The Squid's Ear Magazine

Charbin / Van Isacker: kryscraft (Creative Sources)

Tense and subtle improvisation from the Belgian duo of pianist Marjolaine Charbin playing inside and out of the piano and alto saxophonist Frans van Isacker using microtonal and extended approaches with the sax.

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Marjolaine Charbin-piano

Frans Van Isacker-alto saxophone

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UPC: 5609063401967

Label: Creative Sources
Catalog ID: cs196
Squidco Product Code: 15732

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2011
Country: Portugal
Packaging: Jewel Tray
Recorded at Studio Air Odeon, except track 5, recorded live at Le Brass, by Michel Huon in October 2009.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"It seems the listening space gradually takes on a dark grey hue in the first track, where tonal tumbles on keys of Marjolaine Charbin's prepared piano, broken by sudden piercing musical syllabes and high-pitched stridor by Frans Van Isacker's alto saxophone and violent hysterical outbreaks on piano as well as pauses where silence seems to be violated by sibilating sonic veils, till the moment when all voices sound like getting dumb and swallowed up by a bubble of silence. The listening experience these Belgian improvisational musicians build looks like centered on tenuous modulations of noises, which are close to the threshold of imperceptibility just like a stifled emotions whose repression can turn it in a deafening shriek, which manage to talk to the listener and stimulating its imagination through intriguing and somewhat disquieting gauges of asphyxiating noises, sounds and silences in plaster. Some recordings seem to mirror and report a kind of sleep disorder as suggested by some sonic clues, such as the confused nightmare evoked by piano dissonance and a breathe close to the one of a strong snoring in the fourth track or the squeaking not so dissimilar from the one made by some rusty links of a bed base in the third track. Even if it sometimes could sound too odd and clumsy, Kryscraft includes many really immersive and interesting cues."-Vito Camarretta (Chain DLK)

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The Squid's Ear!

Artist Biographies

"Marjolaine Charbin is a French pianist based in London. Improvisation is the core of her work, but she also engages with compositions. Her sound is an ever mutating mix of keyboard technique and various inside-piano techniques using hands, objects, voice and contact microphones. Recent collaborations include Eddie Prevost, Angharad Davies, Jennifer Allum, Dimitra-Lazaridou-Chatzigoga, Ute Kangiesser, John Butcher, Douglas Benford, Ken Ikeda and Ed Lucas.

Marjolaine was classically trained as a child, falling in love with jazz as a teenager and becoming passionate about all aspects of sound during a period studying sound engineering. She then attended the Royal Conservatoire in Brussels, studying jazz piano. Her interests in subtle listening, complexity and the endless possibilities of the present have led her to seek out ever more open forms of music making, developing her work through numerous projects and encounters, mainly with other musicians, but also with dancers, who have had a significant influence on her practice. When Marjolaine moved to London, she became involved in Eddie Prevost's workshop, which spawned several new ongoing collaborations.

Her other interests include literature, cinema and body/mind meditative practice. Also patisserie but that's a bit off subject. Marjolaine has performed in various venues and festivals across Europe, including London's Cafe Oto and Vortex, Berlin's Exploratorium, Hurta Cordel festival, Sound disobedience Festival, Huddersfield contemporary music festival and London's "Music We'd Like To Hear" festival."

-Marjolaine Charbin Website (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

Track Listing:

1. Track 01 9:12

2. Track 02 8:06

3. Track 03 12:52

4. Track 04 9:57

5. Track 05 17:27

Related Categories of Interest:

Improvised Music
European Improv, Free Jazz & Related
Creative Sources
lowercase, micro-improv, sound improv
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Duo Recordings
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