The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Caloia, Nicolas  : Les Bonnes Histoires
Caloia, Nicolas :
Les Bonnes Histoires

(Ambiances Magnetiques -- Canada )

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Bridging contemporary and improvised music, Montreal double bassist Nicolas Caloia wrote these pieces for textured and impossible rhythms; blending pieces by Nancarrow and Grand Master Flash; and manipulating poems by Genevieve Letarte; with supporting improv from Jean Derome & Lori Freedman.

Ensemble SuperMusique: Jeux De Pistes
Ensemble SuperMusique:
Jeux De Pistes

(Ambiances Magnetiques -- Canada )

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Ensemble SuperMusique devotes itself to Montreal's "Musique Actuelle" and free improv community in assemblages of some of their finest players, here in a live concert in 2016 at Amphitheater du Gesu in Montreal with a stunning set of performers presenting the work of 4 composer.

Joker (Joane Hetu): Ou Est-il Donc Ce Reve?
Joker (Joane Hetu):
Ou Est-il Donc Ce Reve?

(Ambiances Magnetiques -- Canada )

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Joker brings together 12 vocalists, many core members of the Ambiances Magnetiques/Musique Actuelle collective including Joane Hetu, Jean Derome, Diane Labrosse, Michel F Cote, Lori Freedman, &c, performing unusual works of voice and narration composed by Joane Hetu.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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