The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Schindler, Udo: Botenstoffe
Schindler, Udo:

(Confront -- UK )

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A series of duo recordings between saxophonist, clarinetist and cornet player Udo Schindler and pianists, all recorded at Schindler's Salon for Sound and Art at Krailing, Germany between 2013 and 2016, with Claudia Ulla Binder, Masako Ohta, Elisabeth Harnik, Katharnia Weber, and Lisa Ullen; song titles taken from SONDAGEN (Soundings) in memory of poet Thomas Kling.

Weber, Katharina: Games And Improvisations
Weber, Katharina:
Games And Improvisations

(Intakt -- Switzerland )

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In a trio with bassist Barry Guy and percussionist Balts Nils, pianist Katharina Weber interprets 11 short piano pieces by Gyorgy Kurtag's collection "Jatekok", beautiful gems of trio improvisation.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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