The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Adam Hopkins: Crickets + Grounded [VINYL 180g]
Adam Hopkins:
Crickets + Grounded [VINYL 180g]

(Out Of Your Head Records -- USA )

In Stock

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5th anniversary LP reissue of bassist Adam Hopkins' 2018 album, a great example of the Downtown / Brooklyn scene, using jazz as a jumping-off point to merge free playing, fusion, and rock into an enthusiastic and technically brilliant album of original compositions performed with the sextet of Anna Webber, Ed Rosenberg, & Josh Sinton on sax, Jonathan Goldberger on guitar, and Devin Gray on drums.

Hopkins, Adam: Crickets
Hopkins, Adam:

(Out Of Your Head Records -- USA )

In Stock

Click for more details and price.

A great example of the current Downtown/Brooklyn scene, using jazz as a jumping-off point to merge free playing, fusion, and rock stylings into an enthusiastic, and technically brilliant album, as bassist Adam Hopkins provides the compositions performed with the sextet of Anna Webber, Ed Rosenberg, & Josh Sinton on sax, Jonathan Goldberger on guitar, and Devin Gray on drums.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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