The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Derome, Jean And The Dangereux Zhoms + 7: Plates-Formes Et Traquenards
Derome, Jean And The Dangereux Zhoms + 7:
Plates-Formes Et Traquenards

(Les Disques Victo -- Canada )

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Jean Derome's extended Dangereux Zhomes opened the 25th Victo Festival in 2008, adding Joane Hetu, Lori Freedman, Bernard Falaise, &c. for an incredible and expressive orchestra.

Derome, Jean et les Dangereux Zhoms: To Continue
Derome, Jean et les Dangereux Zhoms:
To Continue

(Ambiances Magnetiques -- Canada )

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4th Dangereux Zhoms 4th release, mixing scored music, improv, polyphony, polyrhythms, irregular meters, rich harmonies and polymodalism with humor and imagination.

Letarte, Genevieve : Ames soules
Letarte, Genevieve :
Ames soules

(Ambiances Magnetiques -- Canada )

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Vocalist Genevieve Letarte in a release with Normand Guilbeault, Pierre Tanguay, Ivanhoe Jolicoeur, Claude Fradette, Guillaume Dostaler, Ivanhoe Jolicoeur and Guido Del Fabbro.

Derome, Jean et les Dangereux Zhoms: Navre
Derome, Jean et les Dangereux Zhoms:

(Ambiances Magnetiques -- Canada )

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The sequel to "Carnets de voyage", this release once again features compositions from Jean Derome, 8 new releases that were written on tour and are full of twists and turns.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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