The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Bramnk, Falter: Music for Luminous Background
Bramnk, Falter:
Music for Luminous Background

(Sublime Retreat -- Poland )

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A new solo project from French composer and improviser Falter Bramnk, exploring glass and crystal as exclusive sound sources, following his "Glassical Music" series; originally conceived for six Muzzix collective musicians, Bramnk reworked and expanded the compositions featuring glass struck, rubbed, blown, and shaken, on select tracks with contributions from Sam Bodart on Crystal Baschet.

Bramnk, Falter: Diez Seiz
Bramnk, Falter:
Diez Seiz

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Out of Stock

A mysterious and absorbing composition in 8 parts with 8 independent themes, composed to accompany the narrative of an exhibition in January 2018 by the Portuguese artist Sandra Gil at Galerie 9 in Lille, France, Bramnk's score combining acoustic, electronic, and studio components, this rendering adding viola from Guenola Fatout on several parts.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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