The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Leap Of Faith: Spectral Sequences
Leap Of Faith:
Spectral Sequences

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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Working with Alex Lemski, who produces the Boston-area Creative Music Series, reedist and multi-instrumentalist David Peck organized a concert of unique orchestration for Leap of Faith, the duet of himself and cellist/aquasonic player Glynis Lomon, here with two bassists--Albey onBass & Nate McBride--plus trumpeter Vance Provey and drummer Eric Rosenthal.

Metal Chaos Ensemble: Project Wildfire
Metal Chaos Ensemble:
Project Wildfire

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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A working project of the Boston-based Evil Clown collective, Metal Chaos Ensemble explores chaotic rhythms on metallic instruments, in this live-streamed performance from 2022 as a quintet with strong jazz influences, from David Peck on reeds and percussion, Bob Moores on trumpet & keys, Michael Caglianone on sax, Albey onBass on bass, and Steve Niemitz on drums & percussion.

Simulacrum (Peck / onBass / Moores / Simches): Semblance
Simulacrum (Peck / onBass / Moores / Simches):

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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An offshoot of Metal Chaos Ensemble, Simulacrum features 3 the core members of that band--David Peck on winds, horns, percussion and electronics, Eric Woods on analog synth, and Bob Moores on space trumpet, guitar & electronics--substituting Joel Simches for Woods to provide maximum real-time signal processing for this extended and diverse set of free improv, jazz and soundscape.

Perturbations: Deviations Of A System
Deviations Of A System

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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Leveraging the real time signal processing of Evil Clown house engineer Joel Simches, this project from the Boston free improving collective centers around reedist & multi-instrumentalist David Peck and Simches, who provides the "perturbations" of each player through his processing, making him the 4th in this quartet with bassist Albey onBass and reedist Michael Caglianone.

Axioms: Abstract Intensions
Abstract Intensions

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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Arranged around the core of bassist Albey onBass and poet Jane SpokenWord, who were a part of Cecil Taylor's final trio, this spoken word, drummer-less ensemble from the Boston-based Axiom collective is a live quartet performance with David Peck on reeds, winds, percussion & electronics, and Glynic Lomon on cello and aquasonic, in an extended, eclectic and electric discourse.

Simulacrum: Homunculus

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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An offshoot of the Boston collective Evil Clown band, Metal Chaos Ensemble, orchestrated for additional electronics and without a drummer, featuring the three core members from MCE--David Peck on reeds, winds and percussion, Eric Woods on analog synth, and Bob Moores on space trumpet, guitar & electronics--expanded with Albey onBass on bass and moog, Eric Zinman on synth, and Michael Caglianone on reeds.

Leap Of Faith: Transmutations
Leap Of Faith:

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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Leap of Faith (David Peck on reeds, winds & percussion and Glynis Lomo on cello & aquasonic) are joined by saxophonist Bonnie Kane, former Cecil Taylor bassist Albey onBass, John Loggia on drums, Joel Simches performing real time processing, and in his debut with the Boston collective, Chris Alford on guitar & signal processing, in a dynamic jazz-oriented extended set.

Leap Of Faith: The Symbolic Method
Leap Of Faith:
The Symbolic Method

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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The 2nd live performance from the Evil Clown headquarters post-pandemic, in a trio edition of Leap of Faith comprised of David Peck on reeds & winds, Glynis Lomon on cello, aquasonic & voice and Steve Niemitz on drums, plus an extended encore with 3 strings, reeds, trumpet and drums adding Nate McBride, Eric Rosenthal, Vance Provey and Albey onBass.

Simulacrum: Reincarnations

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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A quartet of collective improvisors focused on the merging of percussion and electronics from the Boston project Simulacrum in an extended transmigration, here with Bob Moores on guitar and synths, former Cecil Taylor bassist Albey onBass, keyboardist Eric Zinman also performing on drum kit, and David Peck on reeds, winds, electronics and percussive devices.

Axioms: Meaning And Truth
Meaning And Truth

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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Cecil Taylor trio associates, the working duo of poet Jane SpokenWord and bassist Albey onBass, joins the collaborative Boston duo of David Peck on reeds & percussion and Gylnis Lomon on cello and aquasonic, the "Axioms" focusing on statements or propositions that bridge the distance between poetic discussion of truths and abstract musical structures.

Leap Of Faith: Ordered And Disordred Localities
Leap Of Faith:
Ordered And Disordred Localities

(Evil Clown -- Canada )

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A 2022 recording at Evil Clown Headquarters, in Waltham, MA of the duo offshoot of the Leap of Faith Orchestra--David Peck on reeds & flutes, and Glynis Lomon on cello, aquasonic & voice--with guests, trumpeter Vance Provey, saxophonist Michael Caglianone, modular synth player Eric Woods and Albey on bass, with Joel Simches performing real-time signal processing.

