As on their prior album Q, the Nordic Krokofant free improvising jazz/rock trio of Axel Skalstad on drums & vibes, Tom Hasslan on guitar and Jorgen Mathisen on saxophone are joined by bassist Ingebrigt Haker-Flaten (The Thing) and Stale Storlokken (Elephant9, Supersilent), cementing their lineup as they forge adventurous and spectacular playing on this Fifth album.
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Sample The Album:

Ingebrigt Haker Flaten-bass
Axel Skalstad-drums
Tom Hasslan-guitar
Stale Storlokken-keyboards
Jorgen Mathisen-saxophone
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UPC: 7033662022229
Label: Rune Grammofon
Catalog ID: RCD 2222CD
Squidco Product Code: 31057
Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2021
Country: Norway
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold
Recorded at Studio Paradiso, in Oslo, Norway, by Christian Engfelt
"Ever since this expanded line-up of Krokofant released their first album "Q" two years ago, there´s been an unanimous request for a follow-up by writers and fans alike. UK´s Prog magazine concluded their "Q" review with "This expanded line-up is said to continue. It should do, they have something very special". And here it is, if possible, an even finer album!
Thus the expanded Krokofant is everything a progressive jazz and rock fan could wish for; positive energy, melodic riches, excellent musicianship and a touch of magic served with a healthy respect for the past and a foot in the future. Guitarist Tom Hasslan´s tunes are perfect vehicles for Ståle Storløkken to present the full scope of his playing; from sheer pastoral beauty to full on jazz skronk. The same can be said about Mathisen, who is given ample room for soloing as well as laying down some amazing unison interplay with the guitarist. The tunes are rich in harmonic structures and melodic hooks, but there is also room for adventures into more free passages."-Rune Grammofon
"As David Fricke pointed out in his liner notes to Q, the previous album from this expanded edition of Krokofant, this is not just another novelty guest-project. In fact, all the involved were so happy after finishing Q that a follow-up was decided upon straight away. So here it is, with four new tunes from guitarist and leader Tom Hasslan, each clocking in between eight and twelve minutes.
Originally a guitar and drums duo, Tom and Axel met in a guitar shop in Kongsberg, a town in southern Norway famous for its annual jazz festival since 1964, and recognized for its experimental and innovative profile. Jørgen was invited to join them for the sessions that resulted in their self-titled debut album in February 2014. Two more albums followed in 2015 and 2017.
When considering guest musicians for Q, to become their fourth album, keyboard maestro Stale Storlokken (Elephant9, Supersilent, Terje Rypdal) was the trio's first choice. He had seen Krokofant live in 2015 and, in his own words, "had an instant kick", so he said yes straight away. Ingebrigt Haker Flaten (Scorch Trio, The Thing, Atomic) had seen them the same year, and after a few backstage beers practically invited himself to join up at some time. By his introduction, a "proper" rhythm section was born and work was lifted from Hasslan's shoulders.
Hasslan's tunes are perfect vehicles for Storløkken to present the full scope of his playing; from sheer pastoral beauty to full on jazz skronk. The same can be said about Mathisen, who is given ample room for soloing. The tunes are rich in harmonic structures and melodic hooks, but there is also room for adventures into more free passages.
Many names have been mentioned in connection with Krokofant over the years, but with the distinctive sax and organ combination, it's difficult not think of Van der Graaf Generator in their prime. Which is the highest accolade in our book, anyway. Thus, the expanded Krokofant is everything a progressive jazz and rock fan could wish for; positive energy, melodic riches, excellent musicianship and a touch of magic served with a healthy respect for the past and a foot in the future."-grzech, GPoint Audio
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Artist Biographies
• Show Bio for Ingebrigt Haker Flaten "Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (b. 1971, Oppdal) - studied Jazz at the Music Consevatory in Trondheim, Norway (1992-1995) under the tutelage of bassplayer Odd Magne Gridseth. When one listens to the great bassists in modern jazz history, a striking thing (though it may not be immediately arrived at) is that greatness is reached through open-mindedness and diversity. William Parker, Malachi Favors Maghostut, Peter Kowald, Wilbur Ware, Bertram Turetsky, Buell Neidlinger - all of these bass players have embraced a lifestyle of playing all sorts of music and the breadth of each musicians' technique is a testament to those experiences. Norwegian bassist and composer Ingebrigt Håker Flaten is also a musician whose experience is both geographical and aesthetic. While the fertile Scandinavian new jazz scene offered a vast amount of opportunities to work in different bands with musicians whose concepts are as individual as the grains in a reed, Flaten has found home and on-the-bandstand education in places as far flung as Chicago and his current residence Austin, Texas. A muscular player whose tone and attack run the gamut from Paul Chambers to Buschi Niebergall, his sense of both openness and control serves ensembles