CH), Onze Plus (CH), Jazzfestival Willisau (CH), Festival ZweiTageZeit (CH), Unerhört (CH), Maiers Ohr (CH), Stanser Musiktage (CH), Festival SehnsOhr (CH), Knoten Festival (CH), TonArt (CH), Taktlos Festival (CH)"

-Christian Wolfarth Website (

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"Rodrigo Pinheiro was born in 1973 in Covilhã, a small town in the center of Portugal. He started learning the piano when he was five at the Conservatory of Covilhã and later at the Conservatory of Lisbon until he was eighteen. He soon got involved with the free Portuguese improvisation scene, having played with Américo Rodrigues, José Oliveira, Nuno Rebelo, Rodrigo Amado, Luís Desirat, Bruno Parrinha or Ernesto Rodrigues. Pinheiro's intuitive approach to improvisation and exploration of the piano timbres, using both classical and extensive techniques, makes his music energic, polyrhythmic and full of contrasts. Moreover, he has honed his technique at workshops of improvisa- tion and composition where he has played with virtuous names, such as Carlos Zíngaro, Peter Kowald, Gunther Muller or Patrick Brennan. He has also performed with several musicians, like Hiroshi Kobayashi, Cristin Wilboltz, Nathan Fuhr, Blaise Siwula, Per Anders Nilsson, John Zorn, Nobuyasu Furuya, Jason Stein, Nate Wooley, John Butcher, Lotte Anker, Joe McPhee, Keir Neuringer, among others. In 2010 Pinheiro formed his project RED Trio, with Hernâni Faustino (bass) and Gabriel Ferrandini (drums). The band has recorded four albums with Clean Feed and Nobusiness Records and performed live at jazz and improvised music festivals and concerts in Portugal, USA, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Poland and Romenia. He is also a member of the Nobuyasu Furuya Quintet, which has two released albums by Chitei Records e Nobusiness Records. His most recent projects are his trio earNear, with João Camões (viola) and Miguel Mira (cello), and the Clocks and Clouds' quartet, with Luís Vicente (trumpet), Hernani Faustino (bass) and Marco Franco (drums)."-Luis Vicente Website (

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"Marian Yanchyk was born into a family of artists in Lviv, Ukraine in 1992 he showed talent for music with only 6 years old and started to learn the violin at the same age. 12 years emigrated to Portugal and continued his learning up to 20 years old that was formed by the Algarve Regional Conservatory and later by the School of Music Lisbon. Integrated, among others, the Youth Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra of the School of Music Lisbon.

Marian Yanchyk has several investments and partnerships in recordings and concerts musicians as diverse as eclectic. Takes part in recording several albums such as:

2014 IKB - "Rhinocerus"2015 IKB - "Anthropométrie"2016 João Caetano - "People"2016 Trio Tramuntana - "Bolina"

In 2016 it is awarded the prize for best musical performer in the international short film festival "In the Palace" in Balchik (Bulgaria).

Among its collaborations, says the participation in numerous different musical styles such as:

Classico, Jazz, Swing, Manouche, Fado, Latino, Brasileira, Bossa Nova, Blues, Africana, Rock and Roll, Rumba, Tango, Celta, Pop, Electronica, Experimental, Rock, Blues, Reggae, Drum and Bass, House, Dub Step, Trance entre outros.

In the last 8 years gets a huge experience teaching private and working on various types of events as well as:

Weddings, baptisms, ceremonies, appetizers, dances, exhibitions Private events, hotels, resorts, bars, restaurants, clubs, anniversaries, company parties, DJ monitoring and all kinds of cultural events."

-Marian Yanchyk Website (translated by Google) (

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"Polivalent artist with conections to the Fluxus movement, José Oliveira is well known, besides music by his "mail art" creations, performance and poetry.

As an improvisor, his aproach to percussion is similar to Paul Lovens, Roger Turner, Lê Quan Ninh and Paul Lytton. He prefers a non conventional "set", where he uses instruments and objects as raw materials to create an improvised language rich in terms of timbre and textures. To this he adds sometimes inside piano manipulations and prepared guitar, in the same way as John Cage: the objects are placed on the strings or in between them in real-time performance, and not according to a previous plan.

