The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Chemical Expansion League, The (Bohman / Lynch / Northover / Mengersen): Salute To The Rabid Raspber
Chemical Expansion League, The (Bohman / Lynch / Northover / Mengersen):
Salute To The Rabid Raspberry

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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The UK-based Chemical Expansion League of Adam Bohman (prepared strings, voice), Adrian Northover (sax, theremin, wasp synth), Sue Lynch (sax, clarinet, flute), and Ulf Mengersen (bowed & prepared double bass) present thirteen mostly succinct and eccentric improvisations that oscillate between sanity and absurdity, punctuated by industrial elements, bent tones, and surreal soundscapes.

Floridis, Floros / Ernesto Rodrigues / Guilherme Rodrigues / Ulf Mengersen: Xafnikes Synantiseis
Floridis, Floros / Ernesto Rodrigues / Guilherme Rodrigues / Ulf Mengersen:
Xafnikes Synantiseis

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Legendary Greek bass clarinetist and improviser Floros Floridis, also performing on clarinet, and German double bassist Ulf Mengersen of the Berlin Improvisers Orchestra and Ensemble MIA, meet the ever-creative duo of violist Ernesto Rodrigues and cellist Guilherme Rodrigues for this 6-part active studio improvisation whose title aptly translates to "Unexpected Encounters".

Rehnert, Thomas / Ulf Mengersen: Content: GXII
Rehnert, Thomas / Ulf Mengersen:
Content: GXII

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Working with modular synthesizer systems and amplified double bass, the Berlin duo of Ulf Mengersen, a member of Berlin Improvisers Orchestra and Ensemble MIA, and Thomas Rehnert, an experimental musician, sound artist and composer known for rock, theater, radio, visual arts and free improv settings, recorded these 10 electroacoustic improvisations in the studio in 2021.

Ensemble Discoveries (Lin / Vural / Muller / Kurvers / Mengersen): Offshore Adventures
Ensemble Discoveries (Lin / Vural / Muller / Kurvers / Mengersen):
Offshore Adventures

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Eight aquatic themed works from the Berlin-based quintet of Hui-Chun Lin and Uygur Vural on cello, Matthias Müller on trombone, Klaus Kurvers and Ulf Mengersen on bass; also known as Ensemble Discoveries, this album collects work from 2020-22, described as "improvised music and Echtzeit Compositions and the ideas of deep sea, their special living conditions: big pressure, eternity darkness".

Kaluza / Steyer / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Mengersen: Echoes In A Further Range
Kaluza / Steyer / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Mengersen:
Echoes In A Further Range

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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This string and reed quintet presents a fluid approach to chamber-oriented improv with dexterous melodic and harmonic motion, utilizing contemporary and jazz idioms as they create something masterfully unique; from Anna Kaluza on alto sax, Edith Steyer on alto sax & clarinet, Ernesto Rodrigues on viola, Guilherme Rodrigues on cello and Ulf Mengersen on double bass.

Chemical Expansion League, The (Bohman / Lynch / Northover / Mengersen): Grappling with the Orange P
Chemical Expansion League, The (Bohman / Lynch / Northover / Mengersen):
Grappling with the Orange Porpoise

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Some of the London free improv scene's finest players, including members of Remote Viewers, Custodians Of The Realm, London Improvisers Orchestra, The Runcible Quintet, &c, met with visiting Berlin double bassist Ulf Mengersen to record this fascinating collective improvisation, using objects, preparations, and a WASP synthesizer for wonderfully unusual results.

Piersanti, Davide / Hui-Chun Lin / Sergio Castrillon / Ulf Mengersen / Klaus Kurvers: Discoveries
Piersanti, Davide / Hui-Chun Lin / Sergio Castrillon / Ulf Mengersen / Klaus Kurvers:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Four strings, voice and trombone make up the multinational collective quintet of Davide Piersanti (trombone), Hui-Chun Lin (cello and voice), Sergio Andres Castrillon Arcila (cello), Ulf Mengersen (bass), and Klaus Kurvers (bass) who are captured live at "t-berlin" in 2016 for a set of inventive and active cooperative conversations named for Greek letters.

Ensemble MIA : Live 2016
Ensemble MIA :
Live 2016

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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"Ensemble MIA unites over 60 improvisers and experimental musicians from all over the world, who participated in MIA 2016 - 7th Encontro de Música Improvisada de Atouguia da Baleia (Improvised Music Encounter) festival. The event ...

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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