The Squid's Ear Magazine

Murayama, Seijiro / Eric La Casa: Paris: Public Spaces (Ftarri/Swarming)

Twelve recordings constructed from 2012 field recordings of public locations in Paris by Eric La Casa and Seijiro Murayama, including subway stations, parks, open gardens, tunnels and fountains; a fascinating portrait of communal sound in this great city.

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Seijiro Murayama-voice, recording

Eric La Casa-field recordings, editing

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Label: Ftarri/Swarming
Catalog ID: ftarri-992
Squidco Product Code: 19582

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2014
Country: France
Packaging: Cardboard sleeve
Recorded in various locations around Paris, France during January to June, 2012. 4 channels (real time) recordings [2 stereo portable recorders]

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"For six months starting in January 2012, La Casa and Murayama took portable tape recorders out to parks, subway stations, streets and other public spaces in Paris and separately made individual recordings in the same place and time frame, then edited the recordings. The result is the 12 tracks on this CD. Murayama frequently produced his unique vocal sounds while recording. This odd and unexpected voice sneaks into the varied and lively sounds that fill the public spaces, creating curious accents.

Seijiro Murayama is a drummer/percussionist/voice performer currently working in Japan again after living for a number of years in France. Éric La Casa is a French sound artist well known for site-specific field recordings with a strong improvisational element. The two have been working together on numerous projects for nearly a decade."-Ftarri/Swarming Records

Artist Biographies

"Percussionist Seijiro Murayama was born in 1957 in Nagasaki, Japan. He started performing improvised music in 1972, under some influence of Vinko Globokar and musicologist Fumio Koizumi. After graduated from Tokyo University in 1982 in Urdu studies he toured the USA with Keiji Haino as part of the seminal psychedelic band Fushitsusha. Returning to Japan after a period in NYC he continued playing drums and electronics in K.K. Null's noise/rock band A.N.P. (Absolut Null Punkt), while further exploring free improvisation. A relocation to France in 1999 led to collaborations that extended into dance, theatre and performance as well as ongoing partnerships with musicians Jean-Luc Guionnet, Eric Cordier, Michel Doneda, Mattin, Lionel Marchetti, among many others. After over a decade in Europe he relocated back to Japan in 2013.

His artistic principal is to work with the idea of the plural or inter-disciplinary relationships between music and other disciplines of art: dance, video, paintings, photos, literature etc. In this way, he collaborates with musicians, composers, and sound artists. Improvisation is always the major concern for him, even if it is not his artistic goal. His approach is based on the attention to space and place, to the energy of the audience and to the quality and perception of silence on various levels."

-Fort Process (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

"968: Born in Tours, France.
1987-91: Studied history of art (University of La Sorbonne, Paris).
1988: Starting sound experiments.

Since 1991: Sound artist.

(award: Festival "Soundscape before 2000")

- tape music composer
A research based on the landscape, its sound substances, its inner language, within a sensitive listening of the world.
[7 solo CDs, many CDs compilations : Japan, Germany, Taiwan, usa...]
+ Previous releases CD:
L'empreinte de l'ivresse (Digital Narcis Ltd, Japan), The Stone of the Threshold (The Ground Fault, Usa).
+ New CD (October 2000): Les Pierres du seuil part 4-7.

- "sound plastician"
(sound environments and installations: Clepsydre, Chute, mi-lieu...)
A research dedicated to the concept: the place - the sound/one place - one work.

- radio producer

(sound essays for the national radio program ACR-France Culture)
New work: Vent sur Ecoute (dedicated to the wind).
Work in progress: Ward Weis (a portrait of this sound artist).

Since 1996: Journalist for the french magazine of new musics: Revue et Corrigée.

Interviews with Pierre Marietan, Claude Schryer, Eric Cordier, Yann Paranthoën, Cédric Peyronnet, René Farabet, Slavek Kwi, Jocelyn Robert, Jean-Luc Guionnet,...
1989-1998: Director of La Légende des voix (label of experimental music).

10 releases (Arsenije Jovanovic, Jim O'Rourke, Syllyk, ...)"

-Kunstradio (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

Track Listing:

Part 1: empty space (1:11)
Parc Floral (greenhouse)

Part 2: playgrounds (6:20)
Cité Universitaire / Arène de Lutèce / Parc de Bercy

Part 3: quais de la Seine (5:51)
Iles des Cygnes / Port de Suffren / Port de la Conférence / Pont de la Concorde

Part 4: corridors (6:39)
Arc de Triomphe / Cité Universitaire / BNF François Mitterrand

Part 5: ring road (6:00)
Porte de Pantin

Part 6: empty space (2:51)
Petite Ceinture: tunnel (Buttes Chaumont)

Part 7: stations (6:41)
Station Métro St Lazare / Gare St Lazare

Part 8: events (4:12)
Nouvel An Chinois (Rue du Temple) / Arc de Triomphe: ceremony

Part 9: gardens (6:18)
Cimetière du Père Lachaise / Square de la Turlure (Montmartre)

Part 10: site buildings (6:12)
Canal de l'Ourcq (Lafargue) / (Quai de la Marne)

Part 11: empty space (1:44)
Petite Ceinture: tunnel (Buttes Chaumont)

Part 12: empty space (0:51)
Parc Floral (fountain)

Related Categories of Interest:

Organized Sound and Sample Based Music
Field Recordings
Duo Recordings
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