The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Matthews, Wade / Carmen Morales: Fall Five Improvisations
Matthews, Wade / Carmen Morales:
Fall Five Improvisations

(Aural Terrains -- UK )

In Stock

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Inspired by and recorded at the basilica of a former monastery overlooking a valley in southern Spain, the duo of Wade MatthInspired by and recorded at the basilica of a former monastery overlooking a valley in southern Spain, the duo of Wade Matthews on digital synthesis & field recordings and Carmen Morales on prepared piano, present improvisations with a unique palette of timbres, contrasting spacious moments against rapid interaction as they "Plunge and Tumble" through five captivating dialogs.ews on digital synthesis & field recordings and Carmen Morales on prepared piano, present improvisations with a unique palette of timbres, contrasting spacious moments with rapid interaction as they "Plunge and Tumble" through five captivating dialogs.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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