The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Dorner / Willers / Kaufmann: AAA. Live
Dorner / Willers / Kaufmann:
AAA. Live

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Four masterful improvisers - Axel Dorner (trumpet), Andreas Willers (acoustic guitar & electronics) and Achim Kaufmann (piano) - performing as the .AAA. trio, and then each presenting a solo work, demonstrating their incredible music skills together and alone.

Grid Mesh (Schubert/ Willers / Fischerlehner]: Coordinates
Grid Mesh (Schubert/ Willers / Fischerlehner]:

(FMR -- Great Britain )

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The Grid Mesh trio performing live at The Loft in Cologne, dark and biting improv with an electroacoustic edge that shifts between playful dialog to massive walls of sound.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

© 2002-, Squidco LLC