The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Cundy, Chris: Of All The Common Flowers
Cundy, Chris:
Of All The Common Flowers

(Ear To The Ground -- UK )

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Renowned for his work with Another Timbre and Confront, British bass clarinetist Chris Cundy presents his third solo album, blending contemporary classical elements, improvised sketches, and rhythmic motifs in fourteen captivating vignettes inspired by wildflowers, their fragile habitats, and peripheral landscapes, showcasing a masterful and virtuosic approach.

Chrysakis, Thanos / Chris Cundy / Peer Schlechta / Ove Volquartz: Archangel
Chrysakis, Thanos / Chris Cundy / Peer Schlechta / Ove Volquartz:

(Aural Terrains -- UK )

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The follow-up to Music for Two Organs and Two Bass Clarinets, combining the collective work of clarinetists Chris Cundy, (bass clarinets, soprano ocarina) & Ove Volquartz (bass clarinets), Thanos Chrysakis (chamber organ & voice) and Peer Schlechta (pipe organ), recorded in the natural resonance of the Neustadter Kirche church in Hofgeismar, Germany.

Consorts: Distinctions

(Spoonhunt -- UK )

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Composer Dominic Lash's Consort ensemble explores the possibilities of combining sustained-tone music, guided & free improvisation, and the relationship between acoustic and amplified sound, heard in this evolving, extended concert at Café Oto on Lash's 40th birthday, in a unique mix of acoustic & electronic instruments that even includes an amplified kitchen sink!

Eventless Plot: Anisixia
Eventless Plot:

(Edition Wandelweiser Records -- Germany )

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Variations of a score incorporated within a choreographic performance presented at the Archeological Museum of Thessaloniki in 2019 from the Greek experimental band Eventless Plot, the core trio of Vasilis Liolios (psaltery & bow), Yiannis Tsirikoglou (electronics) and Aris Giatas (analog synth) extended with Chris Cundy (bass clarinet), Nefeli Sani (piano) and Eva Matsigou (flute).

Cundy, Chris: Mountains
Cundy, Chris:

(Aural Terrains -- UK / EU )

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Bass clarinetist Chris Cundy, uses the studio as a performance tool for accompaniment along with pre-recorded tapes, as he contrasts two different composers--Cornelius Cardew & Ton de Leeuw and their compositions titled "Mountains", alongside a Cardew graphic score piece, and 2 work for 5 bass clarinets, from Thanos Chrysakis and John Cage, the latter from his Numbers series.

Chrysakis, Thanos / Chris Cundy: A Certain Slant Of Light
Chrysakis, Thanos / Chris Cundy:
A Certain Slant Of Light

(Aural Terrains -- UK / EU )

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A 5-part electroacoustic improvisation from the UK duo of electronic and sound artist Thanos Chyrsakis and reedist Chris Cundy, the former using laptop computer, synthesizers, and copicat tape echo to create mesmerizing sheens of sound that circle and complement Cundy's bass clarinet, who also performs on megaphone, voice changer, zither, & objects; entrancing and captivating.

Triofolio (Chris Cundy / Paul K. Scott / Saul Scott): Ordinary Evidence
Triofolio (Chris Cundy / Paul K. Scott / Saul Scott):
Ordinary Evidence

(FMR -- UK )

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Performing a set of UK bass clarinetist Chris Cundy's compositions, along with one collective improvisation, TrioFolio is complemented with the father/son team of double bassist Paul K. Scott and drummer Saul Scott, exploring the borders between classic modern jazz and free forms of improvisation, all heard in the lower instrumental spectrum through rich lyrical jazz.

Hodgkinson, Tim / Jason Alder / Chris Cundy / Yoni Silver / Heather Roche / Shadanga Duo / Thanos Ch
Hodgkinson, Tim / Jason Alder / Chris Cundy / Yoni Silver / Heather Roche / Shadanga Duo / Thanos Chrysakis:
Music For Bass Clarinets

(Aural Terrains -- Greece/UK )

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A live performance at London's Cafe OTO from composer Thanos Chrysakis, performing compositions focused on the deeper reeds from composers Christian Wolff, Iancu Dumitrescu, Hannes Kerschbaumer, Georges Aperghis, and Chrysakis himself, in configurations from solo to quintet, with Tim Hodgkinson, Jason Alder, Chris Cundy, Heather Roce, Yoni Silver, and Shadanga Duo.

Chrysakis, Thanos / Chris Cundy / Peer Schlechta / Ove Volquartz : Music for Two Organs & Two Bass C
Chrysakis, Thanos / Chris Cundy / Peer Schlechta / Ove Volquartz :
Music for Two Organs & Two Bass Clarinets

(Aural Terrains -- Greece/UK )

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Recording at the Neustadter Kirche in Hofgeismar, Germany, the quartet of Thanos Chrysakis and Peer Schlechta organ with Chris Cundy and Ove Volquartz on bass clarinets, use the resonance and massive sound of their organs to create active improvisations of deep tones, cries, and unearthly squalls, an incredible set of interacting textures and runs.

Eventless Plot: Structures
Eventless Plot:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Three configurations of delicately detailed, reductionist electroacoustic improv from the Greek Eventless Plot trio of Vasilis Liolios (inside piano, e-bow piano, objects & psaltiri), Yiannis Tsirikoglou (objects, guitar, MAX/MSP) and Aris Giatas (piano), in one piece as a trio, then with guest Chris Cundy on bass clarinet, and a third with Louis Portal on percussion.

Cundy, Chris: Gustav Lost
Cundy, Chris:
Gustav Lost

(FMR -- Great Britain )

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A melodic set of improvisations composed by bass clarinetist Chris Cundy, using approaches for songwriting to create compelling jazz compositions, in a band with Fyfe Dangerfield on piano, Mat Martin on guitar, Hannah Marshall on cello, Mark Sanders on drums and Dominic Lash on bass.

Chrysakis, Thanos / Chris Cundy: Music for Chamber Organ & Contra Bass Clarinet
Chrysakis, Thanos / Chris Cundy:
Music for Chamber Organ & Contra Bass Clarinet

(Aural Terrains -- Greece/UK )

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Electroacoustic improviser Thanos Chrysakis performing on the chamber organ at the University of Gloucestershire, UK in a collaboration with Chris Cundy on contra bass clarinet, for a subtle, mysterious and uncompromising four-part improvisation.

Chrysakis, Thanos / Chris Cundy / James O'Sullivan: Asphodels Abide
Chrysakis, Thanos / Chris Cundy / James O'Sullivan:
Asphodels Abide

(Aural Terrains -- Greece/UK )

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Sophisticated and interactive electroacoustic improvisation from the trio of Chris Cundy on bass clarinet, James O'Sullivan on guitar, and Aural Terrains label leader Thanos Chrysakis on laptop, synth and radio, performing the six part "Asphodels Abide".

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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