The Squid's Ear Magazine

New Old Luten Quintet: Rabatz! (Euphorium)

The second step in this evolutionary project, the title referring to "noisy bustle; Riot" started with the trio of wind & reed player Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky, pianist Elan Pauer and drummer Christian Lillinger (Radau!), then expanded to this quintet with two double bassists-John Edwards & Robert Landfermann--captured live at naTo/ in Leipzig, Germany in 2015.

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Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky-alto saxophone, clarinet, romanian shepherd's flutes

Elan Pauer-grand piano, percussion, little instruments

John Edwards-double bass

Robert Landfermann-double bass

Christian Lillinger-drums, cymbals, percussion

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Label: Euphorium
Catalog ID: EUPH 057
Squidco Product Code: 30708

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2017
Country: Germany
Packaging: Jewel Case
Recorded at naTo/ in Leipzig, Germany, on December 13th, 2015, by Marco Birkner.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"Finally meeting in December of the year 2015 Old Luten's definitely last great quintet starts with a perfected balance of tension and relaxation. Into the liveliness of the muffled beat coming from the drums touched by felt headed mallets and the two basses the inventor of the band sets his fingers onto a simply line of tones that however soon makes a dive for a sound struck hard by a massive depth.

Already filled with vibrant soul the grand piano starts to rise an tremendous excitement ejecting cluster tremolos and tight runs. Obviously Elan Pauer's play profits from the big solo works Oliver Schwerdt did the summer before (Listen to Prestige/No Smoking and Storming Bauhaus!). Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky takes on in such a smooth manner his vitalistic style can be. Soon the quite nocturnal atmosphere is feverished. Right away Petrowsky claims his crying registry Pauer splashes all the tinder with his bursting flames. Only four minutes after the band started Luten celebrates an incredible take-off beyond some bumping voicings.

Along it's total duration Rabatz! is an extremely dynamically articulated symphonic quintet music with dozens of squeaks and creaks, a testamentary discourse touching alien getrommel, silent gepizzel and all of the aesthetically glorified wailing scattered in an unleashed surge. Rabatz! is both a mystical clime and exuberant hardcore action."-Euphorium Records

Artist Biographies

"Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky (born December 10, 1933 in Güstrow, often called Luten Petrowsky) is a German jazz musician. In addition to his work as a saxophonist, clarinetist and flute, he is also active as a composer and author.

The autodidact Petrovsky is considered one of the founding fathers of jazz in the GDR. Already since the mid-1950s he played in various formations; later he became a founding member of important for East German jazz Manfred Ludwig Sextett and played with, among others, Joachim Kühn, Dorothy Ellison and Ruth Hohmann. In 1971 he founded the jazz rock band SOK with Ulrich Gumpert and in 1973 was one of the founders of the free jazz formation Synopsis. Since 1972 he has worked together with bassist Klaus Koch in various formations.

Luten Petrowsky played in the various Gumpert Workshop Bands and from 1984 on the Synopsis successor, the Zentralquartett. He also interpreted compositions by Hans Rempel, Paul-Heinz Dittrich, Georg Katzer and Friedrich Schenker, with whom he also improvised. With Harry Miller, Heinz Becker, Joe Sachse and Tony Oxley he appeared in 1981 as part of the Jazzwerkstatt Peitz (CD: An Afternoon in Peitz). He became particularly popular since 1983 through his joint concerts with the singer Uschi Brüning.

Petrovsky played regularly with the George Gruntz Concert Jazz Band in Europe and the United States. He was a member of the European Jazz Ensemble, Günter Lenz Springtime and the Tony Oxley Celebration Orchestra. He has also been active in the Globe Unity Orchestra for many years. Since 2006 he plays with Christian Lillinger and Oliver Schwerdt aka Elan Pauer in the New Old Luten Trio. On the occasion of his 80th birthday, the JazzFest Berlin Petrovsky honored with a Jubilee evening with three of his important groups, the Central Quartet, the existing since 1992 group reputation of home (with Thomas Borgmann, Christoph Winckel and Willi Keller) and the ensemble Ornette et cetera (with Brüning, Jeanfrançois Prins, Michael Griener)

Petrowsky received the 1982 Art Prize of the GDR and was the winner of the National Prize of the GDR. In 1997 he was awarded the German Jazz Prize. Petrovsky is one of the most important German musicians of modern jazz. He was involved between 1963 and 2008 in 116 recordings of albums and other phonograms.

Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky is married to the singer Uschi Brüning."

-Wikipedia (Translated by Google) (

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"Elan Pauer, real name Oliver Schwerdt (born 13 November 1979 in Eisenach) is a German musicologist and musician ( piano, percussion) in the field of new improvisational music.

Schwerd visited the school in Eisenach until he graduated from high school and received classical piano lessons at the local music school there. He performed his military service as a piano accompanist in the Bundeswehr's training music corps. His studies of music and cultural studies as well as the history of art at the University of Leipzig, which he received in 1999, culminated in a master's thesis on Georg Simmel and Dadaism, submitted to Klaus Christian Köhnke. In 2012, he promoted Sebastian Klotz at the Institute for Musicology of the University of Leipzig, for which he was also active as an instructor. At the center of his dissertation are the musical strategies of central actors in the scene of free improvised music following the success of free jazz and their spatial theories. He taught at the Museum für Musikinstrumente of the University of Leipzig and at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.

