The title of this outstanding CD is reminiscent of a highly regarded, and invariably recommended book: Douglas Kahn's Earth Sound Earth Signal. It's an insightful work on the often-intangible energies influencing terrestrial and cosmic events that are especially momentous for those endowed with a keen sensitivity (a quality that still exists in some individuals, notwithstanding the intercontinental derangement we've been witnessing). Ideally symbolized by Jamie Saft's beautiful black and white photo on the inside cover, in which the protagonists shake hands after a performance, the collaboration between trumpeter Wadada Leo Smith and guitarist Joe Morris — recorded in Hartford, Connecticut in February 2023 — fittingly represents the convergence of two formidable creative forces, operating with a comprehensive understanding of the expressive potential of an instrumental duo.
As is characteristic of any consequential dialogue, Smith and Morris successfully negotiate the coexistence of linearity and abstraction. Their concepts intersect and diverge across variable domains, allowing the audience to get acquainted with a singular musical idiom despite a few challenging technical traits, such as Smith's investigation of advanced microtonality and unapproachable upper partials, and Morris' incorporation of gnarly scraps and knotty spots amidst translucent arpeggios and quasi-lyrical lines. It is also fascinating to observe Smith's coupling of relatively quiet spurts with Morris's pedal-processed sonorities, entirely transfiguring his hollow body's voice — just examples of the artists' willingness to use components that may appear somewhat extraneous to untrained ears. Yet, within the context of these performances, everything magically coalesces to warrant coherence at any juncture. It is up to the listener to refrain from a presumptuous interpretation of other people's visions, and to simply receive the gift of musicians who accept suggestions that are seemingly difficult to decode, but fit perfectly into an experimental improvisational logic.
If one were to assume that a single spin would be sufficient, it is imperative to recognize that this particular record demands a substantial commitment. The multifarious dimensions brought forth by Smith and Morris in Earth's Frequencies necessitate a significant investment of time, a receptive mind devoid of preconceptions, and a readiness to comprehend a reality founded on the primal language of sound rather than conventional dialectics. It is merely a matter of immersing oneself in improvisations where joint and solitary actions unfold a unique narrative, and every fragment of silence speaks volumes.
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