The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Parkins, Zeena / Chris Brown / William Winant / Ben Davis: Scree
Parkins, Zeena / Chris Brown / William Winant / Ben Davis:

(Relative Pitch -- USA )

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Recording in the Mills College Concert Hall in Oakland, the quartet of Zeena Parkins (harp), Chris Brown (piano and electronics), William Winant (percussion), and Ben Davis (cello) work in an ethereal mode of electro-acoustic improvisation, drawing unconventional sounds from their instruments as they weave a virtuosic and intricately creative sonic tapestry evoking the rugged unpredictability of the album's title.

Golden, Barbara: Not Dead Yet [CD]
Golden, Barbara:
Not Dead Yet [CD]

(fo'c'sle -- USA )

In Stock

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Bay Area experimental music scene legend and multi-disciplinary artist Barabara Golden celebrates her 80th birthday presents works created between 1980-2020, including performances by Robert Ashley, Maggi Payne, Chris Brown, WIGband with Johanna Poethig, George Lewis, William Winant, Mary Oliver and texts by Melody Sumner Carnahan.

Golden, Barbara: Not Dead Yet [CD+ 10 Postcards]
Golden, Barbara:
Not Dead Yet [CD+ 10 Postcards]

(fo'c'sle -- USA )

Out of Stock

[Bonus Edition] Bay Area experimental music scene legend and multi-disciplinary artist Barabara Golden celebrates her 80th birthday presents works created between 1980-2020, including performances by Robert Ashley, Maggi Payne, Chris Brown, WIGband with Johanna Poethig, George Lewis, William Winant, Mary Oliver and texts by Melody Sumner Carnahan.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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