He belonged to Sei Miguel collective between 1989 and 1996, played with Carlos Bechegas and Pedro Roxo and has a regular activity with Ernesto Rodrigues."

-Creative Sources (

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Vocalist Maria Radich is a member of the Portuguese bands: Ensemble MIA, ikb, Variable Geometry Orchestra

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"Flutist, saxophonist, improvisateur, composer.

With classical and jazz training at the Amadores de Música Academy, the Conservatório Nacional and the Portugal Hot Club school of jazz, Paulo Curado works within jazz and improvised music.

"O Lugar da Desordem" is a trio founded by Paulo in 1995, which comprises drummer Bruno Pedroso and bassist Pedro Gonçalves." (

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"Yaw Tembe is a swazi born artist and trumpeter living in Lisbon for several years, were he has developed an artistic career as a musician and sculptor,through a quick passage to Oporto he attended the sculpture course at the Faculty of Fine Arts (2010). Back to Lisbon, he has developed a work characterized by fragility and the exploitation of the ephemeral in a process that has crossed the various areas where he articulates. As a trumpeter he has developed a work based in the exploration of timbre possibilities of this instrument through acoustic resources such as self made mutes and "prepared trumpets" and the implementation of electronic pedals, drifting around influences such as Jon Hassel , Axel Dorner, Pierre Bastien and Toshinori Kondo. He has participated in several group exhibitions; in 2014 he was resident artist with the Mecanicantu Project in Musibéria - International Center for Music and Dance of the Iberian World (Serpa/Portugal) developing electroacoustic instruments. In addition to promoting workshops and art laboratories. Yaw Tembe has been marking is identity in numerous participations in musical projects such as GUME, Zarabatana, SIRIUS Cículo de3 Pontas, IKB (Ernesto Rodrigues) among others involving theater,video performance and visual arts."

-Queering Style (

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Eduardo Chagas currently lives in Lisboa, Portugal. He is a member of IKB, Variable Geometry Orchestra, performing free Improvisation, and electroacoustic-improv.

-Squidco 10/2/2024

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"Gil Gonçalves, Tubist, Professor for Tuba and Euphonium

Gil Gonçalves was born in Samora Correia in 1983. He studied music at the Lisbon Conservatory of Music and at the Lisbon Superior Orchestra Academy with Sérgio Carolino. Later, he pursued his studies with FrançoisThuillier at the Amiens Music Conservatory in France. Gil has worked in master classes with professors Ilídio Massacote, Sérgio Carolino, Gene Pokorny, Anne Jelle Visser, Oystein Baadsvik, Mel Culberston, Miguel Moreno, Walter Hilgers, Roger Bobo, Oren Marshall, Samuel Hershko, Harri Lidsle e François> He was semi-finalist on the International Tuba-Euphonium Conference 2006 in Denver, USA, in the categories Tuba solo and Jazz. In 2008 he won first prize (senior division) in the 1st National Wind Instruments Competition "Terras de la Salette" and was a semi-finalist in the Tuba Solo International Competition in Markneunkirchen, Germany.

After auditioning he was selected to join the Orchestre des Jeunes de la Mediterranée (France) in a tour in Turkey. He plays regulary with the Oporto National Orchestra, the Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra and the Gulbenkian Orchestra. In other diferent music styles he plays in the world music bands "Kumpania Algazarra" and "Sarrabulho". He is a founding member of Dixieland band "On Dixie", electronic-acoustic band "Anisotropus" and collaborates regularly with jazz musicians Alípio C. Neto, Johannes Krieger and Ernestro Rodrigues, the most relevant project "Variable Geometry Orchestra".

Gil Gonçalves is professor of tuba and euphonium at Palmela Music Conservatory and University of Evora."

-Miraphone (

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Track Listing:


1. 2012 37:11


1. 2014 43:58

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May 2017
Creative Sources
Improvised Music
Free Improvisation
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Con versa tions
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(Creative Sources)
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(Creative Sources)
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Bechegas, Carlos / Ernesto Rodrigues / Carlos Santos
Echoing The Chorus Of Life
(Creative Sources)
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Sjostrom, Harri / Floros Floridis / Guilherme Rodrigues / Lawrence Casserley
(Creative Sources)
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Kita / Uebele / Rodrigues
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Gato, Joao / Bruno Parrinha
(Phonogram Unit)
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The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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