The Squid's Ear Magazine

Amado, Rodrigo: Refraction Solo (Trost Records)

An intimate encounter with Portuguese tenor saxophone player Rodrigo Amado, performing three original compositions -- the extended "Sweet Freedom", "Singular Blow" and "Shadow Waltz" -- performed at the Church of The Holy Ghost (Igreja do Espirito Santo) in Caldas da Rainha, an often introspective and innately lyrical set that reaches emphatic moments while always speaking directly.

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Rodrigo Amado-tenor saxophone

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UPC: 9120036683693

Label: Trost Records
Catalog ID: TROST 229CD
Squidco Product Code: 32476

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2022
Country: Austria
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold
Recorded at Igreja do Esp’rito Santo, in Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, on July 4th, 2021, by Ricardo Pimentel.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"An intimate solo set by Portuguese tenor saxophone player Rodrigo Amado, recorded at the Church of The Holy Ghost (Igreja do Espirito Santo), Caldas da Rainha. Amado is a key player of the current European jazz scene and has regular band projects with Joe McPhee, Hernani Faustino, Chris Corsano, and leads his own groups Lisbon Freedom Unit and Motion Trio."-Trost

Artist Biographies

"Portuguese saxophonist (alto, C melody, baritone, and tenor) Rodrigo Amado specializes in free-form, composition-in-the-moment jazz, and his various projects and trios have given him an international following. Born in Lisbon in 1964, Amado began studying the sax at the age of 17, briefly at the Hot Club Music School of Lisbon and with mentors Carlos Martins, Pedro Madaleno, and Jorge Reis, among other leading Portuguese jazz artists. With diverse musical interests, he explored how improvisation is handled in other genres, although his work with his various ensembles like the Lisbon Improvisation Players and the Motion Trio (with Miguel Mira and Gabriel Ferrandini) falls clearly under the umbrella of 21st century jazz, and he has been an in-demand studio player on numerous recorded projects. He started his own label, Clean Feed, in 2001, with brothers Pedro and Carlos Costa, before leaving the imprint in 2005 to start a second label, European Echoes. Also an accomplished professional photographer, Amado continues to be a bright light on the Portuguese and international improvisational jazz scene."

-All Music, Steve Leggett (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

Track Listing:

1. Sweet Freedom 20:54

2. Singular Blow 8:05

3. Shadow Waltz 4:42

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The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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