The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Warren, Kenny (Warren / Hoffman / Ellman): Sweet World [VINYL]
Warren, Kenny (Warren / Hoffman / Ellman):
Sweet World [VINYL]

(Out Of Your Head Records -- USA )

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New York trumpeter Kenny Warren leads a trio with cellist Christopher Hoffman and drummer Nathan Ellman-Bell through eighteen Warren compositions that draw on diverse musical elements from around the globe — without being 'world music' — crafting succinct, creatively engaging works marked by eclectic references, unconventional time signatures, and a free-flowing lyrical spirit.

Sanchez, Angelica Nonet: Nighttime Creatures
Sanchez, Angelica Nonet:
Nighttime Creatures

(Pyroclastic Records -- USA )

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Assembling a masterful set of New York jazz luminaries including Michael Attias, Ben Goldberg, John Hebert, Thomas Heberer, Sam Ospovat, Chris Speed, Omar Tamez and Kenny Warren, pianist Angelic Sanchez tailors her compositions to these players through nine original compositions, along with Ellington's "Lady of the Lavender Mist" and "Tristeza" by Amarndo Carvajal.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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