The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Ughi, Federico: Songs For Four Cities
Ughi, Federico:
Songs For Four Cities

(Skycap Records -- Germany )

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A collection of compositions from drummer/composer Federico Ughi dedicated to the four cities where he's lived: Rome, London, Montreal and New York, performed in a quartet with Darius Jones (sax), Eri Yamamoto (piano) and Ed Schuller (bass).

Carter, Daniel / Parker, William / Ughi, Federico: The Dream
Carter, Daniel / Parker, William / Ughi, Federico:
The Dream

(577 Records -- USA )

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This album was developed to present Daniel Carter, typically a wind/reed/trumpeter player, on an album that included his piano playing, which then advanced by adding the goal of both Carter and long-time collaborator, drummer Federico Ughi, to record with bassist William Parker, who rounds out this excellent trio on bass, tuba and shakuhachi.

Options / Ughi:
South Of Brooklyn

(577 Records -- USA )

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Ughi, Federico: ULERS Two
Ughi, Federico:

(577 Records -- USA )

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Percussionist, drummer and improviser Federico Ughi performed this live recording in Brooklyn, 2001 using field recordings captured in Rome on a journey from Piazza S. Cosimato, Trastevere to Via Alberico, Borgo Pio, using those recordings, live sampling and live editing along with drum and percussion techniques to create a unique journey in sound.

Dalachinsky, Steve / Federico Ughi: I Thought It Was The End Of The World And Then The End Of The Wo
Dalachinsky, Steve / Federico Ughi:
I Thought It Was The End Of The World And Then The End Of The World Happened Again

(577 Records -- USA )

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Reflecting on the tragic events of 9/11, New York poet Steve Dalachinsky and drummer Federico Ughi performing also on sampler and voice, present seven poems about vulnerability, powerlessness and fear, accompanied by Ughi's deep drumming and sonic approach to his kit and samples, a profound example of Dalachinsky's insightful choice of words and images.

Ughi, Federico / Daniel Carter: Astonishment
Ughi, Federico / Daniel Carter:

(577 Records -- USA )

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Recently discovered last copies of this album, presenting the very first time that Federico Ughi and Daniel Carter played together, recorded in Queens, NY around 2001, the drummer also performing on live sampling and voice, and the multi-instrumentalist Carter on saxophones, trumpet, flute and clarinet; an essential element in their now long history of collaboration.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

© 2002-, Squidco LLC