The Squid's Ear Magazine

Ullmann, Jakob

fremde zeit addendum [3 CDs]

Ullmann, Jakob: fremde zeit addendum [3 CDs] (Edition Rz)

A 3 CD box with new recordings of composer Jakob Ullmann's works, recorded between 2008-2011, including "disappearing musics for six players (more or less)", "komposition fur streichquartett 2", &c.

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Jakob Ullmann-composer

Maruta Staravoitava-flute

Pavlos Serassis-clarinet

Patrick Stadler-saxophone

Orsolya Sepsi-violin

Éva Csizmadia-violin

Lucie Martin-keyboard

Hans-Peter Schulz-keyboard

Molly McDolan-obe

Dafne Vicente-Sandoval-bassoon

Hans-Peter Schulz-organ


Antonio Pellegrini-violin

Thomas Hofer-violin

Fabio Marano-viola

Helmut Menzler-cello

Christoph Bosch-flute

Dafne Vicente-Sandoval-bassoon

Helena Winkelman-violin

Oliver Margulies-viola

Ellen Fallowfield-cello

Clara Gervais-bass

Stephan Schmidt-speaker

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Label: Edition Rz
Catalog ID: ed. RZ 1026-28
Squidco Product Code: 15864

Format: 3 CDs
Condition: New
Released: 2012
Country: Germany
Packaging: 3 CD Box Set
Recorded at various locations and on dates between 1989 and 2010.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"Thus, Ullmann creates a quiet music in order to give himself and his listeners the opportunity to hear more, and better. This comes about because our ability to hear is augmented when listening to quiet music.

We hear better because we make an effort to hear better. That is why Ullmann likes to locate his sound sources at the periphery, so as not to make it too easy for the ear. In order to let sounds develop and move on their own time, the pieces are usually longer than the general concert norm dictates. The opening minutes serve as the exposition of the tempo and the mode, to condition, as it were, the listening."-Bernd Leukert (Translation: Laurie Schwartz)

Artist Biographies

"Jakob Ullmann (born 12 July 1958 in Freiberg, Germany) is a German composer and university professor. He is the son of theologian and politician Wolfgang Ullmann.

After refusing to undergo military service in East Germany, Ullmann worked as groundskeeper, boilerman and house painter from 1978 until 1982 in Dresden. From 1979 until 1982 he studied church music in Saxony. Being denied official enrollment in Berlin's Academy of Fine Arts, he studied composition privately with Friedrich Goldmann.

Since the early 1980s he has been working as a freelance composer and author of self-published writings, as well as teaching classes at different universities on New Music, mediaeval music, history of Byzantine music as well as music philosophy. His first major presentation in concert was in East Berlin in 1986, receiving positive reviews as well as a first official publishing deal for his string quartet's score in print. In 1988 a work by Ullmann saw its first performance in West Germany when Gruppe Neue Musik Hanns Eisler guested at the Donaueschingen Festival."

-Wikipedia (

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"Dafne Vicente-Sandoval, born in Paris in 1979, is a bassoon player who explores sound through improvisation, contemporary music performance and sound installations. Her instrumental approach is centred on the fragility of sound and its emergence and development within a given space. In a concert situation she seeks to create a parodoxical presence of vulnerability and strength by testing the limits of control and instability. A key aspect in her work is the deconstruction of her instrument. She amplifies fragments through miniature microphones mounted inside the instrument. This exploded version of her sound sometimes meets more conventional bassoon playing to generate aural discontinuities between the exterior and the interior, the whole and the parts, wood and electricity - a "reverse-engineered emergence". Dafne Vicente-Sandoval currently lives in Paris and works mainly everywhere else. She favours long-term face-to-face collaborations within which her work keeps an integrity while engaging in a dialogue with that of others. Current projects with Klaus Filip, Bonnie Jones, Pascal Battus, Jakob Ullmann, Éliane Radigue and Klaus Lang. Her work has been presented at contemporary music festivals (Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, England; Blurred Edges, Hamburg; Visiones Sonoras, Mexico), festivals of improvised music (Konfrontationen, Austria; No Idea, Texas) and sound art fetsivals (Tsonami, Chile)."

-Musikprotokoll (

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"Dafne Vicente-Sandoval, born in Paris in 1979, is a bassoon player who explores sound through improvisation, contemporary music performance and sound installations. Her instrumental approach is centred on the fragility of sound and its emergence and development within a given space. In a concert situation she seeks to create a parodoxical presence of vulnerability and strength by testing the limits of control and instability. A key aspect in her work is the deconstruction of her instrument. She amplifies fragments through miniature microphones mounted inside the instrument. This exploded version of her sound sometimes meets more conventional bassoon playing to generate aural discontinuities between the exterior and the interior, the whole and the parts, wood and electricity - a "reverse-engineered emergence". Dafne Vicente-Sandoval currently lives in Paris and works mainly everywhere else. She favours long-term face-to-face collaborations within which her work keeps an integrity while engaging in a dialogue with that of others. Current projects with Klaus Filip, Bonnie Jones, Pascal Battus, Jakob Ullmann, Éliane Radigue and Klaus Lang. Her work has been presented at contemporary music festivals (Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, England; Blurred Edges, Hamburg; Visiones Sonoras, Mexico), festivals of improvised music (Konfrontationen, Austria; No Idea, Texas) and sound art fetsivals (Tsonami, Chile)."

-Musikprotokoll (

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"Helena Winkelman (born 27 February 1974) is a Swiss-Dutch composer and violinist. She has won the Andrea Postaccini Italian violin competition and the Walther Bringolf Award for Chamber Music of the Music Academy of Heidelberg-Mannheim. The violin she uses was made by Francesco Rugeri in 1687."

-Wikipedia (

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Track Listing:

CD 1

1. disappearing musics 34:44

2. solo I + II + III 40:43

CD 2

komposition fur streichquartett 2 47:26

CD 3

PRAHA: celetna - karlova - maiselova 55:30

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Compositional Forms
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