The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Fields, Scott Ensemble: The Songs of Steve Dalachinsky
Fields, Scott Ensemble:
The Songs of Steve Dalachinsky

(Ayler -- France )

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Irish guitarist and composer Scott Fields has worked with the poems of late New York writer Steve Dalachinsky over the years, here bringing together an ensemble of improvisers, electronic and contemporary classical performers to set a suite of six poems by Dalachinsky sung by soprano Barbara Schachtner, with interludes between each weaving them into a larger and satisfying opus.

Fields, Scott Multiple Joyce Orchestra: Moersbow Ozzo
Fields, Scott Multiple Joyce Orchestra:
Moersbow Ozzo

(Clean Feed -- Portugal )

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A live concert of Fields' Quite Large Orchestra (aka Multiple Joyce Orchestra) with Frank Gratkowski, Christina Fuchs, Thomas Lehn, Carl Hubsch, &c. &c. performing modular compositions for improvising chamber group, plus an homage to Merzbow.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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