Leap of Faith: Quatum Jitters
Leap of Faith:
Quatum Jitters

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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The core duet of the Leap of Faith Orchestra of David Peck on clarinets, saxophones, clarinets & flutes and Glynis Lomon on cello, aquasonic & voice, are joined by Michael Caglianone on trumpet, Eric Woods on modular synth, Albey on bass, all processed in real time by Joel Simches, extending their previous acoustic-only approach to incorporate electronics.

Axioms (PEK / SpokenWord / Lomon / onBass / Simches): Illusion and Reality
Axioms (PEK / SpokenWord / Lomon / onBass / Simches):
Illusion and Reality

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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Two vocalists associated with Cecil Taylor's final trio--Albey onBass and Jane SpokenWord--join Evil Clown leader David Peck (PEK) on reeds, winds and a large collection of percussive devices, and Glynis Lomon on cello & aquasonic, for an extended work of critical poetry and spoken word, merging truth and abstraction through free improv and pointed expression.

Axioms: Discourse

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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Featuring the poetry and words of Cecil Taylor-associated poets Albey OnBass and Jane SpokenWord, the Boston collective improvising band Axiom of David Peck on reeds, winds and percussion, Steve Niemtiz on drums & percussion and Glynis Lomon on cello & aquasonic + OnBass & SpokenWord, focus on "Discourse", wakefullness and freedom in an age of social unrest.

Axioms: Hypothesis

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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The second album of free improv with poetry from the Boston-based Evil Clown collective band Axioms of David Peck, Jane SpokenWord and Albey onBass, this album extending the trio with Glynis Lomon on cello and Steve Niemitz on drums & percussion, heard in an extended improvisation bridging the distance between poetic discussion of truths and abstract musical structures.

Metal Chaos Ensemble: Beyond the Holy Mountain
Metal Chaos Ensemble:
Beyond the Holy Mountain

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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With a core of Leap of Faith members (David Peck, Glynis Lomon & Yuri Zbitnov) along with trumpet, bass, computer & electronics, Moog, and analog synth, this rendering of Boston's far-ranging collective, using David Peck's framework compositions and arsenal of instruments, takes their listeners through controlled cosmic chaos with recitation and electronic companionship; wild!

Axioms: Manifestations

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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Boston's Evil Clown collective led by reedist/multi-instrumentalist David Peck introduces a new ensemble, Axioms, a quartet with Peck, Jane, Alby onBass, and Joel Simches, in a mammoth work of mysterious intent and rich sonorities, orchestrated with reeds, brass, daxophones, percussion, bells and chimes, electric bass, keys, spoken word, and real-time signal processing.

String Theory : Thickness Of The Present
String Theory :
Thickness Of The Present

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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The Leap of Faith string-heavy grouping in a concert at Outpost 186 in Cambridge, 2018 with PEK on bamboo saxophones, reeds, tarota, contrabassoon, sheng, melodica, aquasonic & bells; Glynis Lomon on cello & aquasonic; Grant Beale on guitar; Lukasz Pavlikovsky on cello & aquasonic; Albey onBass on electric bass; Silvain Castellano and Adrienne Schoenfeld on double bass.

Metal Chaos Ensemble: Electric Sword Machine
Metal Chaos Ensemble:
Electric Sword Machine

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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Each of these Boston-area improvisers handles an arsenal of equipment in the Metal Chaos Ensemble of David Peck (PEK) on reeds, synth, & daxophone, Bob Moores on synths & laptop, Eric Woods on synth, metal & wood, Abby on bass & electronics, and Yuri Zbitnoff on drums & percussion, in a massive work of detailed and passionate electroacoustics over PEK's large synthetic mix.

Metal Chaos Ensemble: Syncretic Discipline
Metal Chaos Ensemble:
Syncretic Discipline

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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PEK and Yuri Zbitnov lead the Metal Chaos Ensemble, here in a septet rendering of this Boston-area free improvising group that embraces an impressive arsenal of percussive, electronic and acoustic instruments, using unique strategies to yield densely active and eerily surreal music, an incredible excursion through experimental improvisation.

Leap Of Faith Orchestra: Cosmological Horizons
Leap Of Faith Orchestra:
Cosmological Horizons

(Evil Clown -- USA )

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The largest ensemble of Boston-area David M. Peck's Leap of Faith collective using Peck's frame notation compositional method of written descriptions and graphic symbols to allow large ensembles to create major works without extensive rehearsing, accompanied by a 23 page booklet that illustrates that concept and details this 2018 Killian Hall, MIT, concert.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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