The Squid's Ear Magazine
Squidco Distribution Price Sale! Feb 6 - 9, 2025

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Chemical Expansion League, The (Bohman / Lynch / Northover / Mengersen): Salute To The Rabid Raspber
Chemical Expansion League, The (Bohman / Lynch / Northover / Mengersen):
Salute To The Rabid Raspberry

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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The UK-based Chemical Expansion League of Adam Bohman (prepared strings, voice), Adrian Northover (sax, theremin, wasp synth), Sue Lynch (sax, clarinet, flute), and Ulf Mengersen (bowed & prepared double bass) present thirteen mostly succinct and eccentric improvisations that oscillate between sanity and absurdity, punctuated by industrial elements, bent tones, and surreal soundscapes.

Remote Viewers, The: Inside The Blizzard / Trivia
Remote Viewers, The:
Inside The Blizzard / Trivia

(Remote Viewers -- UK )

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UK Composer David Pett's Remote Viewers present two large works: "Inside the Blizzard" in five parts of configurations from solo to quintet; and "Trivia", a quintet work in eight parts; solid, compelling work of forceful confidence from members Adrian Northover, Sue Lynch, Caroline Krabbel & Petts on sax, John Edwards on bass, Hutch Demouilpied on trumpet and Rosa Theodora on piano.

Yarde / Wright / Wilkinson / Smith / Lynch / Chat: A Company of Others
Yarde / Wright / Wilkinson / Smith / Lynch / Chat:
A Company of Others

(Matchless -- UK )

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To celebrate drummer/percussionist Eddie Prévost's 80th birthday, Café Oto hosted four concerts once a week in June, 2022, each a differing configuration from Prévost's history; this first concert brings together Prévost with four horn players, NO Moore on guitar and Marcio Matttons on double bass, for varying duos, trios and full ensemble performances.

Remote Viewers, The: This Strange Place
Remote Viewers, The:
This Strange Place

(Remote Viewers -- UK )

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Continuing the sense of film noir and consummate conceptual compositions, Dave Pett's Remote Viewers ensemble of four saxophones--Adrian Northover, Sue Lynch, Caroline Kraabel & David Petts--and the powerful and often drum-like double bass of John Edwards, continue their journey in this strange place with 10 new solidly crepuscular and complex works.

Remote Viewers, The : The Remote Code [3 CDs]
Remote Viewers, The :
The Remote Code [3 CDs]

(Remote Viewers -- UK )

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Three CDs of three concerts at London's Iklecktik Club, presenting primarily compositions by David Petts plus collective improvisations, from Adrian Northover, David Petts, Caroline Kraabel and Sue Lynch on saxophones, John Edwards on bass and Rosa Theodora on piano, with Northover, Edwards & Petts adding percussion and electronics to their cryptically rich music.

Chrysakis, Thanos / Dawid Frydryk / Edward Lucas / Sue Lynch / Adrian Northover : Five Shards
Chrysakis, Thanos / Dawid Frydryk / Edward Lucas / Sue Lynch / Adrian Northover :
Five Shards

(Aural Terrains -- UK / EU )

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The edges of electroacoustic improviser and composer Thanos Chrysakis' shards are sharpened by the quartet of Dawid Frydryk on trumpet & electronics, Edward Lucas on trombone, Sue Lynch on flute & tenor saxophone and Adrian Northover on soprano saxophone, as Chryaskis generates evocative sonic environments over which the four horns mysteriously interact.

Remote Viewers, The: Let the City Sleep
Remote Viewers, The:
Let the City Sleep

(Remote Viewers -- UK )

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Restricted by pandemic, bassist John Edwards took compositions for Remote Viewers written by Dave Petts along with recordings from himself and saxophonists Caroline Kraabel, Sue Lynch, Adrian Northover & David Petts, using digital compositional methods to maintain Petts' concepts while manipulating and inverting each piece in wonderfully riotous and unexpected ways.

