The Squid's Ear Magazine

La Casa, Eric: W2 (1998-2008) [2 CDs] (Herbal International)

A journey in sound from composer Eric La Casa, who organized these recordings of water and wind captured over 12 years as a sonic journal of the various geographic locations he visited, transforming them into an absorbing story about the living world.

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Eric La Casa-field recordings

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Label: Herbal International
Catalog ID: 1005-2
Squidco Product Code: 20798

Format: 2 CDs
Condition: New
Country: Malaysia
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold 3 Panels
CD 1

1. 2. from "Les Pierres du seuil 4-7" CD . Edition ... (USA) 2000

3. 4. excerpts from "The stones of the threshold " CD. Groundfault Recordings (USA) 1999

5. Unreleased. Originally composed for the house of the river at Saint-Georges-de-Montaigu (Frace) 2003

6. 7. excerpts from "Les Oscillations part 1 and 2" CD. Fringes Recordings (Italia) 2005

8. from Explorer series, 7". Production : Povertech (USA) 1999

CD 2

1. from "The sound of nature - The nature of sound" compilation. Kaon (France) 2001

2. from "Les pierres du seuil 4-7" CD. Edition... (USA)

3. from "Quelque chose de cela, le desert part 1 to 3". Collection Memories (France) 1999

4. Unreleased. Originally Composed for Halana magazine (USA) 2001

5. from "Sul" compilation, a tribute to Chris Marker. Sirr.records (Portugal) 2002

6. excerpt. Unreleased. Originally composed to Cledat & Petitpierre's performance (France)2008

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"We think that we " make a journey " but soon enough it's the journey that makes - and unmakes - us." (Nicolas Bouvier, "l'usage du monde")

"When I listen today to these pieces, I hear, of course, a geographic inventory of all the places I encountered. Above all, though, and as if by default, I hear the sonic journal of twelve years spent recording sound.

My relation to the sites wasn't based on a desire to " document " but it is worth noting, however, that a " sound story ", more trivial perhaps, has instituted itself, expanding and commenting on my musical journey: that of a man listening.

Moreover, it has never seemed more obvious to me that listening is always situated in what I would qualify as the extreme present, that is, the instant when listening, landscape and time become one.

Bouvier was right : the more we journey, the more the journey transforms us. Fascinated by water and by wind, these agents of transformation, activators of change, became, during those twelve years, my principal, almost exclusive, subjects, wherever I happened to be. Progressively, a methodology, informed by cartography, gave my way of working a certain determinism without, however, breaking my intuitive relationship with the landscape. This also informed my conception of that which is sonic (le sonore), and its importance: being inside, at the very heart of movement. Listening, without drawing breath, led me beyond my preconceptions - and into the depths also, along with all my recording gear: I remember very well my fall into the cold water of a waterfall's plunge pool. That was in 1991...

Listening to water or to wind is to bring one's attention to bear on the perpetual motion of things, a living alchemy, the pulsing of the world.

Eric La Casa, Summer 2010

Artist Biographies

"968: Born in Tours, France.
1987-91: Studied history of art (University of La Sorbonne, Paris).
1988: Starting sound experiments.

Since 1991: Sound artist.

(award: Festival "Soundscape before 2000")

- tape music composer
A research based on the landscape, its sound substances, its inner language, within a sensitive listening of the world.
[7 solo CDs, many CDs compilations : Japan, Germany, Taiwan, usa...]
+ Previous releases CD:
L'empreinte de l'ivresse (Digital Narcis Ltd, Japan), The Stone of the Threshold (The Ground Fault, Usa).
+ New CD (October 2000): Les Pierres du seuil part 4-7.

- "sound plastician"
(sound environments and installations: Clepsydre, Chute, mi-lieu...)
A research dedicated to the concept: the place - the sound/one place - one work.

- radio producer

(sound essays for the national radio program ACR-France Culture)
New work: Vent sur Ecoute (dedicated to the wind).
Work in progress: Ward Weis (a portrait of this sound artist).

Since 1996: Journalist for the french magazine of new musics: Revue et Corrigée.

Interviews with Pierre Marietan, Claude Schryer, Eric Cordier, Yann Paranthoën, Cédric Peyronnet, René Farabet, Slavek Kwi, Jocelyn Robert, Jean-Luc Guionnet,...
1989-1998: Director of La Légende des voix (label of experimental music).

10 releases (Arsenije Jovanovic, Jim O'Rourke, Syllyk, ...)"

-Kunstradio (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

Track Listing:

CD 1

1. Les Pierres Du Seuil Part 4 11:51

2. Les Pierres Du Seuil Part 5 20:37

3. Les Pierres Du Seuil Part 2 3:16

4. S'ombre Part 1 7:25

5. Spirale 3 10:09

6. Les Oscillations Part 2 10:33

7. Les Oscillations Part 1 2:45

8. L'Inspir Du Rivage Part 2 6:41

CD 2

1. Dans Le Feuillage Du Lointain, La Clameur D un Bruissement 13:15

2. Les Pierres Du Seuil Part 6 18:15

3. Quelque Chose De Cela, Le Desert Part 1 and 2 16:39

4. Les Pierres Du Seuil Part 8 9:39

5. L Air Au Fond Rouge 9:06 6. Les Aubes Sont Navrantes 8:05

Related Categories of Interest:

Organized Sound and Sample Based Music
Field Recordings
Solo Artist Recordings
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