The Squid's Ear Magazine

Chrysakis, Thanos / Wade Matthews / Javier Pedreira: Garnet Skein (Aural Terrains)

The trio of Thanos Chrysakis on synth, radio, gongs & laptop; Wade Matthews on synth & field recordings; and Javier Pedreira on guitar, in studio recordings of edgy electroacoustic improvisation using a wide sound palette of indescribable sources.

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Thanos Chrysakis-laptop computer, synthesizer, radio gongs

Wade Matthews-digital synthesis, field recordings

Javier Pedreira-guitar

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Label: Aural Terrains
Catalog ID: TRRN0725
Squidco Product Code: 18779

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2013
Country: Greece/UK
Packaging: Digipack
Recorded in August 2013 at Smiling Cow Studios, Madrid by Wade matthews.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"Thanos Chrysakis' output consists of composition, performance, and installation. He was born in Athens in 1971, residing in the UK since 1998. With several albums to his name his work has also appeared in festivals and events in several countries; to name but a few : CYNETart Festival, Festspielhaus Hellerau - Dresden, Academy of Arts / M:AI (Museum für Architektur und Ingenieurkunst NRW)- Berlin, Diapason Gallery - New York, ohrenhoch - der Geräuschladen Gallery - Berlin Neukölln, XXII "Sound Ways" International New Music Festival - St Petersburg, Artus Contemporary Arts Studio - Budapest, CRUCE Gallery - Madrid, Fylkingen - Stockholm, Relative (Cross) Hearings festival - Budapest, ZEPPELIN festival - Barcelona, Futura 2013 - Drôme, Festival de Música Contemporanea "Ramiro Guerra" - Monterrey, Störung festival - Barcelona, BMIC Cutting Edge concert series - The Warehouse - London . It has also received airplay -among others- by RAI radio 3, BBC radio 3, Radio Portugal Antenna 2, Radio Nacional de España, FM Brussel, Polskie Radio (Warsaw), Elektramusic (Strasbourg), Undae! Radio and Onda Sonora - Radio Circulo de Bellas Artes (CBA) (Madrid). He composes for electronics, acoustic instruments and environmental sounds, focusing on the structural, aesthetic and tranfigured capacity of sonic matter. His work was amongst the selected works at the International Competition de Musique et d'Art Sonore Electroacoustiques de Bourges 2005, in the category œuvre d'art sonore électroacoustique, while received an honorary mention in 2006 at the 7th International Electroacoustic Competition Musica Viva in Lisbon. Recent compositions include: ΕΚΝΗΨΙΣ (Aural Terrains 2012), ΜΑΓΜΑ (Monochrome Vision 2011), Milieu Interieur I/II (for Chris Cundy [solo bass and contra-bass clarinet] 2012), EIRMOS I / II (for Wilfrido Terrazas [solo flute/bass flute] 2011), ERRINA (for Alexander Bruck [solo viola] 2011). He has recorded/performed with a number of improvisers, among others : Wade Matthews, Dario Bernal-Villegas, Jerry Wigens, James O'Sullivan, Chris Cundy, Zsolt Sőrés, Artur Vidal.

Current and upcoming projects for 2013-14 include a residency at Visby centre for composers in Sweden, a series of compositions for the Stockholm Saxophone Quartet, Wilfrido Terrazas (flutes), Natalia Pérez Turner (cello), Tzenka Dianova (piano), Michael Pelzel (church organ), Ángel Soria (saxophones), and Dana Jessen (bassoon).

Advanced academic studies in composition helped French-born American musician Wade Matthews realize he was not interested in telling other people what or how to play. In 1989, he moved from New York to Madrid and became part of the international improv community. Drawing on his knowledge of electronic music, he approached the bass clarinet and alto flute as "acoustic synthesizers", rethinking their sonic possibilities, phrasing, and relation to breath in a musical language based on real-time creation. When faster processors made laptop synthesis viable, Matthews returned to his first love, tweaking a virtual synthesizer to allow very rapid control of sound parameters for solo playing and dialog with others. In 2007, he founded INTERMEDIA 28 with photographer Adam Lubroth and guitarist Julio Camarena. There, he began to combine field recordings with electronic synthesis in a 2-computer setup that has since become his main instrument.

A professional musician since 1989, Javier Pedreira has spent the last two decades combining studio work (over 100 recordings) with live performances, accompanying innumerable artists from the worlds of pop and alternative music. This constant activity has never stopped him from carrying out his own projects as well, including Latino Diablo and Extraños en el Paraíso. Moreover, his performing experience has served him well as producer, musical director and session musician for TV series, and as a composer of soundtracks.

