The Squid's Ear Magazine

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AUTORHTYHM: Songs for the Nervous System [VINYL]
Songs for the Nervous System [VINYL]

(thanatosis produktion -- Sweden )

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An investigation into the depths of the body's neurological frontier from Swedish electronic artist Joakim Forsgren, presenting a series of intuitive compositions drawing from the latest medical research on how light and sound at specific frequencies has a potential to affect bodily functions, using analog synthesizers to create retro-rhythmic environments of flowing sound.

AUTORHTYHM: Songs for the Nervous System
Songs for the Nervous System

(thanatosis produktion -- Sweden )

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An investigation into the depths of the body's neurological frontier from Swedish electronic artist Joakim Forsgren, presenting a series of intuitive compositions drawing from the latest medical research on how light and sound at specific frequencies has a potential to affect bodily functions, using analog synthesizers to create retro-rhythmic environments of flowing sound.

AUTORHTYHM: Synapse / Oxytocin [7'' Vinyl w/ Download]
Synapse / Oxytocin [7'' Vinyl w/ Download]

(thanatosis produktion -- Sweden )

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The first single from Swedish electronic composer Joakim Forsgren's Autorhythm's project Songs For The Nervous System, two soundscapes in the ambient realm, Forsgren using vintage synths and no computers to create these tracks, described as "pop music for a dysfunctional but beautiful parallel world".

Forsgren, Joakim / Andreas Hiroui Larsson featuring David Lackner: Vending Machine
Forsgren, Joakim / Andreas Hiroui Larsson featuring David Lackner:
Vending Machine

(thanatosis produktion -- Sweden )

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Sound and visual installation artists Joakim Forsgren and Andreas Hiroui Larsson use a multiplicity of approaches, both rhythmic and abstract, and a vast set of instruments (flutes, bass, drum machines, saxophone, maracas, sythesizer, &c) and objects (kitchenware, nails in a box, aluminum foil, &c) to create a universe of quirky and embraceable song-like structures.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

© 2002-, Squidco LLC