The Squid's Ear Magazine
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+DOG+ / Bastard Noise : Desecration Tales [VINYL]
+DOG+ / Bastard Noise :
Desecration Tales [VINYL]

(Love Earth Music -- USA )

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Two long-standing experimental sound projects join together as Legendary Bastard Noise, aka Eric Wood and +DOG+, aka Steve Davis, combine for two extended and well-paced works of dark sonics and electronics, the first piece "Misery Milestone" a haunting and desolate soundscape with disruptive punctuation; the 2nd "Beneficiary: Earth" adds agonizing voice to a work of global arpeggiation and destruction.

Elka Bong: Elektro Locution [VINYL]
Elka Bong:
Elektro Locution [VINYL]

(Love Earth Music -- USA )

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Elka Bong is the experimental sound art duo of Al Margolis and Walter Wright, here joined by guests Andrea Pensado on voice and electronics and Steve Davis on electronics, Margolis performing on synth, electric guitar & objects, and Weiss on Board Weevil and drum kit, in a mix of improvisation, extended technique, cacophony and indeterminacy.

+DOG+: To Share Forever With You
To Share Forever With You

(Love Earth Music -- USA )

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Love Earth Music label leader and sound artist Steve Davis' +DOG+ project is joined by a cast of noise and sound artists--Bobby Almon, Chuck Foster, Edward Giles, Jack Szymczak, LOB, Mackenzie Kourie, Ron Karlin--for a mix of rich sonic assaults, collage constructions and possibly some live captures, in an interesting and well-produced collection of diverse approaches to sound.

+DOG+: The Family Music Book Vol. 4 [2 CDs]
The Family Music Book Vol. 4 [2 CDs]

(Love Earth Music -- USA )

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Two CDs presenting a series of recordings captured live in venues throughout northeast America between 2021 and 2023, led by +DOG+ sound artist Steve Davis with Bobby Almon, Chuck Foster, Edward Giles, Jack Szymczak, LOB, Mackenzie Kourie, Ron Karlin, at venues and festivals including Sonorium at SATV, Buddyfest, Milwaukee's Jazz Gallery Center, &c. &c.

Bourne / Davis / Kane: The Money Notes
Bourne / Davis / Kane:
The Money Notes

(Foghorn Records -- Great Britain )

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A series of miniatures from the trio of pianist Bourne, drummer Davis and bassist Kane, intensely focused works ranging from lovely to slightly disturbed while never failing to impress.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

© 2002-, Squidco LLC