The Squid's Ear Magazine

Gauci's, Stephen Basso Continuo: Nididhyasana (Clean Feed)

Tenor saxophonist Gauci & trumpeter Nate Wooley with the dual bass backbone of Mike Bisio and Ingebrigt Haker Flaten in original compositions using extended instrumental techniques.

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product information:


Ingebrigt Haker Flaten-doublebass

Mike Bisio-doublebass

Nate Wooley-trumpet

Stephen Gauci-tenor saxophone

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UPC: 5609063001013

Label: Clean Feed
Catalog ID: CF101
Squidco Product Code: 9257

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2007
Country: Portugal
Packaging: Cardstock Gatefold Sleeve

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"The name "Basso Continuo" refers not to early music but rather to the double double bass backbone Mike Bisio and Ingebrigt Haker-Flaten provide to Stephen Gauci's quartet. On this remarkable recording these sub-sonic kindred spirits interweave to form a latticework that supports the multitude of sounds that tenor saxophonist Stephen Gauci and trumpeter Nate Wooley draw from their instruments and imaginations. Somehow the pair squeeze their oversized axes into every nook and cranny the music creates. They are here, then there, lurking, then striking.

In sharp contrast to the faux-baroque name of Gauci's quartet, the title of the album and each of the tracks have Indian overtones, perhaps bringing to mind John Coltrane's late spiritual works. And of course Gauci plays the tenor saxophone, and so, like all who followed Coltrane, owes a debt to the tenor's great master. Gauci's more immediate indebtedness, however, is to his former teachers, "mainstream" greats Joe Lovano and George Garzone. His front-line running mate, Wooley, is one of the most daring experimentalists of present day improvisation and a brass master in his own right. These two teams -the pair of provocative horn players and the contemporary basso continuo - make a fantastic and unexpected combination."-Clean Feed

Artist Biographies

"Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (b. 1971, Oppdal) - studied Jazz at the Music Consevatory in Trondheim, Norway (1992-1995) under the tutelage of bassplayer Odd Magne Gridseth.

When one listens to the great bassists in modern jazz history, a striking thing (though it may not be immediately arrived at) is that greatness is reached through open-mindedness and diversity. William Parker, Malachi Favors Maghostut, Peter Kowald, Wilbur Ware, Bertram Turetsky, Buell Neidlinger - all of these bass players have embraced a lifestyle of playing all sorts of music and the breadth of each musicians' technique is a testament to those experiences. Norwegian bassist and composer Ingebrigt Håker Flaten is also a musician whose experience is both geographical and aesthetic. While the fertile Scandinavian new jazz scene offered a vast amount of opportunities to work in different bands with musicians whose concepts are as individual as the grains in a reed, Flaten has found home and on-the-bandstand education in places as far flung as Chicago and his current residence Austin, Texas.

A muscular player whose tone and attack run the gamut from Paul Chambers to Buschi Niebergall, his sense of both openness and control serves ensembles as diverse as The Thing, Free Fall, Atomic, Scorch Trio and the Kornstad/Håker Flaten Duo. In addition to his own Chicago Sextet and Austin-centric Young Mothers, Flaten has also recorded and performed with Frode Gjerstad, Dave Rempis, Bobby Bradford, the AALY Trio, Ken Vandermark, Stephen Gauci, Tony Malaby, Daniel Levin, Dennis Gonzalez and numerous others. Flaten studied at the Conservatory in Trondheim (1992-1995), turning professional shortly afterward, yet his hunger to play in new situations with new musicians - schooled or amateur, frequently recorded or just starting out - puts him in a rare class, that of a truly broad-minded artist. That mettle has served him well, living and developing the music under his own steam and drawing from influences as diverse as Derek Bailey, George Russell, Chris McGregor, filmmakers Ingmar Bergman, contemporary pop melody and gritty punk music as well as everyday sights and sounds.

There is a calmness and self-assuredness that imbues all great artists, in that the diversity of their work comes with very little ego. Flaten's artistry is often in collective, leaderless ensembles and in fact, following a decade of professional musicianship it wasn't until 2004 that his leader-debut was released - Quintet (Jazzland, followed in 2008 by The Year of the Boar, and a Sextet recording is upcoming). This latter fact is partly due to the necessity of a copacetic situation - in an interview in 2010 with the Austinist he noted that "I use people where I'm located. It's inspiring to have your own band to write for, but you have to make sure that people feel free and not limited by the music; the compositions should lead the way to a player's open mind, and that is a challenge." Certainly not every bandleader/composer thinks this way.

In 2011, he formed another ensemble, The Young Mothers, which includes drummers Stefan Gonzalez (Dallas) and Frank Rosaly (Chicago), trumpeter/poet/rapper Jawaad Taylor (New York), saxophonist Jason Jackson (Houston), and Jonathan Horne (Austin) on guitar. It's a group of varying levels and influences and as it grows organically, will be another excellent lens through which to view Flaten's aesthetic, philosophy, and musicianship. The next few years see him in a position where established ensembles can steep and spread their influence, while experimenting with and nurturing a wide range of new relationships."

