The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Weston, Matt: Sparky 5 [CASSETTE w/ DOWNLOAD]
Weston, Matt:

(7272music -- USA )

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The 5th installment in percussionist & composer Matt Weston's serialized opera for percussion ensemble + electronics, a set of narratives and counter-narratives that explore mental health struggles as they develop over time in varying circumstances, realized through a combination of site-specific graphic, multidimensional and instantaneous scores.

Weston, Matt: Sparky 4 [CASSETTE w/ DOWNLOAD]
Weston, Matt:

(7272music -- USA )

In Stock

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The 4th installment in percussionist & composer Matt Weston's serialized opera for percussion ensemble + electronics, a set of narratives and counter-narratives that explore mental health struggles as they develop over time in varying circumstances, realized through a combination of site-specific graphic, multidimensional and instantaneous scores.

Weston, Matt: Sparky 3 [CASSETTE w/ DOWNLOAD]
Weston, Matt:

(4 Men With Beards -- USA )

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The 3rd installment in percussionist & composer Matt Weston's serialized opera for percussion ensemble + electronics, a set of narratives and counter-narratives that explore mental health struggles as they develop over time in varying circumstances, realized through a combination of site-specific graphic, multidimensional and instantaneous scores.

Weston, Matt: Sparky 2 [CASSETTE w/ DOWNLOAD]
Weston, Matt:

(7272music -- USA )

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The 2nd installment in percussionist Matt Weston's opera for percussion and electronics in a limited cassette + download, a cantankerous set of recordings that alternate disruption with introspectively unusual techniques realized through graphic, multidimensional and instantaneous scores, each piece a narrative exploring mental health struggles as they develop over time.

Weston, Matt: Sparky 1 [CASSETTE]
Weston, Matt:
Sparky 1 [CASSETTE]

(7272music -- USA )

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Matt Weston (Arthur Brooks Ensemble V, Arc Pair) initiates a series of limited cassette releases with this solo album, seven works of percussion using traditional and idiosyncratic percussive sources with a pensive pace and somewhat irascible attitude, each piece fully notated and executed live in the studio, using a similar aesthetic to link each work.

Weston, Matt: A New Form Of Crime [VINYL]
Weston, Matt:
A New Form Of Crime [VINYL]

(7272music -- USA )

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Conceived and constructed over 16 years, composer, electronic artist & percussionist Matt Weston employs graphic and personal notation systems with elements including clandestine recordings in concert halls and athletic buildings while they were not in use, rural field recordings, and the sound of cars driving over a bridge at Weston's conducting; unique and fascinating.

Weston, Matt: Searchlight Swings b/w Is That Helicopter Over Our House? [7-inch' VINYL]
Weston, Matt:
Searchlight Swings b/w Is That Helicopter Over Our House? [7-inch' VINYL]

(7272music -- USA )

In Stock

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Percussionist and electronics artist Matt Weston (Arthur Brooks Ensemble V, Arc Pair) in a 7" release showcasing his playing skills over his own notation systems employing additional dimensions of pre-and post-gestural strategies, using written standard notation and visual cues based on multiple and simultaneous, graphic scores.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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