The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Babel, Isaac : The Sin Of Jesus <i>[Used Item]</i>
Babel, Isaac :
The Sin Of Jesus [Used Item]

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Transcription of Soviet writer Isaac Babel's The Sin of Jesus into music by applying a rule system where words determine melody, letters determine rhythm & harmony, &c.

Wolpe, Stefan: Enactments <i>[Used Item]</i>
Wolpe, Stefan:
Enactments [Used Item]

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Fox, Chistopher: Works For Piano, Philip Thomas piano <i>[Used Item]</i>
Fox, Chistopher:
Works For Piano, Philip Thomas piano [Used Item]

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Four large and distinctive works by composer Christopher Fox performed by pianist Philip Thomas, who also writes the liner notes about the works, revealing and explaining the compositional elements, piano preparations, and physical requirements placed on the performer.

Hauser, Fritz : Laboratorio - Solo Percussion
Hauser, Fritz :
Laboratorio - Solo Percussion

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Swiss drummer & percussionist Fritz Hauser's solo album creates a fictional percussion center that he uses as as springboard to compose solo works for spaces within the [non-existent] environment, depicted in both spacious and active sound work, generating open-air locations with bird sounds and cymbals and areas of quick-paced activity; absolutely impressive.

Feldman, Morton (Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt): Atlantis
Feldman, Morton (Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt):

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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A much-needed reissue of this 2000 CD of three orchestral works from late composer Morton Feldman--"String Quartet and Orchestra" (1973), "Oboe and Orchestra" (1976), and "Atlantis" (1959)--demonstrating the evolution of his incredible control in working with tone, mood and instrumental combinations, from his earliest large-scale work to later mature works.

Rosenberger, Katharina : SHIFT
Rosenberger, Katharina :

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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First recordings of composer Katharnia Rosenberger's SHIFT and other dynamic and exciting works incorporating spatialization, by an electroacoustic orchestra including Rage Thrombones, captured in 2016 at the University of California, in San Diego, California.

Feldman, Morton : For John Cage
Feldman, Morton :
For John Cage

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Morton Feldman was a friend, flatmate and student of John Cage's innovative approaches to composition; he wrote this 3 part work for violin and piano in 1982 as a 70th birthday present for Cage, here performed by violinist Josje Fosie Ter Haar and pianist John Snijders.

Stockhausen, Karlheinz : Mantra (performed by Mark Knoop, Roderick Chadwick and Newton Armstrong)
Stockhausen, Karlheinz :
Mantra (performed by Mark Knoop, Roderick Chadwick and Newton Armstrong)

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Stockhausen's late 60s composition "Mantra" was a return to his intricately systematised approach to musical construction, expanding the possibilities and potentialities of the serial principle to allow for more melodic and embraceable compositions.

Lim, Liza: Orchestral Works
Lim, Liza:
Orchestral Works

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Composer Liza Lim presents 3 lesser known works: "The Compass" for orchestra with solo parts for flute and didgeridoo; "Pearl, Ochre, Hair String" featuring a cello solo using a guiro bow; and "The Guest" written for recorder soloist Jeremias Schwarzer.

Stockhausen / Beethoven (Pi-hsien Chen): Klavierstucke / Sonaten
Stockhausen / Beethoven (Pi-hsien Chen):
Klavierstucke / Sonaten

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Alternating between Stockhausen and Beethoven, pianist Pi-Hsien Chen performs solo works including "Klavierstuck", "Sonata A-Dur Op. 101" and "Sonata C-moll Op. 111", contrasting and comparing the innovations of both composers.

Fox, Chistopher: Works For Piano, Philip Thomas piano
Fox, Chistopher:
Works For Piano, Philip Thomas piano

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Four large and distinctive works by composer Christopher Fox performed by pianist Philip Thomas, who also writes the liner notes about the works, revealing and explaining the compositional elements, piano preparations, and physical requirements placed on the performer.

Anzellotti, Teodoro : Push Pull
Anzellotti, Teodoro :
Push Pull

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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New works for the accordion composed by Vinko Globokar, Toshio Hosokawa, Youghi Pagh-Paan, Rolf Riehm, and Salavatore Sciarrino and performed by Teodoro Anzellotti.