-Ingebrigt Haker Flaten Website (

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"Nate Wooley was born in 1974 in Clatskanie, Oregon, a town of 2,000 people in the timber country of the Pacific Northwestern corner of the U.S. He began playing trumpet professionally with his father, a big band saxophonist, at the age of 13. His time in Oregon, a place of relative quiet and slow time reference, instilled in Nate a musical aesthetic that has informed all of his music making for the past 20 years, but in no situation more than his solo trumpet performances.

Nate moved to New York in 2001, and has since become one of the most in-demand trumpet players in the burgeoning Brooklyn jazz, improv, noise, and new music scenes. He has performed regularly with such icons as John Zorn, Anthony Braxton, Eliane Radigue, Ken Vandermark, Fred Frith, Evan Parker, and Yoshi Wada, as well as being a collaborator with some of the brightest lights of his generation like Chris Corsano, C. Spencer Yeh, Peter Evans, and Mary Halvorson.

Wooley's solo playing has often been cited as being a part of an international revolution in improvised trumpet. Along with Peter Evans and Greg Kelley, Wooley is considered one of the leading lights of the American movement to redefine the physical boundaries of the horn, as well as demolishing the way trumpet is perceived in a historical context still overshadowed by Louis Armstrong. A combination of vocalization, extreme extended technique, noise and drone aesthetics, amplification and feedback, and compositional rigor has led one reviewer to call his solo recordings "exquisitely hostile".

In the past three years, Wooley has been gathering international acclaim for his idiosyncratic trumpet language. Time Out New York has called him "an iconoclastic trumpeter", and Downbeat's Jazz Musician of the Year, Dave Douglas has said, "Nate Wooley is one of the most interesting and unusual trumpet players living today, and that is without hyperbole". His work has been featured at the SWR JazzNow stage at Donaueschingen, the WRO Media Arts Biennial in Poland, Kongsberg, North Sea, Music Unlimited, and Copenhagen Jazz Festivals, and the New York New Darmstadt Festivals. In 2011 he was an artist in residence at Issue Project Room in Brooklyn, NY and Cafe Oto in London, England. In 2013 he performed at the Walker Art Center as a featured solo artist.

Nate is the curator of the Database of Recorded American Music ( and the editor-in-chief of their online quarterly journal Sound American ( both of which are dedicated to broadening the definition of American music through their online presence and the physical distribution of music through Sound American Records. He also runs Pleasure of the Text which releases music by composers of experimental music at the beginnings of their careers in rough and ready mediums."

-Nate Wooley Website (

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"Stephen Gauci is recognized as one of the most strikingly original saxophonists on the New York City improvised music scene.

Stricken by a childhood illness that has left him with a profound hearing loss, Gauci was drawn to the clear, deep, tone of the tenor saxophone. This was the first step in a lifelong relationship with, and investigation of tone, timbre, and especially.. voice. The nature of Gauci's hearing loss are that outer sounds require of him the utmost level of concentration and focus. The flip side, however, is that inner sounds, and the inner voice, are magnified... crystal clear and singing. The intense outward focus developed as a result of Gauci's hearing impairment has been turned inward like a laser to illuminate, and manifest, the inner voice.

Gauci has performed and recorded with many of the leading improvisers of our time, including Cooper Moore, Joe Morris, Nels Cline, Karl Berger, Kenny Wessel, Kris Davis, Tyshawn Sorey, Daniel Carter, George Garzone, Nate Wooley, William Parker, Steve Swell, Mike Bisio, Adam Lane, Kevin Shea, William Hooker, Ingebrigt Haker Flaten, Dave Rempis.

Gauci runs the popular Bushwick Improvised Music Series, where he has presented over 600 concerts featuring many of New York's greatest improvisers, as well as many international touring musicians. At two years and counting, the Bushwick Series is the longest running weekly avant jazz series in Brooklyn. Gauci also performs at the Bushwick Series every Monday with his working quartet featuring guitarist Sandy Ewen, bassist Adam Lane, and drummer Kevin Shea. Having performed every Monday for over two years, this is arguably one of the longest running avant jazz sets in New York City history.

Gauci has released twenty five records as a leader or co-leader. He currently runs Gaucimusic Recordings, releasing both live and studio recordings featuring many of the leading lights of Brooklyn's improvised music community. His mission as a presenter/record producer is to nurture, document, and present to the world, Brooklyn's incredibly diverse, multi-generational, ground breaking improvised music scene.

In addition to regular NYC performances, Gauci has performed in France, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Portugal, and throughout the United States."

-Stephen Gauci Website (

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Track Listing:

1. Nididhyasana (uninterrupted contemplation)

2. Dhriti (steadfastness)

3. Chitta vilasa (play of mind)

4. Turyaga (beyond words)

Related Categories of Interest:

Improvised Music
NY Downtown & Metropolitan Jazz/Improv
Clean Feed
Nate Wooley
Quartet Recordings
Jazz & Improvisation Based on Compositions

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