The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Mirror Unit (Georg Wissel / Tim O'Dwyer): Sonic Rivers
Mirror Unit (Georg Wissel / Tim O'Dwyer):
Sonic Rivers

(FMR -- UK )

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Following their Creative Sources album Wind Makes Weather, alto saxophonists Tim O'Dwyer and Georg Wissel, both employing preparations on their instruments, improvise a confluence of sonic rivers evoking, exploring and reflecting waterways from around the world, captured in concert at the cinema hall of the cultural center Alte Feuerwache, in Cologne.

Cajlan / Wissel / Nillesen: fourtyfour fiftythree
Cajlan / Wissel / Nillesen:
fourtyfour fiftythree

(Creative Sources -- USA )

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A trio of improvisers recorded live at Exploratorium in Berlin, 2018, from Zemun prepared pianist Dusica Cajlan-Wissel, European percussionist Etienne Nillesen on extended snare drum, and improviser/sculptur Georg Wissel on prepared alto saxophone, through extended technique and preparations creating unusual sonic interactions of detail and restrained idiosyncratic discourse.

Rummel, Simon Ensemble: IM MEER
Rummel, Simon Ensemble:

(Umlaut Records -- Sweden / France / Germany )

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German composer and improviser Simon Rummel presents the 2nd release from his 11-piece Simon Rummel Ensemble, blending his interest in acoustic phenomena and improvisational harmonics in an extended work that shifts from beautiful tonal work to disruptive cacophony and back to melodic music, blending jazz and 20th century approaches; a great achievement.

Hubsch, Carl Ludwig: Rowetor 04 | Rowetor 03
Hubsch, Carl Ludwig:
Rowetor 04 | Rowetor 03

(Tour de Bras -- Canada )

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Ensemble leader and tuba player Carl Ludwig Hubsch created this musical concept inspired by the guitar player Keith Rowe, exploring one static sound in the ensemble, maintaining it and in the same time interacting with utmost care and openness for any necessary change, in a 22-piece ensemble of exceptional players.

Rummel, Simon Ensemble: Nichts Fur Alle (Nothing For All)
Rummel, Simon Ensemble:
Nichts Fur Alle (Nothing For All)

(Umlaut Records -- Sweden / France / Germany )

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Cologne pianist and composer Simon Russell wrote these compositions, melding jazz, classical, electronic, even tango music into lyrical and joyfully quirky works, performed by his ensemble with Goerg Wissel, Matthias Muche, Udo Moll, Carl Ludwig Hubsch, &c.

Mirror Unit, The  (Wissel / O'Dwyer): Wind Makes Weather
Mirror Unit, The (Wissel / O'Dwyer):
Wind Makes Weather

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Sharing common ground in improvisational language and extended techniques but approaching these materials in diverse and disparate ways, alto saxophonists Tim O'Dwyer and Georg Wissel, both using preparations on their sax and distinguished in separate stereo channels, present a singular concert of reed interactions live at the Peter Kowald Ort in Wuppertal, Germany

Fields, Scott Multiple Joyce Orchestra: Moersbow Ozzo
Fields, Scott Multiple Joyce Orchestra:
Moersbow Ozzo

(Clean Feed -- Portugal )

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A live concert of Fields' Quite Large Orchestra (aka Multiple Joyce Orchestra) with Frank Gratkowski, Christina Fuchs, Thomas Lehn, Carl Hubsch, &c. &c. performing modular compositions for improvising chamber group, plus an homage to Merzbow.

Foschia / Irmer / Wissel / Goyvaerts: Canaries On The Pole #2
Foschia / Irmer / Wissel / Goyvaerts:
Canaries On The Pole #2

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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The improvising quartet of Canaries on the Pole (Foschia / goyvaerts / Irmer / Wissel) in their second release after their self-titled debut on the Free Elephant label.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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