Ammann, Dieter: The Freedom of Speech
Ammann, Dieter:
The Freedom of Speech

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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The Ensemble fur Neue Musik Zurich plays seven pieces by Swiss composer Dieter Ammann, each made through a very slow creative process that contrasts the very lively and gestural music.

Lim, Liza: The Heart's Ear
Lim, Liza:
The Heart's Ear

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Although she has probably become known as one of Australia's best-known composers, Liza Lim's compositions undermine centuries-old Eurocentrism and are largely inspired by Asian culture.

Gregorio, Guillermo: Faktura
Gregorio, Guillermo:

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Guillermo Gregorio produces a series of compositions that reinterprets the structural concepts of Constructivism, Concretism, and Madi, focusing on the physicality of sound.

Rudhyar, Dane: Works For Piano
Rudhyar, Dane:
Works For Piano

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Pianist Steffen Schleiermacher plays six spiritual pieces by composer Dane Rudhyar that are not meant to be analyzed and thought about, but to be felt and experienced.

Wolpe / Feldman / Zimmerman / Seel: Four Generations
Wolpe / Feldman / Zimmerman / Seel:
Four Generations

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Pianist and composer Daniel N. Seel plays four pieces from four generations of different composers including Stefan Wolpe, Morton Feldman, Walter Zimmerman, and his own work.

Counterpoise (Carisi / Sauter / Wolff / Wolfpe): Counterpoise
Counterpoise (Carisi / Sauter / Wolff / Wolfpe):

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Four composers - John Carisi, Eddie Sauter, Christian Wolff, and Stefan Wolpe - create a program of works with a measured balance in the interrelated and contrasting material.

Barlow, Clarence: Musica Derivata
Barlow, Clarence:
Musica Derivata

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Composer Clarence Barlow, like Beethoven, builds his own labyrinths, brick by brick, and then searches for an escape by creating conceptual forms to get around the traps of time, tonality, and style.

Haubenstock-Ramati, Roman: Mobile For Shakespeare
Haubenstock-Ramati, Roman:
Mobile For Shakespeare

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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A series of musical "mobiles" from European composer Roman Haubenstock-Ramati, sonic transformations of the visual experiences of Alexander Calder's dynamic sculptures.

Haubenstock-Ramati, Roman: Concerto A Tre
Haubenstock-Ramati, Roman:
Concerto A Tre

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Ensemble Recherche plays chamber music pieces by Polish composer Roman Haubenstock-Ramati that are dynamically explosive and allow for the free communicating of the musicians.

Kasemets, Udo: Pythagoras Tree
Kasemets, Udo:
Pythagoras Tree

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Pianist Stephen Clarke plays seven works for solo piano by Estonian-born, Canadian-naturalized composer Udo Kasemets that focus on specific designs of micro-detail.

Stiebler, Ernstalbrecht: ...Im Klang...
Stiebler, Ernstalbrecht:
...Im Klang...

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Composer Ernstalbrecht Stiebler presents three solo pieces, one for accordion (Teodoro Anzellotti) one for piano (Marianne Schroeder) and the third for organ (Huub Ten Hacken).

Hauser, Fritz: Pieces For Percussion
Hauser, Fritz:
Pieces For Percussion

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Ensemble XII performs pieces by percussionist Fritz Hauser that were composed with an attention to detail that is heard in the timbre, texture, density and dynamics of his arrangements.

Ives, Charles: A Songbook
Ives, Charles:
A Songbook

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Sebastian Gottschick's adaptations of Ives' songs and short instrumental pieces pay homage to the composer and develop his work further, as conducted by Gottschick with the ensemble fur neue musik zurich.

Cage, John / Domencio Scarlatti: Changes
Cage, John / Domencio Scarlatti:

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Pianist Pi-Hsien Chen performs both the playful and quirky sonatas of Domenico Scarlatti juxtaposed to John Cage's I Ching developed compositions, "Music of Changes", which complement each other in unexpected and sublime ways.

Cage, John: Music Of Changes (1951)
Cage, John:
Music Of Changes (1951)

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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"Music of Changes" was composed by John Cage using the hexagrams of the I Ching and has no sense of structure, continuity, rhythm, or speed; change itself is the only consistent aspect of the work.