As a free improviser, his conception of the guitar's technique and language has revolutionized an instrument that has been a veritable icon of Iberian identity, accompanying the evolution of Spanish music since the time of the vihuela. In this process, he has collaborated with outstanding musicians from the international scene, including William Parker, Abdul Moimême, John Bisset, Seijiro Murayama, Miguel A. García (ERRA FAGUS), Paloma Carrasco (MOONDOS) and Wade Matthews (GENMAICHA)."-Aural Terrains

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Artist Biographies

"Thanos Chrysakis' output consists of composition, performance, and installation. He was born in Athens in 1971. After residing in the UK between 1998-2014 he moved in 2015 to Belarus. With several albums to his name his work has appeared in festivals and events in several countries, including CYNETart Festival, Festspielhaus Hellerau - Dresden, Academy of Arts / M:AI (Museum für Architektur und Ingenieurkunst NRW)- Berlin, TU - Berlin, Diapason Gallery - New York, ohrenhoch - der Geräuschladen Gallery - Berlin Neukölln, Spazioersetti Gallery - Udine, XXII "Sound Ways" International New Music Festival - St. Petersburg, Artus Contemporary Arts Studio - Budapest, CRUCE Gallery - Madrid, Fylkingen - Stockholm, Relative (Cross) Hearings festival - Budapest, ZEPPELIN festival - Barcelona, IVM (Institut Valencià de la Música) - Valencia, Motus/Festival Futura 2013 / 21 édition - Crest-Vallée de la Drôme-Diois, Xposed Club - Cheltenham, Festival de Música Contemporanea "Ramiro Guerra" - Monterrey, FACT Centre - Liverpool, Association Ryoanji - Salle Des Fêtes - Ahun, The Center for Advanced Musical Studies at Chosen Vale/International Chosen Vale Trumpet Seminar 2014 - Hanover-New Hampshire, Frost School of Music - Clarke Recital Hall - Coral Gables/Florida, XIII Festival Internacional de Música Nueva - Monterrey, Splendor - Amsterdam, VI European Clarinet Festival - Camerino - Italy, Logos Foundation - Ghent, Palacio de Bellas Artes - Mexico City, "On the Edge of Perceptibility - Sound Art" Műcsarnok Kunsthalle - Budapest, Festival del Bosque GERMINAL - Mexico City, Noise & Fury Festival - Moscow, Oosterkerk - Amsterdam, Center for New Music - San Francisco, Västerås Konstmuseum - Västerås, Störung festival - Barcelona, BMIC Cutting Edge concert series - The Warehouse - London.

His music has been frequently aired by RAI Radio 3, BBC Radio 3, Radio Portugal Antenna 2, Radio Nacional de España Radio 3, Ireland's RTÉ Lyric FM, Polskie Radio (Warsaw), RTS - Radio Belgrade 3 (Serbia), FM Brussel, Elektramusic (Strasbourg), CKCU FM - (Ottawa), Undae! Radio and Onda Sonora - Radio Circulo de Bellas Artes (CBA) (Madrid), Radio Horizon (Johannesburg), Motus/Radio Saint Ferréol -Les Territoires Du Son (la radio du Val de Drôme), Radio Nova (Oslo) among others. In addition, his texts have been also appeared in the Leonardo Music Journal (MIT Press), the Vague Terrain Journal, and in the volumes The Book of Guilty Pleasures and The Idea of the Avant Garde - And What It Means Today (Manchester University Press) edited by Marc James Léger. He composes for electronic and acoustic instruments, as well environmental sounds, focusing on the structural, aesthetic and transfigured capacity of sonic matter.

His formal training encompasses percussion (Dimitris Tzafestas), Sonic Arts (Hugh Davies) at the Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts and a PhD in composition from Goldsmiths, University of London (EMS/Michael Young) as well as private studies in orchestration with Dmitri Smirnov. However it is the yearning of the creative praxis itself that transmitted the crucial aspect of artistic practice: that something has to be staked, that something must be ventured.

His work was amongst the selected works at the 32nd International Competition de Musique et d'Art Sonore Electroacoustiques de Bourges 2005, in the category œuvre d'art sonore électroacoustique, while received an honorary mention in 2006 at the 7th International Electroacoustic Composition Competition Musica Viva in Lisbon (the jury was constituted by Morton Subotnick (USA), François Bayle (France), and Miguel Azguime (Portugal).

He has written music for distinguished musicians such as Philippe Brunet (flugelhorn, trumpet), Wilfrido Terrazas (flutes), Chris Cundy (baritone saxophone, bass clarinet), the Stockholm Saxophone Quartet, Jason Alder (bass clarinet), Alexander Bruck (viola), Yoni Silver (bass clarinet), Natalia Pérez Turner (cello), Nadia Ratsimandresy (Onde), Mikael Rudolfsson (alto trombone), Matias Karlsen Bjornstad (soprano saxophone), Liam Hockley (clarinets), Michael Pelzel (church organ), Kate Ryder (piano, prepared piano), Tzenka Dianova (piano), Claire Chase (bass flute), Peter Evans (trumpet), Julie Kjaer (alto saxophone/alto, Luis Tabuenca (percussion), Philip Chase Hawkins (trumpet).