Out of his work in musicology, Schwerdt identified the challenge faced by the current museum practice as opposed to the "new combination of the drumming combination" , as it became "in European improvisational music" of the 20th century. He is committed to safeguarding the "first-generation of European free jazz and contemporary improvised music", which is "an endangered, historically so delicate, aesthetically highly fascinating and epistemologically valuable complex of objects". [8th]

As author of a music-critical article Schwerdt wrote among other things for the Neue Musikzeitung, jazzthetik and the jazz newspaper. He also compiled accompanying texts from Günter Sommer / Wadada Leo Smith as well as Alexander von Schlippenbach / Evan Parker / Paul Lovens and Urs Leimgruber. In 2003, he founded Euphorium Productions.

Since 1999, Schwerdt has been the artistic director of the EUPHORIUM_freakestra, a project group between contemporary improvisation, jazz, new music and theater, with Günter Sommer, Friedrich Schenker, Rudi Mahall, Paul Rutherford, Ernst Ludwig Petrovsky, Frank Möbus, Wadada Leo Smith, Axel Dörner, Barre Phillips, Alexander von Schlippenbach, Evan Parker, Paul Lovens, Sven-Åke Johansson, Ulrich Gumpert, Manfred Hering, Dietmar Diesner, Roger Turner and others. At the 33rd Leipziger Jazztagen 2009 he performed with the Transatlantic Freedom Suite Tentets project at the Opernhaus Leipzig. From the project set, the quartet ember developed with Urs Leimgruber, Alexander Schubert and Christian Lillinger. He also works with Lillinger and Petrowsky in the New Old Lute Trio. With Schubert and Friedrich Kettlitz, Schwerdt operates the electrified noise ensemble trnn.

For his performance as a pianist and ensemble conductor in 2006, Schwerdt received the Leipziger Jazz-Nachwuchsstipendium from the Marion Ermer Foundation. Critics Ken Waxman (Jazzword) and Rigobert Dittmann (Bad Alchemy) listen to remixes by Oscar Peterson, Bill Evans, Cecil Taylor and Alexander von Schlippenbach in Schwerdt's pianist."

-Wikipedia (Translated by Google) (

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"After taking up the bass, around 1987, John Edwards co-formed The Pointy Birds who went on to win awards for their music for The Cholmondeleys and Featherstonehaughs dance troupes. The group appeared at festivals in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Moers, Leverkusen, Copenhagen. Around 1990, Edwards played his first gigs with London improvisers such as Roger Turner, Lol Coxhill, Maggie Nicols, Phil Minton.

Between 1990 and 1995 Edwards was a member of three touring groups simultaneously: B-Shops For The Poor, The Honkies and GOD. During this period he also became an increasingly regular player on the London improvised music scene and performed his first solo gigs; he composed and performed music theatre with the bass and cello duo The Great Explorers, street-busked a lot and appeared at many more festivals in Germany, Estonia, France, Italy, Czech, etc.

Since 1995 John Edwards has become a "mainstay" of the London scene, playing with just about everybody, an activity that has seen him clocking up between 150 and 200 gigs a year. He has become regular player with Evan Parker, in many groupings, and with Tony Bevan, Veryan Weston, and Elton Dean, often in collaboration with Mark Sanders on percussion. He has become a more frequent player on the European (and festival) scene, appearing at Taktlos, Ulrichsburg, Nickelsdorf, Budapest, New Zealand and in the USA. He continues to work on solo performances."

-EFI (

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"Robert Landfermann Doublebass born 1982 in Bonn.


1998 - 2002 Doublebass lessons in Bonn with Gunnar Plümer

2002 - 2007 Jazz-Doublebass in Cologne "Musikhochschule für Musik und Tanz"

2007 - 2009 special degree "Konzertexamen" with Prof Dieter Manderscheid

since 2011 teaching Jazz Doublebass at the Folkwang university of arts in Essenworked with:

Joachim Kühn, John Scofield, Lee Konitz, Yo-Yo Ma, Django Bates, Tomasz Stanko, Barre Philips, John Taylor, Lenine, Dave Liebman, Simon Nabatov, Chris Potter, John Hollenbecks 'Claudia Quintet', Hilmar Jensen, Urs Leimgruber, Jim Black, Peter Evans, Manfred Schoof, Tobias Delius, Achim Kaufmann, Julian Argueilles, Frank Gratkowski, Thomas Lehn, Mederic Collignon, Gerd Dudek, Stephane Guillaume, Charlie Mariano, Kinan Azmeh, Markus Stockhausen, Cino Palagliesu, Rudi Mahall, Tetsu Saitoh, Claudio Puntin, Steffen Schorn, Axel Dörner, Wolfgang Haffner, Ian Thomas, Ben Perowski, Danny Gottlieb, NDR BigBand, Rhani Krija...Concerts:

In about 50 Countries on 5 Continents:

China, Indonesia, Russia, USA, Canada, Australia, South Corea, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Dominicanian Republic, Salvador, Brasil, Bolivia, Equador, Columbia, Tunesia, Maroc, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Togo, Cote d'Ivoire, Benin, Cape Verde, Belgium, Holland, Poland, Danmark, Luxemburg, France, England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Zyprus, Kasachstan, Kirgistan, Bulgaria, Albania, Rumania, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Norway...

