The Squid's Ear Magazine

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IKB Ensemble: Anthropometrie Sans Titre <i>[Used Item]</i>
IKB Ensemble:
Anthropometrie Sans Titre [Used Item]

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Price: $12.00    

In Stock

Sealed copy. A large Lisboa ensemble presenting a collective improvisation titled after a painting by Yves Klein, with performers including Ernesto Rodrigues (baritone violin), Miguel Mira (bass), Nuno Torres (sax), Carlos Santos (electronics), Rodrigo Pinheiro (piano), &c. &c.

IKB: Monochrome Bleu Sans Titre
Monochrome Bleu Sans Titre

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Price: $15.95    

In Stock

Referencing the work of French artist and composer Yves Klein, this large group of Creative Sources regulars perform the 4 part Monochrome Bleu Sans Titre, a subtle and rich work of acoustic and electronic improvisation.

Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Goncalves /...: suspensao [2 CDs]
Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Goncalves /...:
suspensao [2 CDs]

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Price: $21.95    

In Stock

A large group under the direction of violinist Ernesto Rodrigues (also on harp, metronome & objects) in 4 extended improvisations of great suspense and tension through sound and silence.

Kuchen / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Santos: Vinter
Kuchen / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Santos:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Price: $15.95    

In Stock

Incredible and telepathic ea-oriented improv from violist Ernesto Rodrigues, saxophonist Martin Kuchen, cellist Guilherme Rodrigues, and electronicist Carlos Santos.

Rodrigues / Davidson / Rodrigues / Faustino: Fower
Rodrigues / Davidson / Rodrigues / Faustino:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Price: $15.95    

In Stock

Three tracks of acoustic improv from an understated string quartet that uses extended techniques and the whole of their instruments to make unusual and rewarding music.

Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra: GIO poetics
Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra:
GIO poetics

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Price: $15.95    

In Stock

Glasgow's Improvisers Orchestra from the CCA Glasgow performing three free improvisations and a discretely structured piece by Raymond MacDonald.

Paura: The Construction Of Fear
The Construction Of Fear

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Price: $15.95    

In Stock

Excellent, fun and slightly twisted free improvising quintet with Dennis Gonzalez, Mark Sanders, Alipio Netom, and father/son team Ernesto Rodrigues and Guilherme Rodrigues.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

© 2002-, Squidco LLC