Recent compositions amongst others, include: Above the Hidden Track an Endless Blaze (Aural Terrains 2015), Terra Firma (for Mikael Rudolfsson [alto trombone] 2015), Astraea (for the Stockholm Saxophone Quartet, 2013), Undercurrent (for Liam Hockley [clarinet in A] 2014), Arché (for Chris Cundy [baritone saxophone] 2014), Nocturnal Flight (for Nadia Ratsimandresy [onde] 2014), Ingress (for Yoni Silver [bass clarinet] 2015), Canto Intrare (for Philippe Brunet & Philip Chase Hawkins [duo trumpets] 2015), Μήτε το Κύμα / Νé da'll onde (for Wilfrido Terrazas & Natalia Pérez Turner [bass flute / cello] 2014].

He has recorded/performed with a number of improvisers including among others Wade Matthews, Dario Bernal-Villegas, Jerry Wigens, James O'Sullivan, Philip Somervell, Jamie Coleman, Chris Cundy, Zsolt Sőrés, Sebastian Lexer, Javier Pedreira, Julie Kjaer, Artur Vidal, Christian Kobi, Christian Skjødt, Yoni Silver, Nuno Torres, Kurt Liedwart, Ernesto Rodrigues, Abdul Moimême. Furthermore, he has also closely collaborated with the visual artists Pascal Dombis, and Villő Turcsány. Since 2007 he operates the record-label 'Aural Terrains' focusing in electroacoustics, composed and improvised music.

He has held residencies at the Visby Centre for Composers (twice) and at the Artus Contemporary Arts Studio in Budapest. His work has been supported by PRS for Music Foundation and the Swedish Art Council.

Current and upcoming projects for 2016-17 include a residency at the Porticello Artist Residency in Calabria/Italy, a series of compositions for the Hyperion Ensemble, Tim Hodgkinson (bass clarinet), Yoni Silver (bass clarinet), Tibi Cenuser (trombone), for the Stockholm Saxophone Quartet, for Konus Quartett, for Liam Hockley (clarinets in A and E♭), Laura Faoro (bass flute), Philippe Brunet (trumpet), Elena Kakaliagou (french horn), Stephan Vermeersch (bass clarinet), Alexander Bruck (viola), Natalia Pérez Turner (cello), Chris Cundy (bass clarinets), Markus Wenninger (clarinet E♭), Serge Bertocchi (Tubax E♭), Shadanga Duo (alto flute/alto clarinet), Katalin Szanyi (alto flute), Jason Alder (contra bass clarinet), Alejandro Tello (oboe), Wilfrido Terrazas (flutes), Dana Jessen (bassoon) as well a new electronic music CD entitled 'Equinox'."

-Aural Terrains (

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"In 1989, after completing his doctorate at Columbia University in New York, French-born American musician Wade Matthews moved to Madrid and became active on the international improv scene. Drawing on his work at the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center (His doctoral dissertation was on improvisation guided by electronic sounds) he approached the bass clarinet and alto flute as "acoustic synthesizers," rethinking their sonic possibilities, phrasing, and relation to breath in a musical language based on real-time creation. When faster processors made laptop synthesis viable, Matthews gradually abandoned the woodwinds and returned to his first love, tweaking a virtual synthesizer to allow very rapid control of sound parameters for solo playing and dialog with others. In 2007, he founded INTERMEDIA 28 with photographer Adam Lubroth and guitarist Julio Camarena. There, he began to combine field recordings with electronic synthesis in a 2-computer setup that has since become his main instrument.

Matthews has presented his work on five continents, including performances at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the National Center for the Arts in Mexico City, the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, the Reina Sofía Museum of Contemporary Art in Madrid, The Stone, in New York; Fylkingen, in Stockholm, and concerts and festivals in London, Paris, Berlin, San Francisco, Montevideo, Barcelona, Beirut, Cape Verde, Lisbon, Dublin, Oslo, etc. Besides his concerts, Matthews is interested in sharing ideas about music and his activity as a lecturer and visiting professor has taken him to the Paris Conservatory, the University of California, San Diego; the California Art Institute, Columbia University, the Universidad de las Americas in Puebla, Mexico; the American University of Beirut, Limerick University in Ireland, and many, many others."

-Wade Matthews Website (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

Track Listing:

1. I 6:12

2. II 6:32

3. III 12:27

4. IV 5:35

5. V 8:19

6. VI 10:19

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Improvised Music
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