Rosenberger, Katharina: Texturen (2007 - 2011)
Rosenberger, Katharina:
Texturen (2007 - 2011)

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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"Texturen" for seven musicians and eight other works from composer Katharina Rosenberger, blending acoustics, electronics and voice in inventive ways, as performed by the NY Wet Ink Ensemble.

Schonberg, Arnold: Works For Piano
Schonberg, Arnold:
Works For Piano

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Pi-hsien Chen performs Arnold Schonbgergs, a small part of his oeuvre, yet significant in that they reflect the evolution and development of this great composer's compositional powers.

Ensemble Fur Neue Musik Zurich: Women Composers
Ensemble Fur Neue Musik Zurich:
Women Composers

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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The Ensemble Fur Neue Musik Zurich perform the works of modern women composers: Katharina Rosenberger; Ada Gentile; Carmen Maria Carneci; Liza Lim; and Noriko Hisada.

Boulez, Pierre & John Cage: Structures & Music For Piano
Boulez, Pierre & John Cage:
Structures & Music For Piano

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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John Cage and Pierre Boulez met in 1949, forging a long and valuable musical friendship, as seen through the parallels in these works by both composers, performed by Pi-Hsien-Chen & Ian Pace.

Ferrari, Luc: Piano & Percussion Works
Ferrari, Luc:
Piano & Percussion Works

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Works for piano, percussion, and one including magnetic bands, from Luc Ferrari, composed between 1956-1988, here performed by pianist Satoko Inoue and percussionist Toshiyuki Matsukua.

Prokofiev, Sergei / Dmitri Shostakovich: Works For 2 Pianists Under Soviet Rule
Prokofiev, Sergei / Dmitri Shostakovich:
Works For 2 Pianists Under Soviet Rule

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Two works for piano composed under Stalinist rule by Dmitri Shostakovich and Sergei Prokofiev, recorded in 2009 by pianists Ufuk & Bahar Dorduncu.

Transatlantic Swing: Works For Piano
Transatlantic Swing:
Works For Piano

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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American pianist John Snijders performing the music of European composers Christopher Fox, Ivo Van Emmerik, Richard Rijnvos, James Rolfe, and Luca Francesconi.

Wolff, Christian: Early Piano Pieces
Wolff, Christian:
Early Piano Pieces

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Early works from avant-garde composer Christian Wolff, including pieces for prepared piano influenced by John Cage's ideas for the same instrument.

Tenney, James: Forms 1-4 - In Memoriam Edgar Varese, John Cage, Stefan Wolpe, Morton Feldman [2 CDs]
Tenney, James:
Forms 1-4 - In Memoriam Edgar Varese, John Cage, Stefan Wolpe, Morton Feldman [2 CDs]

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Various Artists (Zorn / Johansson / Johnson / de Vroe / Schleirmacher): Enfants Terribles
Various Artists (Zorn / Johansson / Johnson / de Vroe / Schleirmacher):
Enfants Terribles

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Feldman, Morton: Violin & String Quartet [2CD]
Feldman, Morton:
Violin & String Quartet [2CD]

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Makrokosmos Quartet: Magic Worlds Of Sound
Makrokosmos Quartet:
Magic Worlds Of Sound

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Makrokosmos Quartet playing the Crumb piece from which their name derives, along with works by Stefano Gervasoni and Georg Friedrich Haas.

Babel, Isaac : The Sin Of Jesus
Babel, Isaac :
The Sin Of Jesus

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Transcription of Soviet writer Isaac Babel's The Sin of Jesus into music by applying a rule system where words determine melody, letters determine rhythm & harmony, &c.

Crumb, George: Vox Balaenae
Crumb, George:
Vox Balaenae

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Hisada, Noriko : Prognostication
Hisada, Noriko :

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Wolpe, Stefan: Enactments
Wolpe, Stefan:

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Cardew, Cornelius: Treatise
Cardew, Cornelius:

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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Gregorio, Guillermo: Degrees Of Iconicity
Gregorio, Guillermo:
Degrees Of Iconicity

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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