The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Ortiz, Aruan (Ortiz / Byron / akLaff + St. Louis, Dhar, Gant): Pastor's Paradox
Ortiz, Aruan (Ortiz / Byron / akLaff + St. Louis, Dhar, Gant):
Pastor's Paradox

(Clean Feed -- Portugal )

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Reflecting on the 60th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech "I Have a Dream", pianist Aruan Ortiz is influenced by King's concepts of form and structure, assembling an incredible quintet including Don Byron on reeds, Pheeroan akLaff on drums, Yves Dhar & Lester St. Lousi on cello and narration by Mtume Gant, for a 7-song cycle musically depicting the turbulence of the time.

MusicWorks: #114 Winter 2012 [MAGAZINE + CD]
#114 Winter 2012 [MAGAZINE + CD]

(Musicworks -- Canada )

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Winter 2012 issue with 8 track CD; on the cover and featured: Tim Hecker; Featured Pheeroan Aklaff; Featured: Michachu & The Shapes; Profile on Zosha di Castri. Articles on Circuit Bending; Sonic Geography of NYC, Time Square.

Lake, Oliver Trio: Zaki
Lake, Oliver Trio:

(Hatology -- Switzerland )

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Oliver Lake's 1970's trio live at the Willisau Jazz Festival in 1979 playing all Lake compositions.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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