In famous Concerthalls:

Sydney Opera, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Mozartsaal Wien, Cité de la musique Paris, Megaron Musikis Athen, L'auditori Barcelona, Symphony Hall Birmingham, Theatre Marni Brussels, "stone" NYC, Beethovenhaus Bonn, Bozar Brussels, Gewandhaus Leipzig, Brucknerhaus Linz, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, Philharmony Essen, Philharmony Cologne, Philharmony Luxemburg, Filharmonia Krakowska, Krzysztof Penderecki Centre for Music, NOSPR Concert Hall Katowice, Konserthuset Stockholm...

On national and international Festivals:

Vancouver Jazzfestival, North-Sea-festival, JazzNow Sydney, Kopenhagen Jazzfestival, Jazzfest Berlin, Casa del Jazz Rom, London Jazzfestival, Glasgow Jazzfestival, JazzNoJazz Zürich, 12points! 2010 Stavanger Norway, 12points! 2008 Dublin, Moers Jazzfestival, Lissabon, Duketown Festival s'Hertogenbosch, Coimbra Jazzfestival, The Hague Den Haag, Portalegre Jazzfestival, Salzau Jazz-Baltica, Jazzfestival Burghausen, INNtöne, Leverkusener Jazztage, Elbjazz, Hamburger Jazztage, Münster Jazzfestival, Jazzrallye Düsseldorf, Traumzeit Festival, Gnaua festival Essauira...Awards:

SWR-Jazzpreis 2014

NRW-Förderpreis 2013

WDR-Jazzpreis 2009

New German Jazzaward 2009 with Frederik Köster Quartett

Horst und Gretl-Will Stipendium - Culture-Price of the City of Cologne 2009

German Member of the European Jazz Orchestra connected to the EBU in 2008"

-Robert Landfermann Website (

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"Christian Lillinger (born April 21, 1984 in Lübben ) is a drummer, composer and percussionist of modern creative style and new improvisational music.

Lillinger studied at the University of Music Carl Maria von Weber Dresden at Günter Sommer from 2000 to 2004. Between 2001 and 2003 he was a member of the Bundesjugendjazzorchester.

Lillinger plays in the trio Gropper | Graupe | Lillinger, until 2015 under the name Hyperactive Kid, with the saxophonist Philipp Gropper and the guitarist Ronny Graupe, where he is largely confined to the conventional drum kit. In 2008, he composed his first band Christian Lillingers Grund, whose first two released albums were released at Clean Feed Records at the end of 2009 and 2013. In addition Lillinger works as a sideman with well-known musicians such as Rolf Kühn, Joachim Kühn, Miroslav Vitouš, Beat Furrer, Rudi Mahall, John Schröder, Barre Phillips, Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky, Wadada Leo Smith, Frank Gratkowski, Simon Nabatov, Tobias Delius and Axel Dörner, Thomas Lehn, Michael Wollny, Louis Scyvis, Bruno Chevillon, David Liebman, Edmund Lehmugruber, Theo Jörgensmann, John Edwards, Greg Cohen, William Parker, Joe Lovano and Tony Malaby. Since 2004 he has been working continuously in the EUPHORIUM, the international ensemble of contemporary performing arts and music around the Leipzig-based Oliver Schwerdt, especially in the trio with Schwerdt alias Elan Pauer and Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky. Since 2009, Lillinger has also been working in the Klaviertrio Grünen with Achim Kaufmann and Robert Landfermann, who presented a first album on the Portuguese label Clean Feed Records in 2010. Since 2010, Lillinger has also worked in the trio Dell Lillinger Westergaard, which also performed with John Tchicai. In 2011 he founded the Trio Starlight with Petter Eldh and Wanja Slavin, who moved his debut CD 2013 to the Swiss label Unit Records. With Eldh and Slavin he also founded the Quartet Amok Amor with the American trumpeter Peter Evans, who released his first album of the same name in 2015.

Lillinger is also a member of the following groups: Rolf Kühn Unit, Henrik Walsdorff Trio, Pascal Niggenkempervision 7, Ronny Graupes Spoom, Schmittmenge Meier, Marc Schmolling Trio, Wanja Slavin Quintett, Carl Ludwig Hübschs Drift, Hübschacht, Uwe Steinmetz Stream Ensemble, The upper class, Ember, Gerhard Gschlößl's group of four, Gerhard Gschlößls G9, KUU! And also plays with Joachim Kühn in trio.

From 2012 to 2013, Christian Lillinger was a member of the board of the Union of German Jazzmusicians."

-Wikipedia (translated by Google) (

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Track Listing:

1. Lutens Letzter Rabatz! 46:46

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