The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Persson, Rasmus / Lee Noyes : Ratios
Persson, Rasmus / Lee Noyes :

(Idealstate Recordings -- Sweden )

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The collaboration between sound artists Lee Noyes and Rasmus initiated during their 2021 residency at Elementstudion in Goteborg, blending feedback electronics to explore balance, restraint, and precision; navigating the unpredictability of their instruments, they use improvisation, negative space and perceptual phenomena to develop these fascinating compositions.

Noyes, Lee / Barry Chabala: The Lightgiver
Noyes, Lee / Barry Chabala:
The Lightgiver

(Ftarri -- Japan )

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A 4-part series of collaborative improvisations between US guitarist Barry Chabala and Canadian-born, Sweden-based electroacoustic improviser Lee Noyes, Chabala performing on acoustic & electric guitars and objects, Noyes on piano & percussion, and both on prepared piano, for elegantly diaphanous interactions that employ a score influenced by The I Ching and Albert Camus.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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