Chemical Expansion League, The (Bohman / Lynch / Northover / Mengersen): Grappling with the Orange P
Chemical Expansion League, The (Bohman / Lynch / Northover / Mengersen):
Grappling with the Orange Porpoise

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Some of the London free improv scene's finest players, including members of Remote Viewers, Custodians Of The Realm, London Improvisers Orchestra, The Runcible Quintet, &c, met with visiting Berlin double bassist Ulf Mengersen to record this fascinating collective improvisation, using objects, preparations, and a WASP synthesizer for wonderfully unusual results.

Kraabel, Caroline : Last1 And Last2
Kraabel, Caroline :
Last1 And Last2

(Emanem -- UK )

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LAST is part of a series by Caroline Kraabel (LIO, Remote Viewers) mixing live improvisation with pre-recorded material provided by Robert Wyatt for this purpose, performed live at Cafe OTO in two versions: first where the 15-piece ensemble has not yet heard the Wyatt interventions, and second where they were familiar with and use his voice to structure what they play.

Chrysakis, Thanos / Sue Lynch / James O'Sullivan / Joe Wright : Iridescent Strand
Chrysakis, Thanos / Sue Lynch / James O'Sullivan / Joe Wright :
Iridescent Strand

(Aural Terrains -- Greece/UK )

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Very much in an AMM mold of electroacoustic improvisation, this album of intense cooperation and sonic depth presents five sections numbered by Roman numerals, performed in the studio by the adept and investigative quintet of Thanos Chrysakis on computer & synthesizers, Sue Lynch on reeds, James O'Sullivan on guitar, and Joe Wright on sax & dynamic feedback system.

Remote Viewers, The: No Voice From The Hall
Remote Viewers, The:
No Voice From The Hall

(Remote Viewers -- Great Britain )

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The 15th album from the UK based, saxophone heavy Remote Viewers led by David Petts, bridging compositions and improvisation with a rock sensibility, in a sextet that includes improv heavies Mark Sanders on drums and John Edwards on bass.

Remote Viewers, The: November Sky
Remote Viewers, The:
November Sky

(Remote Viewers -- Great Britain )

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UK's Remote Viewers with 4 saxophone players--David Petts, Caroline Kraabel, Andrian Northover & Sue Lynch--plus John Edwards on double bass and David Stockard on drums & percussion, blending jazz and modern chamber in lyrical, novel, and mysterious ways.

Remote Viewers, The: Pitfall
Remote Viewers, The:

(Remote Viewers -- Great Britain )

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David Pett's Remote Viewers with 4 saxophonists and keyboards, and the rhythm section of John Edward and Mark Sanders, complete their noir trilogy with an album blending compositional and improvisational forms in mysteriously dark and satisfying forms.

Remote Viewers, The: Crimeways
Remote Viewers, The:

(Remote Viewers -- Great Britain )

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The 12th release from the London-based Remote Viewers led by saxophonist David Petts, with four saxophones plus electronics, acoustic bass, keys and tuned percussion, crossing improvisation and rock forms in unique and sinister ways.

Remote Viewers, The: City of Nets
Remote Viewers, The:
City of Nets

(Remote Viewers -- Great Britain )

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London's Remote Viewers in their 13th release, quoting W.H. Auden in an album of excellent structured improvisation with David Petts, Caroline Kraabel, Sue Lynch & Adrian Northover (saxes), John Edwards (bass & drums), and Rosa Lynch (keys and percussion).

Remote Viewers, The: Nerve Cure
Remote Viewers, The:
Nerve Cure

(Remote Viewers -- Great Britain )

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The Remote Viewers' 10th album, with David Petts, Caroline Kraabel, Sue Lynch, Adrian Northover, John Edwards, Rosa Lynch-Northover, and Adam Bohman, in mysterious works of dissonance and wonderfully idiosyncratic expression.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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