as diverse as The Thing, Free Fall, Atomic, Scorch Trio and the Kornstad/Håker Flaten Duo. In addition to his own Chicago Sextet and Austin-centric Young Mothers, Flaten has also recorded and performed with Frode Gjerstad, Dave Rempis, Bobby Bradford, the AALY Trio, Ken Vandermark, Stephen Gauci, Tony Malaby, Daniel Levin, Dennis Gonzalez and numerous others. Flaten studied at the Conservatory in Trondheim (1992-1995), turning professional shortly afterward, yet his hunger to play in new situations with new musicians - schooled or amateur, frequently recorded or just starting out - puts him in a rare class, that of a truly broad-minded artist. That mettle has served him well, living and developing the music under his own steam and drawing from influences as diverse as Derek Bailey, George Russell, Chris McGregor, filmmakers Ingmar Bergman, contemporary pop melody and gritty punk music as well as everyday sights and sounds. There is a calmness and self-assuredness that imbues all great artists, in that the diversity of their work comes with very little ego. Flaten's artistry is often in collective, leaderless ensembles and in fact, following a decade of professional musicianship it wasn't until 2004 that his leader-debut was released - Quintet (Jazzland, followed in 2008 by The Year of the Boar, and a Sextet recording is upcoming). This latter fact is partly due to the necessity of a copacetic situation - in an interview in 2010 with the Austinist he noted that "I use people where I'm located. It's inspiring to have your own band to write for, but you have to make sure that people feel free and not limited by the music; the compositions should lead the way to a player's open mind, and that is a challenge." Certainly not every bandleader/composer thinks this way. In 2011, he formed another ensemble, The Young Mothers, which includes drummers Stefan Gonzalez (Dallas) and Frank Rosaly (Chicago), trumpeter/poet/rapper Jawaad Taylor (New York), saxophonist Jason Jackson (Houston), and Jonathan Horne (Austin) on guitar. It's a group of varying levels and influences and as it grows organically, will be another excellent lens through which to view Flaten's aesthetic, philosophy, and musicianship. The next few years see him in a position where established ensembles can steep and spread their influence, while experimenting with and nurturing a wide range of new relationships." ^ Hide Bio for Ingebrigt Haker Flaten • Show Bio for Axel Skalstad ^ Hide Bio for Axel Skalstad • Show Bio for Tom Hasslan Tom Hasslan (born 1983) is a Norwegian jazz guitarist. He was born in Kongsberg. He is a founding member of Krokofant. ^ Hide Bio for Tom Hasslan • Show Bio for Stale Storlokken "Ståle Storløkken (born 22 February 1969 in Dombås, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz musician (keyboards, organ and piano) and composer, known from co-operations with artists like Terje Rypdal, BigBang, Supersilent and Motorpsycho. He is married to the Norwegian singer Tone Åse. Storløkken was educated on the Jazz program at Trondheim Musikkonservatorium (1988-90), and subsequently did his postgraduate there too. During the studies he started the band Veslefrekk together with fellow students Arve Henriksen and Jarle Vespestad (Helge Sten joined the band at a later stage). In 1997 the name of the band changed to Supersilent. They have released six critically acclaimed albums on the label Rune Grammofon. From 1995 he played in the trio BOL along with his wife Tone Åse and Tor Haugerud. Storløkken has been active in many contexts, both as a band leader and member, for example The Stoken Experience, and Terje Rypdal's Skywards. Along with Christian Wallumrød, and he composed the commissioned work Eight Thirty to Kongsberg Jazz Festival 1994. He has collaborated on a number of albums with the named bands, and otherwise at such musicians as Gunnar Andreas Berg, Eldbjørg Raknes, Audun Kleive and Thomas Strønen. Storløkken together with Thomas Strønen has the Humcrush duo, which has released three albums. He also plays in the trio Elephant9, along with Torstein Lofthus and Nikolai Eilertsen. He co-composed Berit Opheim's commissioned work An angel with for Vossajazz 2007, and in 2010 composed and performed his one commissioned work for Moldejazz with the band Motorpsycho, Trondheim Jazz Orchestra and Trondheim Soloists." ^ Hide Bio for Stale Storlokken • Show Bio for Jorgen Mathisen "Jørgen Mathisen (born 27 December 1984 in Oslo, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz musician (saxophone and clarinet), the younger brother of Martin Mathisen (b. 1978), and known from different bands, and a series of recordings with musician like Marc Lohr, Per Zanussi, Steinar Raknes, Eirik Hegdal, Gard Nilssen, and Kjetil Møster.Career Mathisen is a graduate of the Jazz program at Trondheim Musikkonservatorium (2004-08). He is distinguished by his powerful, expressive play and is a force for all the bands he is involved with. He was first noted in the band Shagma in 2004, and also play within The Core together with Steinar Raknes, Espen Aalberg and Erlend Slettevoll, and within Zanussi Five including Eirik Hegdal, Kjetil Møster and Gard Nilssen, among others." ^ Hide Bio for Jorgen Mathisen
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Track Listing:
1. Watcher Of The Fries 7:41
2. Big Heavy Thing 10:33
3. Five Flat Pennies 9:00
4. Pretty Frypan 12:05

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